Sunday, May 22, 2011

Giveaway Day and my Blogaversary, too!


Welcome, everyone!

I don't know where the time went, but it has now been one year since I made my first quilt, and started this blog to share it at the Blogger's Quilt Festival. Wow, I have had a great time! Here we are, 17 quilts later and a stack of other sewing and knitting projects to boot. I have learned so much, made new friends, and acquired one heck of a stash ;) So, since this milestone happens to perfectly align with Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day, I thought I would share a little bit of fabric with you.

I picked up some sweet fat quarters of the lovely Dream On by Urban Chiks not long ago in some citrus yellows and oranges. I love how this line is reminiscent of vintage sheets I remember from my childhood. But, since I am plugging away on a quilt with authentic vintage sheet bits, I figured I would pass these replicas on to you.

So, this giveaway will include 6 fat quarters of Dream On, as seen here:

To enter:
1. Leave a comment- anything will do
2. Leave a second comment if you have been one of my followers over this past year, or if you are a new follower :-) Thank you!!
3. If you are also hosting a giveaway, leave an additional comment including the link to your goodies.

Deadline is midnight on Wednesday, May 25. I am happy to ship internationally!

Thanks for popping by, and enjoy Giveaway Day!


1 – 200 of 756   Newer›   Newest»
AnneMarie said...

You're on my wavelength! Vintage-y looking and what not... LOVE it!

AnneMarie said...

I am a follower (at least if not before the Love Nest contest)..

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

Love your blog! I would so love to have more of this line of Urban Chiks.

AnneMarie said...

Here's my vintage sheets and a look-alike goodness -

Laura said...

Wow! You have done so much in one year!

Bec said...

Yay!! Im number 1! xx happy blogaversary!xx

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

I love being a follower and I didn't know you're a new blogger as well. I'm learning aLOT today.

Laura said...

I am a follower!

Bec said...

ohhh What.. the time it took me to click... some lucky people beat me to it!! Im def a follower my lovely! xx

Anita said...

Congrats on your one year anniversary of your first quilt.

Kate R said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway - these fabrics are great :)

Kate R said...

Well done on coming this far in a year! I have enjoyed following your blog and look forward to seeing what the next year will bring :)

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Yummy, yummy, great FQ's!!! Happy bloggyversary, thanks for sharing :)

Elizabeth Dackson said...

And your blog was one of the first quilty blogs I started following last fall, so I'm a very content follower :)

Annelies said...

I love this line...but then again I love all things Urban Chik!!!!

Ella said...

So pretty! happy blogaversary!

Annelies said...

Of course I am a much inspiration!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love dream on! Crossing my fingers.

Ella said...

I'm also a follower! ellaredstar(at)gmail(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

And I follow you in g-reader.

Bonnie said...

Love your blog! Happy bloggiversary!

Bonnie said...

I'm a follower!

Lynette said...

These are pretty fabrics. :D

Meg said...

Love these! Thanks for the chance!

Meg said...

I follow!

Lynette said...

I've been a follower for a few months now (started my blog late Jan.)

Rachel said...

Love the bright, cheerful colours!

Rachel said...

Happy blogaversary! I am a follower :)

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I can't believe you have only been quilting for one year. I started a year ago with a rag quilt, but I made my first real (binded)quilt two weeks ago. I also made a messenger bag using your tutorial. Thanks for sharing with us!

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I have been following you for a couple of months now! Love your blog, it's my favorite :)

Dee said...

Happy Anniversary! I've been a follower for awhile now!

Dee said...

Very cute fabric!

Anonymous said...

These would make a great picnic blanket! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I can appreciate the colors in that bundle...some of my favs! Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I've been following for a while now.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog! =)

Anonymous said...

You can find my fabric or handbag giveaway here...take your pick! =)

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I have a giveaway going on here:

Sallie said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Sallie said...

I'm already a follower!

Deb said...

Hi! I am a relatively new follower--for about 2 weeks. I LOVE the Dream On line and the vintage sheet look.

Thanks! Deb from

mennikelly said...

Nice dishcloth.... How did your mom like it?

Lindsay Conner said...

I love these FQs! So happy that your blogiversary coincides with Giveaway Day!

Lindsay Conner said...

