
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Welcome, Festival Goers!

Amy's Creative Side

This time around, I have decided to share my favorite quilt-du-jour and most recent finish, my Ghastlies quilt.   I found the perfect "haunted house" at which to photograph my quilt...very spooky!


I made this one with no pattern or plan in mind, just started with a few wonky blocks around fussy cuts from Alexander Henry's The Ghastlies line, and the project grew.  I added oranges, purples and pinks from my stash to compliment the greys and blacks, and had a blast bringing it all together.  One of my favorite parts is the wonky border, and the huge spiderweb quilting.  I did a tutorial for the quilting here (and there is also a Ghastly giveaway that you can enter if you'd like!).

The back is a simple spiderweb print from the local Fabricland, which, we discovered by fluke recently, glows in the dark!  My kids were VERY excited by this, really ramped up the "cool" factor for them (is "cool" the word to use these days??).

Wishing you all a spooktacular Halloween, and thanks for stopping by!  You can peek at some of my other finished quilts here if you'd like.  Enjoy the Festival!

Update:  It is nomination time, so if you are kind enough to nominate my quilt, I am #352!  Best categories would be:
- quilt photography
- home machine quilted (spiderweb!)
- throw quilt

Thank you!


  1. This is a great showcasing of such a fun fabric line! Beautiful fussy cuts and I love your border.

  2. Love this quilt! I am a huge fan of the Ghastlies collections (to the point where I haven't dared cut into any of my fabrics yet) so I appreciate the inspiration. The "haunted house" photos are great!

  3. This is a super seasonal quilt. Your photography really showcases it well.

  4. Glow in the dark backing - that's just brilliant!

  5. Oh my goodness what a great quilt. I love the fussy cutting of the prints and the border is so much fun!

  6. I don't normally go for holiday theme quilts, but this is just so much fun! Fabulous work!

  7. LOVE that border Kristie. The whole quilt is perfect!

  8. Great quilt. Love the fussy cuts and the backing fabric.
    Hooray for a Halloweeny quilt.

  9. I love your quilt. I have the same fabric and am trying to decide how I am going to use it in a quilt.

  10. This quilt is great and what a perfect setting to photograph it at.

  11. A fabulous quilt - love the colours and your spider web quilting is amazing!

  12. fabulous Halloween quilt I say... fabulous. pictures too.

  13. This is such a cool quilt. Love the colour combo

  14. Yikes, I'm pretty sure I have that same spiderweb fabric and didn't realized it glowed in the dark. Guess I'll have to make something else to use that;-) Love, love, love this quilt!!! It's just Ghastly:-)

  15. Beautiful quilt! I love your ghastlies!

  16. Very fun, spooky quilt! Love your colors you used, and that backing is just cool!

  17. Beautiful quilt and wonderful photos! I'm happy to see that you have taken care to show your adorable quilt in a lovely scene! x Teje

  18. Love your quilt! I scored on purchasing the Ghastlies this summer...40% off...yay! I haven't done a thing with it but am anxious to figure out what to do/make. Thanks for sharing!! Great quilt :)

  19. What a cute Halloween quilt. I can imagine your kids will have a lot of fun with it.

  20. I'm sooo jealous that I haven't done hardly any seasonal quilts. I have to do some - they really brighten up the house! This is very cool and I love the old shack you found - hope you had a nice Halloween! I just posted my quilt festival entry today by the skin of my teeth! : )

  21. I love, love, love this quilt, Kristie. Everything about it is totally amazing, and your quilting rocks!!!!!

  22. I love this quilt!! And the quilting it just perfect!

    Jennifer :)

  23. Great set-up. And I just love the wonky pieced border.


Your comments make my day! Sharing projects with others makes it all the more fun. Thanks for your kind words!