Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 4: less stress project meets hormones

This week, HORMONES were introduced to the LSP.

It wasn't even a fair fight.  Hormones clearly won.

I am grateful I survived this week without becoming a news headline.  I had fantasies of running away from home or dropping my children off on a street corner somewhere far, far away.  I also considered divorcing my husband several times.  No, I did not eat well, sleep well, exercise or accomplish any of my LSP objectives.  I was in survival mode, people!

It's truly amazing how a normally rational (??) human being can be completely blind sided by little molecules coursing through the blood stream.  The tiny fraction of my brain that survived the onslaught kept saying, "You have been taken over by aliens, hang tight and do NOT make any major life decisions for 5 days! You can do this!"  I clung to that voice and muscled through.  It seems my monthly craziness has just compounded with age, a smaller part of the rational surviving each time.  Is that true for anyone else?  Or am I totally losing my marbles?

Anyways.  This morning, I could tell the war was over.  I popped into my youngest daughter's room to wake her up this morning and saw this sight:

Little sleepy toes popping out from quilts made by mama.  I was awash with love, and all was right with the world again.


Anonymous said...

I feel for you, sister! How strong we are - the female race. We can handle it all. Maybe you need a little break from it all - a day off where you do ONLY the things that make you glad. And take-out for dinner!

Svetlana said...

Kristie, I so love how wonderfully honest you're in your writings. I love reading about your LSP so much, maybe because I can totally relate to all the struggles, and even some victories you write about. You gave me a good laugh friend, thanks. Hope this week is a lot better.

krisgray said...

You are not alone! Those pesky little things really mess with what we call normal, don't they?

Shay said...

Totally on board with this post...I have 5 days of the month where I dont know what Im going to say or do next (and its usually not pretty!) And then magically overnight I turn back into a sane rational human being again ...until next time.

Carla said...

Oh dear, this was me the past few days too. My husband has learned to remind me, "this is NOT who you are, this is NOT who you are..." he seems to believe it, but I am sure this is a helpful exercise for him too. "This is NOT my normal wife, this is NOT my normal wife.." I'm relieved to hear I am not alone. :) Hooray for those moments of lucidity and love even during the storm!

Katy Cameron said...

Right there with you, except in the last year or two it also means eating a ton of crap. Ugh.

Unknown said...

Warm sleepy kids make it all better! I too have been on "the edge" the last few days. I considered running a rude driver off the road! Thank goodness the kids weren't in the car to witness the gestures and the language!