
Friday, February 4, 2011

Accelerated quilt along- top done!

Been sewing like a Psycho and finished the patchwork step of Rachel's quilt along Wednesday night.

Sliced up those strip sets into over 200 segments, then re-sewed them together into 42 blocks. The pattern calls for 48 blocks to make a 60 X 80"quilt, but I am going to shorten mine up to 60 X 70" and save some goodies for the back ;)
Oh yah and I ironed seams....a LOT of seams.

Last night I figured I may as well just finish it off so I could enter for the prizes. So, here she is (excuse the crappy lighting):

I love it. I absolutely adore this Hello Betty line- how did I not know about it before? Thanks, Katie, for tipping me off :-) The colors are so fresh, and I love them paired with the linen. The linen was a bit of a pain to work with, kinda stretchy, and MANY of my corners don't match up, but it is good enough to make this girl happy. This quilt will look amazing in my family room....may need to use some of my extra bits to make some coordinating pillows for my couch.

Phew! I am going to go enjoy a sewing-free weekend now ;) Happy Friday!


  1. Okay, now I know for sure that OCD is the perfect name for your blog. ;-) You are bionic! The linen looks great with it! Happy Weekend!

  2. You don't mess around! lol - Beautiful quilt!

  3. What a lot of work! Well done :)

  4. I love it when I have the time to sew like that and go from start to finish in no time flat. Great job.

  5. OMG. This look ssooo good! I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that you finished all of that already...way to go!

  6. WOW. You're a sewing maniac! This looks fantastic. I'm a little jealous of your linen...

  7. Oh wow! I can't believe you got it finished up in what, a couple days?! Looks amazing!

  8. i. love. this. quilt!!!

    the addition of the linen is just great. i still have part of my fat quarter set, and you are inspiring me to do something with it. i have a doll quilt for a swap to make and i may just follow you! :)

  9. Looks wonderful! Congrats on this finish! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Holy cow that was fast! It's really very pretty. I bet the linen was a bear to work with but it really is lovely!

  11. That's fantastic! I can't believe you got it done so quickly.

  12. Looks amazing Kristie - well done! Can't believe how quickly you brought it all together


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