So, I may or may not have caused a little controversy yesterday with a post that was on my blog for a number of hours. I took the post down, but I am going to repost the content now because it is a big pet peeve of mine when someone posts about dirty laundry and are all ambiguous, no naming names, etc. Here is what I wrote and I own up to it.
As I often do, I shared a conversation I shared with my 5 year old daughter, who I refer to as Last But Not Least due to her spunk. It was titled "Jesus and the clothes line" and here is what it said:
Last But Not Least: Mom, remember when Jesus was on the clothes line?
Me: Er, it wasn't a clothes line, it was a CROSS.
LBNL: Oh yah! Right! Anyways, wanna know the funniest part about that?
Me: I am not sure there was anything particularly funny about it....
LBNL: Well, he was NAKED, except for a leaf on his front bum, but his back bum was all bare, and THAT is where the farts come out!!!
I received a number of the usual comments, sharing a laugh over the crazy things kids say. But one was offended that I found this funny. Carole from Nebraska was a no-reply blogger so I could not email her directly to discuss. And I felt badly. I certainly did not mean to offend anyone. If it was your first time to my blog and read this, not knowing ME at all, I can see how one might not know how to take this. But, if you tune in even semi-regularly, I HOPE that you would know that I would never, ever intentionally disrespect, belittle or ridicule anyone's beliefs, culture, background...anything. It's not how I roll.
This story was a sweet interaction between me and my daughter. She is FIVE. She is full of questions and curiosity. I encourage her and my other children to talk to me about anything. Sometimes it is awkward. Sometimes inappropriate. But I strive to always make them feel that anything they have to say is valid and worth listening to. LBNL is a sweet, caring kid who will only say "hi" and not "hello" because "Hello has "hell" in it, and that's a swear word." I love the way her mind works. And while we are not a particularly religious family, we do encourage dialogue about religion and answer as best as we are able. And the way I see it is this: Jesus was a HUMAN, who was said to die on the cross for our sins. He had human thoughts, human imperfections, and human body functions, including farts. Isn't his humanity what makes helps us to relate to Him, to feel closer to Him? And that is why I did not think what I was sharing was offensive. I am sorry if you disagree.
Blogging for me is a diary of sorts. Something to look back on, to remember the things I made, the people I shared them with. It is peppered with stories about my family life. I have made so many dear friends from blogging, and I think that is in large part because I am open, I share a part of myself with you and I love the interaction with people from all over the world. I don't do it for any other purpose. The number of followers is so arbitrary for me; so many read who don't follow, and so many follow but never pop by at all. There are blogs out there written by talented witty people with no following and many that have a legion of followers and I have NO clue why. I am not trying to use my blog to market or sell anything. It is just one of many ways I share and interact in the world, and journal a bit about my life. And I will continue to do so, just as I have. Thanks for reading.
Have a spectacular Tuesday :)
xoxo Kristie
I think most people (like me!) probably saw that and laughed. Kids are (and always have been) interested in taboo. I don't think reporting on it makes you particularly irreverent or disrespectful of religion or Christianity. When I read your post yesterday it reminded me of a conversation I overheard between my kids when they were seven and four:
Older Boy: You know what "the finger means?"
Younger Girl: What does it mean?
Older Boy in a tone of awe: EVERY swear at once.
I read your post yesterday and was going to reply "You need to get that kid to church!" But I was afraid that might offend you. :)
We, too, are not a particularly religious family, and we live in a very religious part of the world, so there have been some interesting moments. Luke often says things that could be construed as irreverent, but he's just a curious 5-year-old. And NOTHING is more fascinating or amusing to a 5-year-old than human anatomy and bodily functions.
P.S. The title of your memoirs should be Jesus Farts. :)
Here here...or is it hear hear?!
I often think some people are actively looking for things to be offended by. It's really the only explanation :-)
I saw your post yesterday and laughed. I read it out to my Mum. She laughed. While we are not overly religious, we do not appreciate people who make fun or are disrespectful of our religion or other religions either. That said we thoroughly enjoyed your post for what it was - relating the truly innocent comments of a five year old. Thank you for a very good giggle.
I saw your post yesterday and I think I took it to be exactly what it was. A funny exchange between a Mommy and her daughter. Sorry that others made it into something else. Silly people!
