


  1. I LOVE Your HOCKEY QUILT!! I would love to make one for my grandson, do you have any directions written down? I am a fairly new quilter and I know he would be thrilled he is only 9 yrs old.

    Thank you so much!

  2. I LOVE Your HOCKEY QUILT!! I would love to make one for my grandson, do you have any directions written down? I am a fairly new quilter and I know he would be thrilled he is only 9 yrs old.

    Thank you so much!

  3. Kristie, Do you have a pattern for sale of the wedding quilt you pieced that Jenny quilted? I'd love to get a copy.

  4. I am interested in the McKinley Quilt. Is there any history to the quilt or is it just what you named it. My mother's maiden name is McKinley.

    I love the quilt and hope to make it soon.

    Jackie Cato

  5. Hi, I love the coin purse! I tried to make several of them and got glue all over the place! Do you have any suggestions on how to put the top of the body purse into the frame without the messies? Thank you

  6. Love the typewriter journal. Did you use fabric for the cover (the typewriter)? If so, where can I purchase this fabric?


  7. Love the bag. Where can I buy this colored mesh at a reasonable price.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What kind of glue did you use when you made the coin purse? I am going to try to make my first one.

  10. I enjoyed making your drawstring bag. I noticed my Mum's scrabble bag was no doubling up as a Rummicub bag so I grabbed the opportunity to make this - perfect for tile games. Thanks so much. Very clear and everyone on facebook seemed to like the finished article.


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