
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

the champs!

Part of the reason I have been so quiet on the blog lately is that we have been busy with hockey playoff season!  My son plays for a top level team for his age, and he and his buddies played some amazing hockey for us this season, stuff that would put The Jets to shame!

It was a long road, but they made it alllll the way to the end- game 3 in a best of three for the finals!  And they came out as the champions!!

Could not be a prouder hockey mom of this hard working boy xoxo

To help support our boys along the way, the moms banded together for a night of wine and appetizers to make team scarves!  It was a simple pattern- fleece in team colours cut in long strips, I sewed them together along the middle, and then all the moms used scissors to fringe the edges.

Don't we look sharp??  No wonder we won!

Congratulations to the boys and families of 9A1 River East Royals White!  What a great season :)


  1. So cool! Luke plays sports now, but I'm going to be a nervous wreck when he gets to a more competitive level.

  2. It was totally the accessories that nailed it ;o) Congrats to them!

  3. Whoooooooooo Hoooooooooo...Congratulations to the winners !

    You ladies look fabulous in those scarves.


Your comments make my day! Sharing projects with others makes it all the more fun. Thanks for your kind words!