I didn't see the post but just for the record; your blog (and your kids) often have me howling with laughter. There will always be people who seek offence wherever they can, even in the innocence of children and if we let that get to us then wouldn't it be a sad and miserable world. Long live common sense, humour and inquisitive kids!
I saw the post in my reader and popped over as I wanted to say I was outraged! Not because of the reference to Jesus (who I don't believe in), but because LBNL thinks he had a front bottom! In my neck of the woods, only girls have a front bottom, boys have a tail. Obviously. ;0)
I didn't comment yesterday...but did have a good chuckle! Thanks for sharing this moment with us, and please dont stop !!
Good job you didn't post a picture of the f*ck quilt with it for fun then!
Some people will be offended at anything and everything, so you have to give up worrying about them; real life is too short!
A farting Jesus on a clothes line, sounds like an expensive work of art!
I am a Christian and know that Jesus loves kids, did when he was here on earth, and does now he is back in Heaven. Jesus loves your daughter and knows that she was not being disrespectful etc. I am sure he laughed too!
Yay! So glad you posted this!
I thought you might have some comments yesterday. ::eeek:: To be honest, it's not a story I would have shared, but I think most people that felt the same way likely would have done what I did--chose to believe that you shared it without malice as a story of the unique minds of children.
I'm proud of you for reposting this!
I'm def grateful for His human qualities...easier to relate. I'm sorry that someone was offended. I think it's wonderful that she is WILLING to talk to you about everything.
I saw a quote somewhere, when kids can talk to you about the little things now, they will talk to you about the big things later, cause now THEIR big things are little things to us!
So the farts, the clotheslines, the everything....big deals to their hearts. And that's what's important now.
I'm so impressed with you. well done
You can only offend some of the people in the world, and that's their fault, not yours. Screw 'em if they can't take a joke.
Kids. Hilarious and embarrassing ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
Have a great day!
You rock, my dear. And LOL @ Hadley and her comment about the f*ck quilt! So true.
Jesus was always a fan of kids...I am sure he understands.
and you're right -- the people who know you would know your heart and intent!
i will admit that i was a little put-off by it... but woman, it's YOUR blog and your kid! you can say whatever you want!!!
Kids are so funny! I wasn't offended by the post, but I did wonder if you would end up with some upset readers. I guess everyone approaches religion differently....I would rather my child think about and question things (even if it is in the form of a silly, harmless joke!) than be afraid to say anything! ;)
I really do love these silly interchanges that you have with your kids! I need to do a better job of documenting these things in my life!
I think your blog is hilarious. I always look forward to reading your posts. Usually I only look at pictures on blogs, but I actually read your posts because they are so funny and genuine. Thanks!
I never had a chance to read the post you are speaking of but I'm sorry to that your previous post offended people. I don't personally find it offensive but I blame my off-colour sense of humour for lack of discernment in that department ;) Mostly I think it’s wonderful that your daughter is sharing with you her questions & thoughts, irregardless of perceptions of appropriateness. I would have loved that same opportunity as a child with my own parents. Keep calm and carry on :)
As the mom of a 4-year-old boy, I am used to farts being a daily part of our lives. Thanks for sharing the story; the things kids come up with are hysterical, aren't they?!
I missed your post yesterday so I'm glad you put it back up - it made me laugh no end!
I'm not religious myself but I don't see why anyone who is, would be offended by LBNL's remarks.
I DO consider myself to be a very religious person. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14 New International version) The way I believe, Jesus would have gotten a huge belly laugh over LBNL comment. :-)
Some folks can be critical just for the hell of it......
Kids say the most funny things and it made me chuckle too
I read the original post and the only reason I didn't comment was because I was tearing out the door to work.
I think it shows the innocence of LBNL and frankly I don't think Jesus would have been one bit offended. I'm pretty sure he would have taken great delight in the comment.
And by the way , knowing you as I do , I realised straight away that the original post wasn't about mocking religion and certainly didn't set out to offend anyone!
Man, I read that yesterday and loved it! Wish I'd commented then. Sorry. The last thing I'd want to do is trash someone for their beliefs, but, seriously?! Someone needs a chill pill...
Read your post yesterday and smiled. Miss having that kind of conversation with my now grown children. If some people have taken offense, they need to get down from the clothesline and develop a sense of humor.
As a mom of three little girls, I adore the post. Please do not edit your posts for fear of offending someone.
