Friday, September 23, 2011

Quilt along announcement and a Go! Baby giveaway!

I have hinted in the past that a quilt along was on the horizon, and the time is now, People! I have paired up with Kate from Needle and Spatula to co-host a Drunkard's Path Quilt Along. As soon as I saw Kate's gorgeous quilt top (here!), I knew I wanted to delve deeper into this block and that she was the perfect person to do that with. So, the Drunkard's Path Quilt Along was born! I hope you can join us :)

I love the versatility of this block. It is traditional, yet can produce some of the most beautiful and modern patterns. Just check out some of these quilty inspirations in addition to Kate's take on this block!

1. go! baby. mini quilt., 2. Ripple quilt top, 3. Doll Quilt , 4. Bouncing Baby Blanket (Drunkard's Path Variation), 5. DRUNKARD'S PATH VARIATION - Handmade by Zilla Cook - quilted by DLQ, 6. mon sheri waves, 7. Yet another Drunkard's Path Variation, 8. Gobstoppers Quilt, 9. DRUNKARD'S PATH VARIATION - Multi Scrap/Cream - detail 1 - by Zilla Cook - quilted by DLQ - overall meander, 10. Drunkard's Path quilt...coming together nicely so far, 11. Drunkard's Path quilt top, 12. Drunkard's Path

We'll be starting up this project on October 21. We will be posting fabric requirements October 4 so that you can start to stock up. The quilt top will be finished in November, so that you can have it quilted and ready to gift for Christmas! One more thing off the holiday to-do list ;)

Here is the schedule:

September 30: Block construction options/curve-sewing tutorial
October 4: Fabric requirements
October 14: Block arrangement ideas
October 21: Planning blocks and cutting your fabric
October 27: Sewing your blocks
November 8: Assembling your blocks
November 15: Putting it all together to make your quilt top
November 21: Show and tell linky and giveaway!

Of course, there will be some fabric giveaways for those who get their tops done on target. Randi from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics has offered a gift certificate for $40 of fabric of your choosing- that is enough for 5 yards of fabric, basically another entire quilt top!

And Jody from The Fabric Shoppe has also generously offered up a fat quarter pack of Tula Pink's Prince Charming:

The cool thing about this quilt along? Kate and I are each doing it differently. Kate will be providing information and directions using templates, and I will be doing the same using the Accuquilt Go! Baby Drunkard's Path die!

Don't have a Go! Baby yet? Well, that is where the giveaway comes in handy, eh?

The lovely folks at Accuquilt have given me a Go! Baby to share with one of my readers, along with 3 dies of your choice! So go ahead and select the Drunkard's Path die as one of the three, and get right in on the quilt along fun! Want to see what else is available? Click on the link below to check out some free patterns by Accuquilt to get the ideas flowing :)

22 Free Patterns - Download Now

To enter, leave ONE comment. If you grab our QAL button and put it on your site, come leave a SECOND comment with a link and you get another entry. Winner will be announced on Thursday September 29. Best of luck!



Quilt Genius said...

That QAL looks awesome! If only I had the time...I'll have to see what I can rearrange.

iammaryburke @

Lindsay Conner said...

Such a versatile block--I love how it looks in solids!

Julie said...

What perfect timing! I just finished a doble wedding ring quilt, and I'm ready dor more curves! A die cutter would be a welcome relief for all that cutting. Count me in for the quilt along and the giveaway!

knottygnome said...

Thanks for the giveaway! i probably won't participate in the QAL but i like to follow along for inspiration.

Kelly Irene said...

I love the idea of combining the template and GO! Baby methods in the QAL! I'm looking forward to following along and am sure I'll wish I could be joining in!

Jennifer said...

This is so great! I can't wait for the quilt along! I'd love to have a go baby go for it!

Charlotte said...

eeeeeep! I would love one of these - I don't think that there is any way I could attempt a drunkards path without one!

Sequana said...

Thx for the chance to win a Baby. I'll be watching your progress on the D.Path.

Barb in Atlanta said...

Not sure I'll be able to participate in your QAL, but definitely sure I'll be thrilled if I could win this Go! Baby. Wow, Accuquilt has certainly been generous with their giveaways. All of us are thrilled! Even though I won't participate in your QAL, I'm going to follow along and may have time later on to join in.

Shelina said...

I really like the drunkard's path block. Even though it is technically difficult to make the block - well, it is only two pieces, and after that, you only have to deal with squares. Thanks for the chance to win the Accuquilt. The dies I would get would be ones that are difficult to cut - so the flowers, hearts, drunkard's path, etc.