I'm a follower and my giveaways are at AND

Katie B said...

I can't believe you've only been quilting for a year you talented thing! Love the Dream On FQs!

Katie B said...

Of course I'm a follower!

Katie B said...

My giveaway is set to post in the morning. You'll be able to find it on my blog. Http://

Unknown said...

I love these colors and would love to win. In all honesty these fabrics, look so much like the fabrics that I had in my MOD bedroom back in 1972, could it really be?!?

Peach Rainbow said...

Congrats on your blogiversary and all the achievements during the first year of blogging!
(I think the link for your first quilt it not working)
Thanks for the lovely giveaway :D

Jenniffier said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway the butterflies on top are great!

Peach Rainbow said...

I follow!

leigh said...

What a great giveaway! I yellow and orange are my favorite colors!

Jenniffier said...

I am a follower and have been for a bit, at least in google reader, i will check the follower app.

leigh said...

I have been following you on google reader for a month or so now - you've got great stuff!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the give a way.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower

leigh said...

I've got a giveaway coming up tomorrow morning on my blog:

Catskill Quilter said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! Your site is huge for only one year!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am a new follower -- and I have bookmarked you as well!

robin said...

I love Dream On - I'm just starting to collect vintage sheets. Found a great one the other day at MCC. :) I wish more of the sheets there were "prettier" and so many of the ones that are there feel low quality - I don't think they'd hold up well in a quilt. Anyway - thanks for the giveaway chance!

robin said...

I've been following for a few months - nice to follow a fellow Manitoban. I'm near Altona. :)

Melanie said...

I love Dream On. I remember my mom's super soft vintage sheets (that she dried on a clothes line).

Thanks for the chance!

Melanie said...

I'm a follower!

rockgranny said...

I am a follower!

Rhinestone Beagle said...

Love the colors!

rockgranny said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary!

Rhinestone Beagle said...

Im a follower too!

Anne - Tesla's Mom said...

Those fabrics are delicious!

Anne - Tesla's Mom said...

I am already a follower!

Anne - Tesla's Mom said...

I am also participating int he Giveaway Day!

Martina said...

Such lovely goodies! I would love to win those yummy fabrics! Thanks so much!

Martina said...

I am already a follower! Love to read your posts!

Martina said...

I have also a little give away on my blog!

felicity said...

Wow, only a year? You *are* an over-achiever. Thanks for the giveaway. If I win then the gods are telling us that we *must* get together for wine.

felicity said...

I'm a follower, eh.

twelfthzodiac said...

I pop in from time to time here...I always end up drooling over your Mckinley quilt, so gorgeous! I had no idea you were so new to quilting! You're kind of awesome!

Jen T said...

I love those beautiful fq's!

Jen T said...

I've been following for a while :)

LakshmiRP said...

I love the Butterfly print one!

LakshmiRP said...

I have been your follower for almost an year now. Would love you check back my blog Adithis Amma Sews - Cute Confessions of a Sew Addict I am from India and showcase the Indian outfits i design and create.

There are also loads of tutorials already on board featuring how to-s, the most popular ones are Saree Blouse, Patiala Salwar, Cowl Neck, Angrakha to name a few. Please have a look at the Tutorials Page

Kelsey said...

I Love Dream On!

Kelsey said...

I'm already a follower. :)

Kelsey said...

You can find my giveaway of FMF and DS Quilts fabric here:

Camilla said...

Happy bloggiversary :)

Camilla said...

I'm a follower too :)

Crystal said...

I've been following you for nearly half of that year! I love that we are both Canadians and I am just amazed that you have made so many quilts this year - congrats! I love the colors in your giveaway.

P.S. Come over and enter my giveaway too :)

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Great giveaway Kristie, could I be lucky for a 2nd time in one of your giveaway!!

Joanna @ ShapeMoth said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I will try my luck ;)

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Yours was one of the first quilting blogs I started to follow last year!

Joanna @ ShapeMoth said...

I also have a SMS Giveaway:

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

My giveaway is here:

AliceKiss said...

I am follower)))

AliceKiss said...

I really like the fabric. I would like to participate in the giveaway!

AliceKiss said...

My blog

Shay said...

