
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

epic bag.

Just a couple days until I return to Loon Lake in B.C. for another fabulous quilt retreat hosted by Krista.  I have a million things to do to get my house in order before then.  But instead, I decided I NEEDED to make a new bag.

Inspiration hit and nothing could be done- the world had to stop until I got it made.  I made some sketches and got to work.  And the longer I worked at it the more excited I became.  I nicknamed it the "Epic Bag" in some of my Instagram progress pictures, and I think the name has stuck.  Because this bag is epic, dudes.  It has all the elements I love- wonky patchwork. Bits and pieces of some favorite fabrics.  Little details. Fussy cutting. Hand stitching.  Great color mixed with fun low volume fabrics. Hardware and zippers.  Function.  And I think after years of frustration, I finally used the perfect amount of interfacing!  I am so pleased with myself (can you tell?).

The front panel was inspired by a flying geese block tutorial by Hyacinth Quilt Designs found here.  On the back, I added some random flying geese as well, and some fun hand stitching with Perle cotton.

A detail shot of the hardware tabs for the cross-body strap and some of the patchwork and random hand stitching for you!

I even used some favorite fabrics for lining.  Heather Ross pin people in the front zippered pocket....

...and some precious Anna Maria Horner Good Folks for my inner lining. The interior has two rows of slip pockets and another zippered one as well. I should have no excuses not to be organized!

The top of the bag has an inset zipper as well to close it securely.

Two sets of straps, so that it may be worn cross body like so, with the top folding over (cute, eh?)....

....or slung over my forearm.

I am thinking that I might draw up a pattern of this is there is any interest??  What do you think?


  1. Epic indeed. Close up instructions of the zipper enclosING the bag please because I always give up on that part of the bag making because I don't understand it.
    THANK YOU:-)

  2. that's fab! I pinned that geese tutorial the other day too - so cute!

  3. Now that's an epic bag indeed. What an amazing combination of function, beauty and uniqueness. Love, love, love.

  4. I really like how it folds over when worn across the body; that's a cute detail. I'd make one if you made a pattern available.

  5. I spotted that bag in your photo yesterday and loved it at first sight. It's even more awesome up close...the details are fab! A pattern would be great! Smiles~Beth

  6. Yes, yes please! I've been stalking your # and your instagram and your blog hoping you'll post a tute on it! LOVE the bag. <3

  7. You'd sell this pattern like crazy! I love it and would totally make one myself. Who doesn't need an epic bag?!? Can't wait for a personal tour of features on Friday!!!

  8. It is so very epic! Love everything about it. A pattern would be spectacular.

    And, also, cool watch!

  9. That is indeed one epic bag...Love the lining !

  10. Epic indeed! And of course one always needs a new bag when travelling anywhere ;o)

  11. I definitely would love this pattern. This bag is epic. Details on the enclosed zipper would also be super awesome!

  12. I bow to your greatness!
    And of course a pattern! It's awesome!

  13. Gorgeous! Your bags are the best.

  14. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!
    Please Please Please make a pattern for this bag......ASAP!!
    I'm not being to pushie am I?!? I really love this bag! I would start making one for myself just as soon as you post a pattern!!!
    Totally 100% LOVE LOVE LOVE!
    Thanks for sharing and look forward to maybe seeing a pattern soon!
    Hope that answers your!

  15. It turned out fantastic. Yeah for you.

  16. Epic bag for an epic lady! Love it and would definitely buy the pattern. xo

  17. Yes, please make a pattern! Really great bag!!

  18. An epic bag indeed!

    So please tell, what is the perfect amount of interfacing?


Your comments make my day! Sharing projects with others makes it all the more fun. Thanks for your kind words!