
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Make It, Take It blog tour!


Welcome, friends of Make It, Take It by Krista Hennebury, the fabulous crafty book about retreat-worthy projects! This is one of the last stops on the blog tour train, and so happy to be part of it and this book.  As with the other contributors, I will be giving away a digital copy of the book today, so for your chance to win, please leave a comment below about your favourite retreat experience.  Winner will be drawn on Thursday April 16!

My contribution to this book was the Knitwit Needle Clutch, hanging out on page 40.  This project is the perfect combination of both of my stitchy loves, sewing and knitting.

*image from Make It, Take It by Krista Hennebury, Martingale, 2015; used by permission. 
Photo by Brent Kane.  All Rights Reserved.

This clutch stays in my current knitting project bag and I have taken it with me pretty much everywhere over the past 2 years since I first designed it.  It really is handy!  Here is my own personal Knitwit Needle Clutch in Echino :) And my current sweater project that I hope to finish soon to enjoy for spring!

The inspiration for this design came from need.  (ha ha!  "Need" in the loosest sense....) I have one of those fabulous sets of interchangeable needles, and wanted to organize them in something a bit more stylish than the package they came with.  Thus, the Knitwit Needle Clutch was born! Using some fun knit-themed linen I had been hoarding for who knows how long, I made a fun organizational pouch with clear vinyl pockets to allow you to place labels to customize to your personal needle and cable collection.

There is a flap to keep all of the needles from slipping out the side of then clutch when closed:

It all folds up into a fashionable, compact and functional carrying case, with room for needed notions and such as well in a zippered compartment on the back.

If you are of the "bi-craftual" orientation and happen to make a Knitwit Needle Clutch, be sure to email me with a photo or tag me on instagram, I would love to see it!

So many wonderful projects in this book.  I hope you do enjoy it.  Good luck in the giveaway!


  1. I love the orange grove quilt on the cover.

  2. My favorite retreat experience was with two Australian designers, Gail Pan and Helen Stubbings. They were excellent teachers and very funny, too, when they taught us all the different techniques and "tricks".

    The book looks fabulous.

  3. In a couple months 4 of us quilters are going to my quiltin' cousin's house in the cool Arizona mountains for a marathon quilting weekend. Love the small Ayumi tote bag.

  4. I have never been to a quilt retreat but have been to several women's retreats. I love the bonding, sharing and worship that happens at these retreats. One always walks away feeling revitalized and spiritually refreshed.

    tushay3 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com

  5. A lovely present for knitters :-)
    Best regards,

  6. I have been to many festivals but never an actual retreat and am hoping to go to one soon.

  7. Our guild just had a "Quilt 'til you Wilt" yesterday. We take our own lunch and then bring a dish for a pot luck supper. It's nice to get revitalized with fresh ideas.

  8. I've never been on a retreat - would love to but doubt it will happen.

  9. I have never been on a retreat but hope to get the opportunity some day.

  10. Very cute!! If my daughter continues her dabble into knitting, I'll have to make her one of these!

  11. This book looks great! I've never been on a retreat, the closest I've got is my monthly quilt group meeting

  12. I have yet to go on a sewing retreat. I'm hoping to go when my daughter is a bit older. I love your knitting clutch. I need something like that as well.

  13. I have never been to a retreat. I would love to, but they al seem to be held during periods I can not take days of from work. I am lucky to have a sewing room to myself so I can get away from the world. Sometimes a friend comes over to sew with me. Those evenings are just the best!!!
    Love your addition to the book! I don't know how to knit, but some day I will learn! I guess it will be just as addictive as quilting, right???
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  14. I don't have any knitters in the family, but many do crochet. I think this would be good for crochet hooks as well.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have never been on a quilt retreat. My guild holds one, but not when I can go.

  17. My favorite retreat experience was about 20 years ago. The first activity on the schedule was to watch a how-to-dye-fabric video. The woman was knowledgeable and may have otherwise been a good instructor, but was totally inexperienced in video teaching. It was like she had never rehearsed and was making it up as she went along. She was so awkward at times that some of us couldn't help but laugh. The more serious she was, the more we laughed. I'm sure the lady never imagined she could be so hilarious. We started out laughing here and there, and by the time the video was over we were rolling on the floor howling with tears running down our faces. Then we all went outside and had lots of fun dyeing a bunch of fabric. It was the best kick-off to a quilting retreat ever! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  18. I can only imagine the wonder of attending a retreat...hoping to win a copy of this book so I might experience a bit secondhand.

