
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

you win some, you lose some

Thanks, everyone, for your votes and encouraging comments for the Sew-vivor contest!  Unfortunately, I am not advancing to the next round.  I made the top 5 according to the popular vote (thanks to all of YOU!) but I was voted in the bottom 3 by the two judges, which lowered my score and took me out of the running. *Le sigh*. Ah well, you can't win 'em all!  Regardless, I had a fantastic time participating.  Best of luck to the very talented advancing contestants!  Be sure to check them out at Family Ever After!


  1. Commiserations Kristie, but you did a wonderful job on your fishy project and getting as far as you did.

  2. Bummer. :( You're still a rock star, though!

  3. I think you should of been picked !
    I thought your fish pouch was brilliant !
    What do the judges know ...LOL

  4. Congratulations -- you did so well advancing to the Top 5.

  5. What a drag! I loved your project!

  6. Good on ya for trying. You'll get 'em next year!

  7. Aw, man! Maybe a tiny bit of relief though? It seems like it would've been a lot of work.

  8. Being in the top 5 is still an awesome accomplishment =D Congrats!!!!


Your comments make my day! Sharing projects with others makes it all the more fun. Thanks for your kind words!