Heather D. said...

I don't know about the QAL, we'll have to see - I have enough on my plate already, I wanted to get in on the giveaway!


Gill said...

This sounds a great QAL - and a Go! would make the cutting so much easier!!

Nicole said...

Great giveaway! I am excited to see what everyone does with this quilt along!

Leila said...

How did you know a drunkards path has been on my list!?!

PS I tried to add the button, but the graphic doesn't show up. Is it me?

Sheila said...

I´m fairly to quilting/sewing new so not up to standard for a QAL, but I will be watching what you do.
Please enter me in the Baby Go draw.

Robyn said...

I would be so excited to win a Go! Baby. I have been wanting to try a drunkard's path quilt and a Go! Baby would make it so much easier!


Anonymous said...


I would love to win. Your quilt along looks great

Agata (agatamoy at gmail dot com

ecuakim said...

I absolutely love the #9 quilt! Gorgeous! And what a great giveaway. Go!

hollymade said...

The Quilt along looks great-would definitely be a fun challenge!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am amazed at how many different ways there are to combine Drunkard's Path blocks! Fingers are crossed...

Suzee said...

I love those circle quilts! great giveaway! thank you

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the quilt along! Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!


Martina said...

Lovely! The quilt along and the giv away! Thanks so much!

Bree said...

That die is already on my list!

Anonymous said...

What a great little machine!!! Thanks for the chance to win one to try! tandjrichards(at)yahoo(dot)com

Michele said...

I'm so excited about this QAL, it will be my first. A GO! Baby is pretty exciting!

Michele said...

I've posted about the QAL on my new blog!

Thank you so much for a fantastic giveaway and QAL!

Anonymous said...

I love the flexibility of the Drunkard's Path. Count me in for the quilt along. Thanks for such a great giveaway!


littlebluebirdie said...

I love drunkard's path quilts, and the accuquilt would make making one so much easier..thanks for the giveaway and QAL!

JustPam said...

If I won the GoBaby I would so love to join this quilt along. Thanks for the chance.

Julie said...

Love the Drunkard's Path quilt - thank you for the opportunity to win the GoBaby!

two hippos said...

The drunkard's path die is the reason I most want a GO! Baby cutter. Maybe the nth time entering is the charm!

Kat Albers said...

I would love a GoBaby! It is on my birthday list, but that seems a ways away!

Patti said...

I have wanted to a Drunkard's Path quilt for ages, so your QAL is perfect. I have already won a Go! Baby( I know, lucky me!), so don't add me to the giveaway.I didn't pick the DP as a die, but I do have a 7" Crazy Curve Template from Eliza's Backporch Design which I have NEVER used! Will this work on this QAL?

Crystal said...

I would love to try a Quilt-a-Long - I've never quilted following a pattern before!

Lee Ann L. said...

I do this if I had a GO! Baby! I'd select the Drunkard's path, Hexagons and Circles dies.

Thank you for a chance to win. :-D

Kathryn said...

Would really love to win one of these!

Emillie Rose said...

Would love love love to win!
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

Garilyn S said...

I love some of those layout ideas. I've never done curves and having a Go! would be great for cutting them out!

Venus de Hilo said...

I had no desire for a GoBaby until I saw the drunkard's path die early this summer -- and have been entering every giveaway since!

I have two quilt-along tops from this year that are still not basted or quilted, do I dare start another...??

Henria O. said...

I soo want to win a Go! Baby! Let the quilt-along fun begin!

Henria O. said...

Grabbed the quilt-along button!

Kristin said...

What fun! I've never worked with curves before, so this should be...interesting. Good times!

Little Island Quilting said...

Oooooooooh, a Go!Baby giveaway. Yes please!

Anne D said...

Thanks for a great giveaway. I love the modern variations of the drunkards path but am a little nervous to make one. This quilt along is the perfect thing for me.

Little Island Quilting said...

And I put the button on my blog but it only comes out as words - no graphics - am I doing something wrong?!

erin said...

The QAL looks like fun- and the Baby GO would make it soo much easier! Thanks for the chance

Katie B said...

Yessssss! Kate's quilt is the #1 reason I got the drunkard's path die. Can't wait for the QAL!

(P.S. Just a comment...not a giveaway entry.)

Cathie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love making turtles from the Drunkards's Path.

Leigh said...