    Love the blog and am in awe of all you accomplish; you are inspiring. Because of sharing the binary quilt on your blog, my 12 yr old son and I found the book at the library and are working on making a binary quilt at this moment for his math teacher. And wishing you all the best on your continued road to recovery!

  19. Since I haven't been to a retreat yet, my favorite experience is yet to come. I think I need to get moving on that!

  20. I have yet to go on a retreat! But I think I would love the bit where there are no interruptions or daily chores to worry about!!
    I am a knitter and think your pouch is great. It would give me the perfect excuse to buy interchangeable needles!! :)

  21. I spent yesterday learning to knit and LOVED it!!! I hope to (eventually) have a Hitch Hiker Scarf when I am done!!!

  22. I went on a mini retreat with 2 friends when I lived in the states and it was wonderful. I haven't managed to go on another one but have a friend I try and spend a day sewing with occasionally. The book 'ooks great.

  23. I've never been on a quilting retreat...on my bucket list, though!


  25. I am not much of a knitter. I like to crochet. this little clutch would work great for crochet hook too.

  26. My best retreat experience is always the most recent one. I've been on 3, and they are all so much fun! Exhausting (we stay up sewing into the wee hours), but worth it. :)

  27. Beautiful job, such a fun looking book. I have never been on a retreat, but hope to some day!

  28. I have yet to attend a retreat but will be lucky enough to join Krista on an Alaskan cruise this June when we will be making projects from this lovely book. congratulations on your contribution.

  29. I've never been on a retreat. Just getting organized as to what to bring is overwhelming to me!

  30. Your bag would be a lovely present for knitters and might help me to corral my knitting needles as well.

  31. Sadly, I don't have a retreat experience to comment on! I would jump at the chance to go on one though and sew along with new friends.

  32. Does relaxing time at the cabin count? I love the pouch:)

  33. Sadly I've never been on a retreat either. Some day.

  34. I'm obviously not in for the giveaway ; ) Just here to thank you so much for enthusiastically participating in this book, Kristie. It makes me so happy to have all of my fav bloggy friends in it with me. I love your fabulous clutch design and plan to make one for my mom for Christmas this year!

  35. I've yet to go on a sewing retreat but I'm hoping to be able to go to one soon since my youngest will be going off to college in the fall!

  36. I've yet to go on a sewing retreat but I'm hoping to be able to go to one soon since my youngest will be going off to college in the fall!

  37. Lovely clutch perfect to get my needles in order
    I never have been in a sewing retreat it myst be wonderful. I read always comments about these retreats and i would love to join in but .... I live too far in Barcelona and hrre is not usual

  38. I go on retreat to my fav hotel in Brevard, NC - my husband fishes and I do a new technique while he is gone.Then we compare - fish to quilts!

  39. Kristie, I have a knitting needle NEED too. lol!! Lovely project design and finish, congratulations! Great project that I've had on my want to get done list forev-ah!

  40. Love your needle clutch! I HAVE to make one for my daughter!

  41. I'm fairly new to the quilting world, so haven't been on a retreat, but would love to win this book and hopefully in the future get to attend a retreat.

  42. Kristie it's so nice to meet you.
    The Knitwit Needle Clutch is so clever and yep sewing and knitting are two of my stitching addictions. I'd love to make the clutch. Planning a retreat for early summer so the book in either version would be most welcome. Thank you so much for your inspiration.

  43. My favorite retreat is Empty Spools at Asilomar in CA. It is 5 days of heaven, workshops, good food, and friendships!

  44. I can't wait to see this book. It looks like it has a lot of great and useful projects to make.

  45. I can't say that I have a favourite retreat experience as I have never been on one! However, I can imagine having a wonderful weekend getaway with like-minded quilters, just gabbing and sewing. Sounds like heaven! Hope I win this fabulous book.


  46. So many wonderful projects. Love the zipper pouch at the end.

  47. Love the things made from that book!

  48. Great clutch - I would love to make one!

  49. I've never been to s retreat but would love to try making the bags in this book!

  50. Still looking to go on my first retreat. I did get to go to Houston one year. That so overwhelming and amazing

  51. I've never had the opportunity to go on a retreat but would love to! I don't think schlepping my serger to my mom's house to sew curtains together really counts :)

    I'm sorry about your arms, I hope you are back to normal soon!

  52. I love the Knitwit Needle Clutch - where did you get the fabric with the knitting images on it?

    1. I bought it a long time ago on etsy. It was screen printed. It is now available on Spoonflower in a couple variations:

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Your comments make my day! Sharing projects with others makes it all the more fun. Thanks for your kind words!