What a lovely giveaway. I have some of that fabric stashed somewhere in layer cake form. Im going to use it when we're in the dead of winter to remind myself of Spring.

I've just found you in Blogland through the BQF but I can see already I'll be around for your second and third and subsequent blogiversaries.

sp said...

Happy Blogaversary! I would love to win!

sp said...

I follow you through Google Reader. I love your blog!

mooncalf said...

Congratulations on your one-year-i-versary! 17 quilts! Not too shabby :P

I've not been following you but you've been in my bookmarks for a long time. Thanks for all the great tutorials!

Meg said...

AAHHH love Dream On!!!!!

Meg said...

Also, I'm an old follower

Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

Luove the fabric, looks like vintage sheets!

Patty said...

Thanks for the chance to enter. I love the vintage sheet look of the fabric.

Patty said...

I also follow you on reader.

Montseta - Montsecosecose said...

...and I'm a new follower.

jane p said...

Adoring vintage!

Riel Nason said...

Hi Kristie, Congrats on your year of blogging! My giveaway link is ... surf on by for your chance to win 8 Jennifer Paganelli FQs. Cheers, Riel

Laura said...

OO - love dream on - it's so vintage looking! =) Happy blogaversary - can't believe in 1 year you have so many quilts made and so many followers. That is v. exciting!!

Laura said...

of course I'm a follower - I have your blog on my reader, so I can keep up w/all your posts. =)

Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and this give-a-way! =)

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

Dreamy giveaway, love those colors.

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

Happy blogiversary, I found you during the last SMS giveaway day and really love your blog.

Unknown said...

What a cute bunch of fabric! Thanks for the chance. :)

Unknown said...

I'm already a follower!

Dianne said...

What beautiful fabric :-) And happy blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

OOOO! I'm coming back later for the pillowcase dress tutorial!

Christie S. said...

Woo Hoo! I've been one of your followers over this past year.

Leigh said...

I absolutely love the colors in this line! Thanks for the chance!

Leigh said...

I'm a follower!

Leigh said...

And I'm giving away some fabric and pearl cotton here!

Christie S. said...

Thanks for participating in the great Giveaway Day.

Michell said...

Thanks for a great giveaway

Jonathan and Raechel said...

What pretty fabric! Crossing my fingers!

CityHouseStudio said...

What a lovely giveaway!

CityHouseStudio said...

My giveaway is here:

Caren said...

Someone needs to create a "BLOGIVERSARY" song. You know, like the birthday song, but singing Blogiverseary instead of birthday doesn't quite work (unless you're a tongue twister champ, or one of those paid advertisers who spoutoffwordsreallyreallyfastsonoonelistenstohowbadthemedicinesareforyoursystemandyoutakethemanyway)

Amy Friend said...

Here's my giveaway but, you already entered....I hope it still counts!

Caren said...

I follow your blog. I got on a tangent with my last post. Did you want me to say anything in particular? What a day - already my train of thought is de-railed!

Amy Friend said...

I'm a follower thanks to our fellow mate Kelli :)

Amy Friend said...

And I love these fabrics and don't have any yet so I would be thrilled to win!

Liz said...

Those are beautiful! I love vintage sheets!

Liz said...

I've been a follower for awhile now :)

Charity said...

Wow, I would have never realized that you have only been blogging for a year. I thought you had been established in this for quite a while. Your doing fabulous. I always enjoy reading.

Charity said...

I've been following for a few months now :)

Wendy said...

oh yum, lovely fabric!

Wendy said...

I'm joining in the giveaway day:

Bree said...

I've got a soft-spot for vintage prints, and in my favorite colors?! It doesn't get much better than that!

Bree said...

I've been a follower for some time now, and I'm always glad I am. :)

Sequana said...

I've been a follower on my Google Reader, but I'm officially #476 here now.

Sequana said...

You're so right - these look exactly like beautiful vintage sheets. Thx for the chance to win them.

Bree said...

I'm hosting a giveaway as well!

Carrie said...

These are so springy. I love them! Thank you!

And this would be . . . . said...

I am lacking in yellow fabrics. Those would help me out greatly!

And this would be . . . . said...

I am a follower.

Sincerely, Sara said...

Love it!

Brielle said...