I will be following along, curves have been on my "scared to tackle" list for too long!

krisgray said...

What a fun QAL! Thanks for the chance at that cute GO Baby.

Jenelle said...

I will be following your quilt along progress. I'm not quite ready for curves but I can't wait to see what you guys make!

Annabella said...

Thank you and Accuquilt so much for the chance to win a Go Baby - I would love to win one and of course the DP die! I am in on the QAL - sounds like it`s going to be a lot of fun!

Alli said...

Ohhh, I like the drunkard's path pattern, but was lazy about cutting all those circles out. I think your quiltalong might get me motivated, though!

Shay said...

Damn and Blast! Why didn't you post this a week ago? I'm sure you've read my post about my insane goal of finishing 6 quilts before the end of the year!

I'll sit on the sidelines kicking myself but cheering you on all the same .....

P's Qs said...

I'd love to try this.

Annabella said...

I just added the button to my side bar here

Tanya said...

Wow, love the samples you chose! Most of the DP quilts I've seen are ones my grama made...lovely, but slightly old fashioned. I may just try this!

Solstitches said...

I love the look of the Drunkard's Path block.
Thanks for the chance to win a Go Baby.

Lee said...

Thank you for the lovely giveaway. The QAL lookd wonderful!

Ashley W. said...

I have entered to win this so many times...maybe one of these days I'll get lucky! Which would really mean that my mom would get lucky because I plan to give it to her.

Patty said...

I keep trying to win a go and drunkards path is always a die I'd like. I would also like strip and a holiday meldeley.

Laura said...

I have only made one drunkard's path block before but I love how they look! The go cutter would be great for this.

Heather said...

I am considering the QAL. Maybe if I win a go! Baby I will have the motivation

Laura said...

Ok, I tried to post the button on my blog but the graphic doesn't appear. I guess other people have had a problem, too. Any suggestions?

Rosa said...

I`ll looking how you play with the Go because I think this `s a very difficult blog to sew.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Kristie. I think I have lost count on how many giveaways I've entered for one of these little beauties. :) I always pick the drunkards path die as I think it is very versatile, also the value die set and either circles or hexagons.
:) Sandy.

Cathy said...

oh pick me! I think this little gadget would come in sooooooooooo handy!

Annmarie said...

I've never done a Drunkard's Path but the QAL looks sooo inviting-especially if I had a GO Baby die to help. Thanks for the chance to win a GO Baby. I really need one!

Ella said...

If I win the Go, I'm totally in...if not, I may just follow from afar.

Coisas da Laura said...

Thank you for this opportunity!!!It is impossible to purchase this machine here in Brasil.If I win I am willing to pay for the shipping,ok???

Jo said...

What a wonderful idea for a quilt along. Ok I will admit I haven't mastered curves and they scare the heck out of me but I just might join anyway. Thanks for the chance to win.

Joy said...

I've been wanting to try a Drunkard's Path awesome it would be to win the die! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had time for a quilt-along. I will be viewing all the finished projects though!

drmithome said...

Would love to win the giveaway. I have too many WIP to start another quilt along , but looks wonderful. Thanks.

Kathy said...

Count me in, I want to win! I am afraid of curves. But I may be able to do them since I have been doing little skill builders here and there. Crossing my fingers I can do it!

Kathy said...

I put your button on my right sidebar. See it at:

Anonymous said...

I would be so excited to have a go baby!

bethanndodd said...

How exciting! I have the drunkard's path die on my wishlist! I think the QAL would be fun with or without it though ;) Thanks for the chance! Smiles~Beth

Unknown said...

I have been eyeing this thing forever... Ty for the giveaway

james and bess said...

love all the inspiration photos for the drunkard's path qal! great giveaway!

bess :)

Shelley said...

Would love to win a go baby to use for this quilt along!

felicity said...

Aw man, I love the Drunkard's Path! I just can't do a quilt along now though. Unless I win the Go! Baby. Hint, hint.

Allison C said...

Earlier this week signed up for a class to learn this pattern in a couple weeks at a local quilt shop. Bummer, but I guess I will have had practice and should be able to actually join my first quilt-a-long! How exciting! It will be great to learn lots of different techniques. Maybe if I win the baby it will be slightly different than the class....regardless I'm really looking forward to it. Now I get to shop for fabric. Yay!

Rachel said...

Oh gosh, another quilt-along I want to join. Love it!

elizabeth t said...

