Wednesday, May 28, 2014

don't pass out: I finished a quilt

It has been ages. This is actually my first quilt finish for 2014, aside from my Basic Binary mini.  This one is nothing fancy at all- basic patchwork using a sweet Parisian double gauze fabric gifted to me by Alison ages ago.  I pieced the top in about 30 minutes back at Loon Lake, along with some other tops that are all still sitting in a Tupperware, unfinished, in my messy sewing area.

But I thought it was time to complete SOMETHING, so I dug out this one, meant for a baby girl born last fall, and basted it.  I quilted it with cathedral windows.....

....and backed it with an adorable Alexander Henry Monkey Bizness fabric that had the perfect colours and style with its cute flea market scenes.  Love it.  Panicking and wishing I had stashed more ;)

I also had one of those blissful moments that only quilters can understand, when you look in you stash for binding and find the perfect match, not knowing where or when you bought it, or what the heck it even is, other than PERFECT.  See?  Stashing justified.  I hand bound it while enjoying a quiet, rainy afternoon on the deck at the cottage.

A simple quilt, just perfect for a little baby girl with a French Canadian heritage.  Baby Renee was named for her departed grandmother, who had an inspiring 4 year battle with inflammatory breast cancer, but did it all with grace.  She passed away in 2010, but had a blog about her journey, which has since had some entries by her eldest daughter.  Renee was an amazing writer.  The link is here if you would like to read it- bring a tissue. A great quote that stuck with me:

"It's like getting into a boat that is just about to sail out to sea and sink. There are no life rafts, no floats and no one gets out alive. Rather than trying to ward off the inevitable, why not accept it and enjoy the trip?"
Pema Chodron
A Buddhist nun describing life

A lovely sentiment that fits in rather well with my less stress project, I think. 

Have a great day and enjoy the trip, my friends!


Anonymous said...

such pretty and quiet little pieces! The running out of a special fabric always makes me sad too - but we collect it because we hope to use it, I guess! Nice photos - very serene vibe coming from this post, thank you!

Unknown said...

You are so talented. Thank you for sharing on line to inspire those of us with....somewhat less talent!

Carla said...

It's very sweet and I like how you quilted it : ) said...

Yeah you, your on a roll!!!
I like the way you quilted it.
D.G. L

Katy Cameron said...

Yay finishes! And interesting to read about week 2, I've also been slipping on the sleep, but need to get back on top of it

Shay said...

Yep- its a beauty alright - and the perfect size to encourage you to get back into quilting ....

Live a Colorful Life said...

I love this finish (and will start the journey to locate some of that fabric). What a wonderful quote.

Michele said...

Yeah for you for a lovely finish!