I have had my hand in one craft or another my whole life. I have no idea where I got it from- my wonderful mom and grandmothers were not exactly role models of the domestic arts! But I have always had an appreciation of things that stand the test of time, and are handed down from generation to generation.
But outside of this blog, I have a whole other life. I am the mom of 3 crazy kidlets, wife to a man who is trained to say, "Wow, you made that?", and also a part-time dentist (see? I like needles of all kinds! Mwahahahaaaaa!). I am a goofball. I like to workout but I counteract that with my love of chocolate (and nachos, and baking.....). I am a sister, daughter, aunty, friend. I live up in the Great White North, in Winnipeg, Canada, where the winters are perfect for quilts and knitted sweaters! So glad you stopped by to visit me :)
Here is the cast of characters who make up my life:

We met in the 1990s in university, when we were just 19 years old. Big hair, big dreams! And we weathered it all together. Life has thrown us a few curve balls along the way, but mostly it has been very good to us, and together we have built a life I wouldn't trade for anything. I think I picked well, even if he does give me a blank stare when I ramble on about Perle cotton thread, Denyse Schmidt, or worsted vs aran weight yarn. Does not read the blog unless physically forced: "Why read it? I live it!" Which is actually pretty handy as I can show off my fabric and yarn purchases without being caught!

Our firstborn and only son, Big G is our eleven year old hockey loving type-A perfectionist, competitive to the core! He was a textbook baby and continues to be a rule follower. He will be the first to tell you if something is fair or not. He is good at everything he tries, unless it involves talking to people...shy as can be! He is sentimental, can't part with a stuffed toy or anything, really, and loves to hear stories about when he was a baby. He has a strong sense of loyalty. He receives my handmade gifts with a true appreciation that warms my heart.

My sweet little dreamer. Ten years old going on sixteen! Independent from Day 1. This girl beats to her own drum, and is on her own timeline (especially when it comes to getting ready for school in the morning). There is no telling her what to do! She oozes with creativity- nothing is what it seems, she sees everything differently through her eyes and the world is her canvas. My designing buddy. Always performing made-up plays, songs and dances. She has a heart of gold.

Our youngest, so named because there is no holding this girl back! She won't be left out of anything. Eight years old now, she is full of spunk and light, always giggling and eager to cuddle. Usually can be seen with her sidekick "Kitty" in hand. She is a blend of the older two...competitive and sporty but also creative. Always singing a tune. Mommy's girl.

Our fur baby! Over 15 years old now, he was the first of our babies, and is now the most neglected! Though I think he prefers neglect to the overzealous attention he receives from his human siblings! A good boy. And smart- can generally be found snoozing on a soft quilt somewhere :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for taking a little time to learn about me and my family. Glad to have you here!
But where in the world are you? That's what I always like to know. :-)
Some of your expressions make me think USA, but we have become so Americanised here in England that it could be here....or....?
Best wishes,
Rachell, Kristie said - in Winnepeg, Canada. Wait'll you come out here to South Africa, where we - depending on our age - speak King's English which we learnt from good radio and good British films - or Mixed English which we learnt from American movies, and now - progressively poor radio and television, and a mix of 11 "official languages", may you believe! Margaret
My dear Krista...thank you for crossing my life path. You are truly an inspiration!
Great blog! I found you through your mitten pattern on Ravelry, came here to check out your blog and discovered you are in Winnipeg too! What a small world.
ahhhhhh winterpeg......yay!!!!
i'm from chwk bc...
JUST found your blog, and can't wait to check it all out..
Hi There!
I have a quilt shop in Swan River, Manitoba called Fabriculous, and am also opening one closer to you in Gimli this spring. I have APQS long arm rentals, and one of my renters brought in your hockey rink quilt to finish! Awesomeness. Do you sell paper copies of it wholesale? I would love to purchase some for the shops! Hope you have a chance to stop by the new shop sometime this spring or summer!
Ha ha, I looked at your pattern and copied it over to english instructions...moss stitch took out the American sizes etc. then there was this 'eh' at the end and I just had to look deeper. I'm also from Winnipeg and think this stitch will trap warmth. I'm looking forward to knitting it this fall. BTW I've been in that quilt shop in Gimli a few times over the last couple of years and love the selection.
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