After 39 weeks, followed by 2 days of labour, one natural birth and one c-section (S., you are my hero!), two cute little bundles of love have finally made their way into the world!
And, at long last, so have their quilts! So, without further ado, here they are:
Evan's quilt......

......and Sam's quilt!

I loved working with the Riley Blake Wheels line. The fabric had a great retro feel to it and strong colors, which made them feel so rich. Evan's quilt was made as a strip quilt, with a vertical strip intersecting the horizontal, like crossroads! I used a chocolate brown color as sashing and binding to add to the "man factor."

For Sam's quilt, I modified
this quilt design to allow for rectangular blocks, to best suit the fabric for fussy cutting these cars.

I opted to use the Wheels blue dot fabric as a base, and paired it with the same chocolate brown sashing for continuity with his big bro's quilt. I was striving for 2 complimentary quilts, but with individuality, just like these boys.

The backs- I will abandon all modesty here and just say....I rocked it!! :-) I couldn't take a picture that did these justice. These turned out even better than expected. At some point in the process I came up with the idea of the stop light, using each of the lights as a way to record the birth information- name in the red light, date and time of birth in the yellow, and weight and height in the green. I love how these are now embedded in the quilts as a keepsake.

I hand stitched these in brown embroidery thread (though I wish I had used a slightly darker brown), using the same method as I did for the
Mckinley quilt. I used a circle cutter, then attached the embroidered circles using Heat and Bond, with some stitching around the sides with Perle 8 thread. The edges are raw, and I love how they frayed up a bit after washing.

Quilting- my FIRST go at free motion. I was so scared! But I knew the design of the quilt called for it, so I sucked it up and went for it. This is where I was glad I had a "third" twin quilt.....remember how I didn't like one of the originals,
so I made another? Anyways, the third quilt became my guinea pig. During the course of it there were many s-sharps uttered, tons of spikes and loops in the stippling, and let's not forget that
basting/puckering fiasco.....Up close it kind of looks like crap (to a quilter's eye), but when you look on it as a whole, the imperfections kind of fade....that is what I love about quilting. So, not bad for a reject.

For the second/third go round at free motion on the "keeper" quilts, I tried out 505 spray adhesive for basting, and it was a dream. I know it adds cost, but in the end I will pay a premium for my sanity! Not a pucker on any quilt since (I have used it on 4). My free motion vastly improved as I went, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it by the end. I love how the stippling adds that puckered feel, and the brown thread looks great highlighted against the blue solids on the back.

Some people have asked me what I intend to do with the third quilt. Well, when I started quilting back in the springtime, it was in response the the amazing
Quilting for Babes program started by my friend
Kathy at Magnolia Designs. Baby quilts were made and donated to the NICU at the Children's Hospital from all around the world. I had planned to make 3 to donate, in gratitude for the health of my 3 gorgeous kids. I donated 2 "girl" quilts (my
first quilt, plus
another), but had yet to contribute a "boy", here it is. Hopefully it will give some joy to a family who is in need of comforting.
In other twin news....2 more twins have just arrived to another good friend of mine. Yes, it is true. Something in the water up here?? And boys again. So that means...."Twin Quilts 2" will be coming to a blog near you (er, right here, actually). New designs, but (hopefully) equal Awesome Factor. I'll give you a hint: I will be using the stack of blues and greens.....
Linking up at Sew and Tell and the Crafty Soiree and Quilt Story Fabric Tuesday :-)
Great job on the quilts! I have to make a baby quilt by next weekend and had been thinking of a design similar to your second quilt! I have some animals I want to fussy cut for the centers. I will have to take a closer look at yours for inspiration!
These are gorgeous! I love the idea of twin quilts in the same fabric but different designs.
Wow! These are so incredibly cute. And you're right--you rocked it on the back! The stoplight is awesome.
Thanks for the info on the basting spray. I've been scared to use it, but I need to get over it.
i love love love the quilts... it's so different and very special. especially the stop light. did that've got more followers than me ;-)
Love the traffic light in particular.
Um, this is the most awesome Sew & Tell Friday post ever. (Don't tell anyone I said that.) I love this Riley Blake fabric, too, but you made it look so much better than anything I could ever dream up. The stop light on the back of the first one is the coolest! Great job. :)
The quilts are simply gorgeous! I love the fabric and bright earthy colors. The stop light was a genius idea! I'll bet you have started a new trend. I have had several (many) basting destasters in my past. Now I swear by spray adhesive. Sanity is priceless!
These are so cute! You did a great job with the quilts. I am glad you mentioned the 505 spray. I'll be finishing my first quilt soon, and I have been wondering how to make it all stay together while stitching! I think donating the third quilt is a wonderful way to go.
I found you via Sew & Tell Fridays :)
You definitely rock on these quilts!! The backing of the stoplight is such a perfect momento of the occasion! Your quilting looks fine. Don't look at those little, little imperfections. Free motion quilting gets better and better the more you get going, girl!!!
I love your quilts. Great job on the free hand quilting.
wow, these quilts, your description of the process and your story are all amazing!!
these are so great! LOVE them! And great story too! :)
Lovely quilts! I adore the fact that they are similar but not the same. I am sure the boys will be getting lots of identical things so they will enjoy something that is their own!
I really need to try spray basting. I have heard so many wonderful things about it lately.
These are gorgeous and very boyish quilts! Awesome job!
These are so cute! My friend is having a boy and I'm looking for the perfect quilt pattern, I think I've found it!
The stoplight is about the cutest thing I've ever seen. :) from sew and tell
these are really stunning...they are so perfect
Just so darn cute!! I love love love the traffic light!!
I love them! I also have been figuring out stippling lately. It's fun, but so time-consuming and sometimes very stressful. All three quilts look great!
Those are lovely. I especially like those spotlights in the back with the boys info. Excellent.
These are gorgeous and you are so talented!
Super cute! :o)
Kristie, both these quilts rock!!! Love how they are similar yet uniquely their own! Your stoplights on the backs are too clever, and you did a great job with the free motion quilting! Thanks for sharing!
Those are awesome!! I officially love them, as well as being blown away! They are perfect. :) Congrats on the new arrivals!!! :) How fun! (and I love how you used the light on the back to put in the information). :) Thanks for sharing!
these quilts are amazing!!! you did a great job ... love them! :)
I love these quilts! I have a bunch of Wheels fabric sitting around and I just may have to cut into it. I love what you did with the stop light on the back. GREAT IDEA!
Ohmigoodness I am so impressed I don't even know where to start! I love love love the fabric and the traffic lights as places to personalize...genius! You did an amazing job those are two extremely blessed boys and those quilts are meant to be loved and hung onto forever! Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!
These are great! Boy quilts can be hard, you did a great job though! LOVE the stoplight on the back!
Okay, darling! Can we feature you again! Seriously, email me if you we can. These are fabulous!
are you kidding me?!?!? Maybe the cutest I've seen! LOVE!
I would love to know the patterns you used, do you mind sharing?
I would love to know the patterns you used, do you mind sharing?
Hi, Kristie! A friend of mine pinned your quilt for Evan a long time ago and we've used the design for a lot of ministry quilts. Do you mind if we write up a tutorial for it, that might be published on my blog (and maybe in a book on charity quilting someday?) I blog over at
Thanks for considering this! Sarah Craig
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