
Monday, February 24, 2014

paradise found.

What have I been up to?  Well, mostly shovelling.  But for one blissful week, my family and I escaped the cold Canadian winter and were pampered at an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica!

So, so good for the soul.

We got some sun.....

....and surf....

.....and made new friends.

The only "blues" involved the blue sky, blue sea, blue toes (Hello, toes! I haven't seen you out of socks forever!) and blue yarn....

One little hiccup....

....but otherwise a perfect holiday.  All recharged to face another couple months of winter!


  1. Not liking to look of the hiccup - hope all is well now x
    I am very very jealous of the rest, even the snow!

  2. Looks dreamy (other than the hiccup--that looks very sad).

  3. Looks fab, other than the hiccup! Still, she was capable of glowering at the camera, so I'm assuming she's up and going again now...

  4. The vacay looks absolutely fab and I probably way better than chilling with me in the Peg would have been lol I'll catch you next time i'm in town. I hope the hiccup didn't last long, that's a crummy way to spend any vacation poor girl!

  5. BAD hiccup :-( Hope all is well now!

  6. Awwww....hiccup. :( But yay to everything else!

  7. Super freaking awesome holiday snaps! (Aside from that medical looking one – that has no place in a holiday album!)

    It must have been bliss to escape all the snow.

    I used to have a dog that looked exactly like your new found beach friend....

  8. Looks beautiful! I'm very jealous. I've never been to an all included resort. What happened to your little girl?


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