Quilting and crafting, and watching your creations are an inspiration!

Annmarie said...

I love the cute butterflies on Dream On. Thanks for the chance to win some.

Annmarie said...

I have been your follower for awhile. Keep up the good blogging & thanks!

christy said...

thanks for the giveaway.

Faddict said...

OMG! Love this fabric! Thx for the chance to win:)

MBMeadows said...

love this fabric!! yyyuuummm!

MBMeadows said...

now a new follower too!

SHARM said...

Thanks for giving a chance I will be taking a quilting class coming June... so I am vry excited and the colors are lovely to make a small quilt...

PushDoula said...

Love the vintage fabric!

PushDoula said...

I am also a follower. Great blog! Love it!

Lisa said...

I just began quilting in Jan. of this year. I too have learned most of what I have learned from bloggers like yourself. Keep up the good work.

Lisa said...

I am also a follower!

Ninu said...

Love the fabrics you are sharing! Thanks for the chance!

Fran said...

I am a fairly new quilter & am amazed that you have only been quilting & blogging for a year. Congratulations & well done. This is a lovely giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.

Fran said...

I am a follower too.

Jennadesigns said...

Love vintage sheets - I cannot wait to see how your quilt turns out!

Lee said...

Lovely giveaway, thank you! : )

Lee said...

I'm a follower.

Kimberly said...

I am your follower :)

Kimberly said...

I have enjoying reading your blog :) Love the dream on fabric!

Julia Gabriel said...

Lovely vintage line. I hope you post pics of your finished quilt.

Michele T said...

Oooooh! I love this dreamy fabric!! Sweet!

Michele T said...

I am a follower already! Yay!!

Belinda said...

I adore those fabrics!

Christie describeHappy said...

So much to celebrate today!! I'm really enjoying all that you blog about!! Cheers to many more years of bloggy fun!

Christie describeHappy said...

I have been happily following along for sometime now!

Emily said...

I am currently working on redoing my girls' room using "real" vintage sheets. I've been wanting to get some Dream On for awhile now, haven't because I've been so focused on other projects. Would love to win!

Tawny said...

HI Kristie! What a terrific prize. I remember having a very similar-looking pillowcase on my bed when I was little. So awesome.

Tawny said...

I've been following for awhile now. :)

Emily said...

I follow you on my blogroll.

Tawny said...

And I'm having my very own giveaway as well. Check it out here:

Regina said...

What fun springy colors! Thank you!

Regina said...

Oh...and I'm a new follower~

Tong said...

LOVE Dream On! I'm making a quilt for our wedding in a few months using that line, love it! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Tong said...

Come check out my giveaway at

Jamie said...

Great giveaway, I would love to win!

~JamieS@ Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

Tie Dye Diva said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

New blog follower.

My giveaway - PDF sewing Patterns 3-pack!

btsoi. said...

Love the vintage-y fabrics!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Nice giveaway!!
Finger crossing here!!

MaryPoppins xoxo


Gina said...

Nice giveaway, love the fabrics! Gorgeous!

Sharon said...

Pretty fabrics! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway.

Go-Go Kim said...

Super giveaway! I just made a quilt for my grandma with Dream is beautiful! Thanks so much!!!!!!

My giveaway is Moda sock monkey fabric here :

Erica Childs said...

Just starting out quilting and am so inspired by all the amazing things people are doing and their incredible blogs!!

Tanya said...

That fabric is awesome!

Tanya said...

I am a follower and have been. Love your blog.

floreksa said...

What a cute line!

Kassia said...

Oooo cute fabrics! :)

Kassia said...

I'm a new follower too. :)

Busy Mamma said...

Ah. One could envision SO many projects with fabrics such as these. LOVE IT! :)

Busy Mamma said...

I am new to the blog world, so I'm new to following you! P.S. I love the name of your blog!

Quilt Genius said...

What pretty fabric. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!


Quilt Genius said...

I have a giveaway on my blog at!


erica said...

These fabrics are beautiful

Little Blue Mouse said...

Great giveaway!
Happy Blogaversary!

Little Blue Mouse said...

...and I'm a follower.

Anonymous said...

Love the vintage fabrics!!!

Patty said...

Thanks for the chance to win - lovely fabric!

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