Monday, October 6, 2014

around the world blog hop

One of my very favourite blogging/quilting/IG friends, greenleaf goods, tagged me in the Around the World Blog Hop, to share a bit about my crafting process.  So come on in, take a peek inside my brain (if you dare)!!!

1. What quilting/sewing thing am I working on?

I have total ADHD when it comes to crafty projects.  I usually have ten things going at a time.  But I have to say, at the moment I am being pretty tame!  In quilting, I just finished this "hope" rainbow quilt top.  I was having a craptastic week last week, and normally when I am stressed and needing to spend time on other things, that is when inspiration hits.  I was driving and the picture of this one just popped in my head.  I went home and sketched it, and made it up over the past week.  It will be a gift- it felt really good, in the midst of MY stress, to be doing something positive for someone else to boost THEM up.  There is always someone going through something worse than you are, so this was very therapeutic for me as I was sorting my own issues out.

In addition, I have a Liberty quilt top and a Briar Rose one all cut and waiting to be pieced.  Also an assortment of Liberty scraps half assembled, intended to be made into pouches (when I got distracted).

As for knitting, I am inches away from finishing an awesome bulky sweater that will be PERFECT for fall!  Just bought the buttons :)  I also have another cardigan that I abandoned to switch to this one, which I will pick up again soon. I love the fact that knitting is so portable, as our family is always on the go.  I try to keep a project stashed in my purse at all times!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I draw so much inspiration from the IG and blogging community.  So often, I will see something someone else has made and that will be the starting point for my own project, which then evolves into something else.  I think that I am different in that I rarely start out with a plan, and often not even a finished quilt in mind.  I just start cutting and piecing and let the work evolve.  A prime example would be my Ghastlies quilt. I just began to frame some fussy cuts and when I felt like I had done enough, I pieced them together, and added a scrappy border, too.  Then I got the idea to quilt it with a big spider web.  I love how it came together, it remains one of my favourites.

Another example is this mini quilt I recently completed for my best friend.  She wanted me to make something based on her favourite quote.  I used the words as my inspiration, emphasizing different ones by using different materials and colours, and even added some embroidery.  Then I added lots of texture with free motion quilting.  Again, I started this project with no idea of how it would look finished, just making decisions as I went.  It's amazing what ideas might be rattling around in your brain if you pause to listen ;)

I really never work from a pattern in quilting or sewing.  To me, these are my opportunities to be creative.  I am going to attempt some clothes, though, so we will see if I can follow a pattern there!  In knitting, however, I normally do follow a pattern.  Knitting is my therapeutic activity- mindless and receptive, the combination is great for meditation and relaxation.  

3. How does my writing/creating process work and why do I write/create what I do?
As I said, it is normally very impromptu.  I find a fabric or a project that inspires me, then I take and element from it and build on it to make it my own.  I love the journey of making a quilt, all the steps that lead up to the finished product.  Well, except basting.  Who likes basting??
I also feel that quilting, writing and knitting is all about connecting with others.  I am making something that I want them to love, so I want it to suit them.  I spend the time I am working on it thinking of the recipient.  I really try to make the gift FOR the recipient, THEIR tastes and style, not mine, which sometimes challenges me out of my comfort zone.  Even if our styles are very different, I can usually find a way to amalgamate them somewhat so the piece can be very THEM but also be ME.  
I love the writing aspect of blogging, something that is lost somewhat with the short snippets of IG.  I love spinning a long tale, telling a joke,  and I always strive to be honest and real.  I am not perfect, I have many flaws, but despite that, I have a life filled with love and fun and laughter, along with the inevitable frustrations and hardships.  I think because I speak like that to people through what I write, I have made some true connections and some wonderful friends. And that human connection is what it's all about!
So now I get to choose a couple friends to do the blog hop!  I am going to tag Krista of Poppyprint, who, speaking of around the world, just got home from Italy, and who comes up with wonderful creative techniques like Improv Under the Influence that I would love to hear more about!  I am also going to tag my Australian friend Shay of Quilting in my Pyjamas, who I daresay has a schizophrenic approach to quilting, or at least her to-make lists!  ;)

Thanks for reading through!  I have lots of finishes to share with you soon, I promise!


Katy Cameron said...

Love your choice of quilts/projects for this post. Rather nervous to read the 2nd of your 2 tagee's posts though lol

Svetlana said...

thanks for sharing. I so love all these projects you featured and I'm looking forward to seeing that Liberty pouch, it is going to be stunning for sure.

Shay said...

Making something for someone else is always a great feeling isnt it? That rainbow of colour looks great . Love that little message on there too...

I recall your ghastlies quilt – that was the quilting inspiration for my two Superheroes quilts !

I totally agree with what you say about crafting activities building connection . I think life now is so stressful a lot of the time and creativity is one way to slow down and smell the roses and to share that feeling with others.

You are one of my favourite bloggers because of your writing style – you ARE real and honest and so so funny! I love that you aren’t perfect and dont mind sharing that with us.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and reading about your process, especially because it really resonates with me! It certainly helps that I love all of your projects, too. And I know that feeling of having an idea in mind and wanting to drop everything and go for it right away. If I lived closer I'd be coming by to get my hands on all of your gorgeous quilts and hand knits! Thanks so much for playing along :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea, an around the world blog hop! As someone who travels often, I'm always interested in learning about new destinations. Speaking of health, Meri Sehat's online medical services have made it easier for me to stay healthy while on the go. Their BP check tool has been invaluable in monitoring my blood pressure.

Mahira Jameel said...

The "Around the World Blog Hop" sounds like an amazing way to discover new summer collection 2023 trends from around the globe. If you're a fan of Pakistani fashion, you should definitely check out Ittehad Textile's latest offerings. With their high-quality fabrics and excellent customer service, they're sure to impress!

Jocelyn Martha said...

I loved reading your travel adventures! Your vivid descriptions made me feel like I was right there with you. As a Thesis Writing Service myself, I appreciate the effort you put into researching and sharing cultural insights. Keep up the great work and happy travels!