I really would love a Go Baby! Thanks for the chance to win!

Can't wait for the QAL!

ethet at charter dot net

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I am excited. ;)

Rie said...

This is such a brilliant product, I seem to get a little lost when it comes to cutting the fabric!

Unknown said...

This is so tempting to join! Maybe if I win... ;)

Annieofbluegables said...

I'd love to learn the double wedding ring. If Go offers this, it would be my preference. Along with Drunkards path.
I'd love a Go Baby. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks to you and Accu-quilt Go people.

Unknown said...

I added your button to my blog! :)

Deb said...

I'm with you on the QAL! I've got templates but would love a Baby GO! go make cutting out the pieces so much easier!

Deb said...

I put your button for the QAL on my blog at

Surely Stitching said...

Love the pictures you've posted! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, too.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Wow! A GO! is the only thing that could tempt me to attempt a whole Drunkard's Path quilt - my accuracy sucks! Thanks for the opportunity to join you x

Lexi said...

Yay! I've been waiting for this QAL to start. Can't wait to go stash hunting when the requirements are up.

amy dame said...

i've been super inspired by the drunkard's path quilts i've been seeing lately - a baby go! would make it so easy!

i'm intrigued by the sew along, and i'm contemplating it.... as if i don't already have enough WIPs!

the gathering girls said...

Looks like it will be a fun to decide on what colors to use....!

Lesly said...

I've always loved Drunkard's Path! I may really have to join in this QAL. The timeline looks good, too!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a baby go! Thank you for an entry!

Anonymous said...

I added your button to my sidebar....there's a lot on there, so you have to scroll down. Thanks! =)

Katie Jobczynski said...

I would love a Go! Baby!

Michele T said...

I've always love the Drunkards Path but have never made a quilt with the pattern... one day... when the timing is right! Thanks for the chance.

jlk said...

I have always wanted to try this block, but have always been a little intimidated. Maybe now is the time to tackle it!

N. Perez said...

I love to win this babe! Thanks for the chance and the quilting inspiration,

Barb said...

I have seen so many Go Baby ideas and posts online that I feel like I must have one. Please pick me.
I should really join the QAL too. I am going to check out my stash for inspiration.

hueisei said...

I love the idea, but I don't have the dies :)
Thanks for the chance to win..

Kim said...

Just found your blog the other day and now to read about the quilt along . . maybe what I need to get my butt in gear !!!!

Marilee said...

Oh, how the GoBaby would make the Drunkards Path so much easier.

babiesdoc said...

I haven't considered drunkards path until, I saw the amazing variations in your mosaic.
A Go Baby would certainly make such a quilt doable

thank you for the giveaway

annabelle said...

Fabulous block and the quilt along looks so fun...maybe I'll win and join:)

thank you

JanetK said...

I would love a Go! Baby!! I don't think I would undertake a Drunkard's Path quilt without some way of making the cutting easier.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Thanks for the giveaway - I'd love to win one for my mum who really struggles with using a rotary cutter...I'm sure it would stay at my house sometimes too ;o)

Rachael said...

oh what a cool quilt along, i would do love to win this giveaway.

Crafty Tokyo Mama said...

I'm looking forward to joining this quilt along. Curves scare me so hopefully my fears will be unfounded after I follow your instructions. If I am fortunate enough to win the Go Baby, fine and dandy, otherwise it'll be scissors and sweat for me!

Pam said...

Thanks for the chance to win a Go Baby!! Either way, I can't wait for this QAL!!

Charlotte said...

Ah, I wish Accuquilt would send me one of these to try out! But alas, I have to resort to trying to win one! :)

Anna said...

I would love to win one of these. It is on my very long term wish list, but as I have just gone back to university, it is a very long way off!!

Thankyou for the chance to maybe win one!


Rhonda the Rambler said...

I seen someone use the Go! and the drunkards path die to make an owl. I sure wish (1) I had a Go! to make one and (2) I could find that pattern/tutorial again. UGH!! Thanks for the giveaway.

SewLindaAnn said...

I used to just admire the pretty flowers and birds people made with the GO. Lately though there's been some really neat patterns going on, like this one! I would definitely go for that die.

Marcia W. said...

Great QAL announcement - hope can be free enough to participate come October. Would really want to win this cutter so is easier to participate. Drunkard's path, hexie, and value pack are the ones that would select if win...
Thanks for the giveaway and heads-up on the QAL.

Andrea said...

I am excited to do this quilt along!

