I am in love.

Samantha and I headed to Calgary a day early for our reunion, and took in some shopping. Spent MUCH more than I anticipated (which is why it is likely best she and I DON'T live in the same city, though I wish!) but had so. much. fun.
This particular store...walked in, gasped in joy, turned over the nearest awesome boot, almost fainted at the price, and resigned myself to "just look."

Then I found these. And suddenly, it seemed worth it. This is BY FAR the most I have ever spent on shoes (I am normally a cheapie), but as I wear them today, I can honestly say, I have no regrets. So unique....Turquoise shoes! A must to add drama to any wardrobe.

And while I was at it...I got these awesome purple boots. Don't worry, these are completely justifiable.

1. on sale
2. perfect fit
3. functional and warm (winter IS coming)
4. purple! boots! (what fun!!)
5. did I mention they were on sale??
Happy, happy feet!
YOU know what is important about your shoes....
is that you like them...lol.
They certainly made me look...and I smiled...sew I think they did their magic...
No really I am smiling..you are happy with your purple boots too...gotta love a girl with colour..
blessings msamm
I love the blue shoes. They look so funky and fabulous!
You are rocking those shoes! Wish we were back in Calgary at our shoe store and that I had bought a pair too. They are definately worth sacrificing comfort. Silly me, silly, silly me...sigh! I will live vicariously through your fabulous feet!
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