
Friday, November 18, 2011

like mother, like daughter

Last But Not Least has been into drawing lately, and does amazingly good work for her age (in my unbiased opinion as her mother). She has an "artist's notebook" in which she makes her most prized creations. One night this week, she decided to make a quilt, like Mom! So, with one of mine spread out on the floor as her "inspiration," she chose her color scheme (pink, purple, yellow) and got to work designing her very own quilt.

She even carefully labelled it as such in her sweet little handwriting at the top of the page.

I am actually really digging her design....maybe I should translate this into fabric?

That's my girl! I guess you could say she is a chip off the old {quilt} block ;)


  1. Really cute. I'm sure you were over the top excited that she has your talent.

  2. This is awesome. I see a great mother/daughter partnership brewing! She's the visionary, you execute the designs.

  3. I really do love the way she balanced her colors. Wonderful! She and AmandaJean's little girl should get together :)

  4. Cute!!! Oh you two should make it into a quilt together!!!

  5. That is awesome! I am always amazed at how "modern" children's ideas look...we could definitely learn a few things from them!

  6. I love it! I definitely want to see that in fabric :)

  7. She is a natural! You totally should make that up in fabric...what a treasure!

  8. So precious! I bet she would fall head over heels for a fabric quilt made after her design ;) Smiles~Beth

  9. Too cute! Don't you just love when your kids start to show interest in crafting?

  10. Great job LBNL!!!! Now put that sweet smile on and ask your mommy to cut up a bunch of little pink, yellow and purple squares out of her scraps. Grab your nearest glue stick and glue yourself up a quilt on paper, just like the plan you made with your markers! I love your sketchbook!

  11. I think it would make a great quilt and think of how proud your little girl would be! You could frame and hang her design artwork in her room too.

  12. I think Last but Not Least would be absolutely tickled pink of you made that into a quilt.

    I think your have a quilt-ista in the making there too!

  13. So gorgeous (both the drawing & LBNL)!
    I love it that mine is so interested in quilts, crafting & drawing too :)

  14. PLEASE make that quilt! It's so vibrant and pretty and I bet she'd be thrilled. :D

  15. How sweet! And already a great eye for color and balance...

  16. You should definitely make that quilt! Perhaps you should make a miniquilt and she could help you out using the fabrics.... so cute!

  17. Step aside Mom! The LBNL express is rolling through!

  18. This is great! It inspired my four-year-old to design her own quilt. Love your daughter's colour choices and design flair!


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