Kirsten said...

I haven't done any curvy blocks yet so this would be a great way to start!

Crystal said...

Thanks for hosting the QAL and the giveaway! I would treasure that little machine in my studio.

jqluo said...

Thanks for the chance to win this.. I am pray to be lucky one.

Anonymous said...

Great to see the Baby Go in use it's so versatile! Thanks for a chance to win one too.
Grace:) grace (at) amnet (dot) net (dot) au

Jenny said...

yes, drunkards path is one of the dies i covet! would love to win and quilt a long with you!!

the frog princess said...

I would love to win one of these!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful block. I would love to have a GO! Baby. It has been on my wish list for a while now.

Julie said...

...and the button is up! Color me excited!

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

You always have such fun things going on on your blog, thanks for the great giveaway!!

Elizabeth said...

To enter, leave ONE comment:

Hello, I've always wanted to try the Go baby!! Thanks

Elizabeth said...

If you grab our QAL button and put it on your site, come leave a SECOND comment with a link and you get another entry.

Done, and Done! Looks so cute on my food blog too! :)

WandaFish said...

I'd love to try a drunkard's path quilt but don't think I could attempt it without a Go Baby! Thanks for the chance to win :)

The Little Shop of Stitches said...

Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win a Go Baby! Thanks for the opportunity!

Natalie said...

Ooh, I'm so excited that you guys are getting ready to start your QAL! I would love to give the pattern a try using the Go Baby-- here's hoping I'm the lucky one!

Natalie said...

p.s. I added your super cute button to my blog! I love the design, and I'm hoping that I'll find a little time to join in!

Love is the Movement said...

Every time someone posts about their Go! Baby I long for it a little bit more haha. I want to make a tumbler quilt so bad, but its like the drunkard's path...something I would not attempt to do without some cutting help :)

Here's to hoping!

robin said...

Oooo! So exciting! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

robin said...

I put your quilt-along button on my blog:

Shannon said...

Ooh, I've been wanting to try a drunkard's path quilt for so long! And I'd love to win a Go! Baby!

Janae' said...

Love the giveaway!

Anne said...

That is such a beautiful quilt!! I wonder if I have time to join the QAL.... :D Thank you for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

just trying my luck this time, thanks.

Kimberly said...

OHH..I always wanted to try! I am exciting I will have someone to follow...Will love to win Go! Baby!

Sue D said...

Would love to win this!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for inspiring me to enjoy a new hobby and take some mommy me time! A go-baby would save me some time;) Love Trish

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a Baby GO!

Paula Lemos said...

I will not be able to participate in the QAL; can I still enter the GO! Baby giveaway? I would so love to have one! Thanks!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Would love a chance to win the go baby! *drools*

Nikki said...

Awesome giveaway - thanks for the opportunity to win!

bea langeweg said...


Like the Baby GO put me on the list off # like it # .Thanks for putting those give a ways up
Bea from Canada

Kell said...

I'd love to join in but I have to finish some of the other quilt along tops that I have. I'll be following along though. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love those apple core dies! I've always wanted to make one of those quilts.

Beth said...

Thanks for the heads-up on the QAL. I appreciate you giving us enough time to juggle the other projects we're all undoubtedly working on. :)

And thanks much for the Go Baby giveaway. How I'd love to win!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Kate Quilts said...

I would love to have a Go Baby cutter, and would love to join your QAL. Unfortunately I don't have the opportunity for the QAL at the moment, but will be looking at the results. I love drunkard's path quilts. :)

Unknown said...

This looks like fun. I have yet to try a Drunkard's path.

Lisnaweary Quilts said...

I've just found your blog via the Moda Bakeshop. I think its a great idea to have a dual QAL - traditional v. accuquilt! Looking forward to following both:)

rockgranny said...

I would like to win the GoBaby so I could join this quilt along. Thanks for the chance.

Lindsey said...

I'm so excited for this quilt along! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I have the drunkard's path die but haven't played with it yet. I love how versatile the block is.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I added the button to my blog....

Shelby Huff said...

Oooh... you're right, Kate's quilt top is absolutely gorgeous! Sewing the curves scares me, but it might be time for me to buck up and give it a try with this QAL.
Thanks for the giveaway Accuquilt!

shelbylyn122 at

Jeannette said...

If I had the GoBaby cutter I might actually consider doing drunkard's path blocks again. You both have some beautiful quilts.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved the Drunkards Path block, so versatile but have never tried it. The GoBaby would make it so much more fun. Thanks for a chance to win.

