Monday, December 30, 2013

cold. colder. coldest. And coupon.

I am grumpy.  It has been about -30 degrees here for about 3 weeks now.  As far as cold snaps go, this has CROSSED THE LINE.

But luckily I have has some cheering up from some lovely people who have been whipping up Good Old Hockey Quilts for loved ones for Christmas. Thought I would share a couple here that I have received this week….

By Alison (alisonharle on IG):

By Ileen:

By Liz:

Aren't they awesome?!?!

So I have decided to run a coupon on the pattern to celebrate the new year, and hopefully generate some good karma to banish this frigid weather!!   So, from now until January 6/14,  The Good Old Hockey Game quilt pattern on Etsy is 25% off with the coupon code "hockeycanada".

Off to shovel the driveway. Again.


Katy Cameron said...

I'm thinking you need to go visit the person that made that quilt in the middle, she seems to be snow free :oD

Katie B said...

How cool! Allison killed it with her photo shoot. Serious bonus points.

And bless your frozen heart. We were in Indiana last week, and I nearly perished. Now we're back in Alabama, where its in the 50s, as nature intended.

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Thanks so much for the discount on your pattern. I've been planning to make one for my nephew for a while now - this was just the little push I needed! Love this quilt! Sorry to hear it's miserably cold where you are!

Ileen said...

I am the snowless one. Everyone is welcome to come on down! This is a very cool pattern with many possibilities

Ileen said...

I am the snowless one. Everyone is welcome to come on down! This is a very cool pattern with many possibilities

Unknown said...

My boss Brotherhood Greetings .... !!!

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