The day has arrived, folks! The transition has been made. I am the
Big 4-0!
It happened over the weekend. I have to say, it was painless. Pleasant, even. It turns out I am well suited to being thoroughly spoiled. I quite enjoyed it all, really.
For my last "big" birthday, 30, I had just given birth to Big G ten days prior. So I was sitting on a donut pillow, bleeding out of my boobies and sleep deprived. The Hubs and I attempted a brief dinner out ,but I lactated through my shirt about 40 minutes in, so it was anything but glamourous.
But fast forward 10 years, 3 babies, new home, cottage, career partnership and many more notables later, and dang, I think I did it up right! So far, in my books, forty is pretty AWESOME!
The fun began last week. The awesome staff at my office punked me, and they did it good. As you may or may not know, I am a dentist. So, as is often the case, I had a new patient booked before lunch who had a toothache. I brought him in and introduced myself and reviewed the chart. Some history of drugs, lived in a rough area of town...this should be interesting. But again, I have seen "interesting" before. Over the course of the 15 minute appointment, the patient swore constantly and was generally neurotic (again, nothing new). Things escalated until, at the end of the appointment, when I told him I could find nothing wrong with his tooth, he starting yelling at me, calling me a quack that didn't know anything, and then he got up and basically forced me into the chair. By now I was FREAKING OUT inside. He was fumbling in his pockets, and I was thinking, "Please don't stab me or flash me today." Instead, he pulled out a small cake, candle and lighter, and burst into a song, all about me!! Yes, he got me good. Maybe I should have noticed his name was Jack Goff and caught on earlier? But I fell for it hook, line and sinker! I have never laughed so hard. This was followed up with flowers, lunch and lovely thoughtful gifts from my staff. It was wonderful, and totally ME.

The fun continued with a surprise evening out planned by The Hubs.
A HUGE Hummer limo came to pick us up, and then stopped to collect six other couples, the people in my life that I love (as crazy as they may be).
My outfit was embellished by some necessary additions...
We headed to a restaurant in town to enjoy incredible food and wine, and of course, cake. Then more wine at the piano bar before we headed home. Again, spoiled with the gifts. Wine, jewelry, gag gifts, flowers. One of my favourites was this gift from my sister- a huge mason jar filled with 40 candies, each with a tag attached- "40 reasons why I love you and am thankful you are my sister." So precious. I am happily munching my way through them all :)
From The Hubs and my kids, a very special gift and surprise- a
custom family portrait by none other than HEATHER ROSS!!! Yes, this is a thing. She does ten per year, and I will be the lucky recipient of one! So, I will get to WORK WITH HEATHER to plan a hand drawn personal portrait that captures my family at this amazing and special time in our lives. Eeeeppp!!! Could life be any sweeter!?!
(photo from Heather's web site)