RenoRx (Watch Meesh Run) said...

Yippee! It would be nice to have a GoBaby for this Quilt Along!! Thanks for the opportunity!! Fingers crossed!

Caroline said...

I would LOVE a GoBaby! I have been looking at them, I just can't afford one and the dies....there are a few of them that I would like. Thanks for the offer! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Kate said...

I would LOVE a GoBaby!! Thanks for the opportunity. Can't wait for more drunkard's path -- absolutely one of my all time favourite piecing adventures!

ejpkam said...

I'd love to win

Ladybug said...

I would love to make a drunkards path quilt and a baby go is just the thing to get me started. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sallove said...

I keep seeing these and would love to have a Go Baby. Thanks for the chance to win.

Shirley said...

I just found your blog through the Moda Bake Shop. Perfect timing as I would love to win a Go Baby. Thanks for the chance to win one! :)

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

Thanks for this opportunity!


Tanea said...

I would love to win a Go! Baby. I especially need a circle die because I can never cut circles!

tarabu said...

The only way I would attempt a Drunkard's path is with a Go! - I just don't see me accurately cutting out that many curves!

Beeshebags said...

Oh my gosh....I wonder if I'll have time to do the QAL....I guess only time will tell! Hugs Naomi

SamanthaK said...

A Drunkard's Path quilt is on my bucket list of quilts to do, although I am very intimidated by the blocks because of all of the curves and precision involved. Perhaps a Go! would make this much less intimidating! :) Thank you!

Megan said...

I so wish I had time to join this quiltalong! Such a fun design!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a Go Baby! Visions of presents to make are dancing through my mind! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Danique said...

Love the Go Baby, and would love to cross it off my wish list! Great tutorial on the Moda Bakeshop, already ordered the frames!

Danique Martin

Marian-Lady Face said...

Yay!!!! This will be my first quilt along!! I'm super excited and these Go! Baby cutters seem sooo awesome! I'd love to have one to help me in the cutting process!! Thank you for your inspiring blog!

Susie said...

I'd love to win a Go! Baby to join in the QAL. Talk about a super time saver! The Drunkard's Path block is SO versatile too. The different looks you can create just by turning it a different direction is rather nifty! Thanks for the chance to save time and to join in the QAL.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to get my hands on a Go! Baby! It looks like just what I need as I am soooo bad at cutting out! My Mum is horrified that I have grown up in a family of seamstresses & quilters & yet I can't cut out a piece of fabric without butchering it lol. Oh the shame I have brought onto my family! If only I had a Go! Baby to help bring my daughter into the next generation & have her not shamed by my butchering skills ;o) Haha!
Anyway, look forward to getting lots of inspiration from the QAL even if I am unable to get my butt off the computer chair & participate ;o)
PS: I came over here after seeing your gorgeous clutch purses on Moda Bakeshop Gorgeous creations & I can't wait to try the tutorial out for myself & maybe even impress my lil girl with one too!

Rebecca / rebelliouskiwi

Denise in Sacramento said...

I would love to win a Go! Baby! I have purchased several of Sarah Vedeler's machine embroidery quilt CDs and her quilts are based on Accuquilt's dyes.

Looking forward to the Drunkard's Path QAL.

Danny Heyen said...

I've never participated in a quilt along but I would love to win the Go! Baby and join in!

Candy Mak said...

A Go Baby would make a quilt along much easier.

Rose M. said...

Have never made a Drunkard's Path quilt so would be my first (if I win the Go Baby)!

Donna Baker said...

wow this is fun - I would love to quilt a long, hope I can find the time! the go baby! is on my wish list!!

Donna Baker said...

I added the QAL badge on my blog for a 2nd entry! hope I'm not too late!

Kelly said...

Oh thank you moda bake shop for sending me to you- now I have a chance to win!!! Go!Baby! yes- would love it - and may tag along on the QAL

Liz said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I want a GO! Baby so much!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com

Carla G said...

Thanks for a chance to win a Go Baby! I've been wanting one for awhile! The quilt along sounds great, I'll be watching, but unfortunately won't have time to join. :)

CJ said...

What a fun QAL and your inspiration board is,well, INSPIRING!

Krista Schneider said...

yay! I' ve been dying to do a drunkard's path quilt ever since I started quilting (only like 5 months ago) so even though I have tons of projects going already, I'm so joining in on this! Thanks so much :D