As a mum of four I saw your post for what it was, an innocent interaction with a child. I am like you, I strive to try an answer all the questions no matter how awkward they may be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, they just need to learn when to voice them! :o) Keep up with your posts, especially the conversations with the children, they are the priceless moments of our day. huge hugs
I was not offended. I saw it as an interaction with a curious child - nothing more. Thanks for keeping it honest and real.
kids say stuff. they say really funny stuff and we are there to help them makes sense of the world but we do not control what spills out of their sweet faces. You go girl! And it was funny and it was not offensive. It was parenting.
I too am not particularly religious. I read your blog post on my lunch hour at work and laughed out loud. The nurse that was sitting next to me, who is super religious, asked what I was laughing at. I read the post to her and she was rolling on the floor. We were both having a relatively bad day and your post made both of us smile. All that to say that I think you should keep doing what you're doing. Your blog is what got me started into quilting and I would never really want to see it change (unless you thought it was best for you). Thanks for sharing.
Kids do say things like that! All the time! When I was young, my grandpa died close to Easter. My younger brother (who was 6 at the time) kept thinking Grandpa got turned into a Cadbury cream egg (when overhearing the adults say he was being cremated). He was pretty concerned about that and eating his Easter candy until my Mom explained what cremation was. I think his childlike concern really lightened an otherwise sad time. The innocence and curiosity of kids reminds us all to not be so serious and to laugh more. Not having a filter can be a beautiful thing.
I think your post simply highlighted the innocence of children and their love of all things bum and fart related. My son is 5, we get a lot of that in our house lol. A child's view of the world is so simplistic and all the more beautiful for that! Keep on posting xx
I laughed out loud at your post, which I sometimes really need during a day with my two kids three and under! So thank you for that!
I also wanted to thank you for the idea about the journal of things kids say. I saw it on the blog of one of your Atlanta ladies. My three year old comes out with some great stuff too and I don't want to forget it!
So I have to share a little story. Your post made me think of my friend. She is not an active Catholic, but does think it proper to take her kids to church on holidays, etc. Because the Catholic preschool was right down the street, she thought that might be a good chance to help answer religion questions that she might have issues answering when they came up. So preschool starts and they make the trek the first day. Her 5 year old was the most talkative and brilliant 5 year old I had ever met. As they walked through the sanctuary, my friend's daughter tugs on her and asks "Mom,who is the dude hanging out on the T?" My friend said she felt like she was going to be struck down my lightening and fire, but composed herself to explain that it's more respectful to call the "dude" Jesus and that the T was a cross. To make a long (and very comical story shorter), my friend said it was a great opportunity to talk about Jesus, his meaning and being respectful with what you have to say or ask. She encouraged her child to continue asking questions like that (although I'm sure she hoped her child would pick a better way of phrasing the question).
Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone these days seems to wear their emotions on their sleeves and become to easily offended. Because it's the internet and the conversation doesn't have to happen face to face, people that never spoke up before thinks its now their right to blast away. To them I say, shush it.
Have a great day!
I bet Jesus would have laughed at that :)
Even after re-reading it I'm having trouble finding anything offensive :). I look forward to what my little one will say when he starts talking and also live the idea of a journal of sorts.
You! Offensive!! I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know you. You are such a treasure, joy and bright light in what can be a dark world. Hugs to you and your children.
I did not see the original post, but I'm glad that I read this one. Kids are wonderful noise makers and they say the darnest things! I'm glad you re-posted this. I thought it was funny and cute and real. Good for you!
Ha! You can say what you want - blogging is like keeping an online diary of sorts. People can take it or leave it - there are plenty of options!! Honestly of all the things you could read online - someone was shocked by that sweet story?? Wowza. D-listed would kill them. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and don't feel you need explain yourself whatsoever.
I am Christian and was deeply offended...NOT!!!!!
If we are made in Gods image, then He MUST have a sense of humour....and I think, given the child-like and not intentionally offensive way your honey was thinking, that even God would have had trouble suppressing a smile!
Here's to more witty gems.....Bless you
I read your charming post yesterday, and shared it with my husband. We both enjoyed it so much! As soon as I read it I thought 'FIVE!!That child must be FIVE!' I've been teaching the 5 year old Sunday School class at our church for about 6 years. Five year olds think NAKED is funny, BUMS are funnier and FARTS are hysterical. I think five is a magical age, there is so much innocence, joy and love in a five year old. I am so sorry to hear that ignorant and rude people left unkind comments on your blog.
I had an extra giggle at the 'front bum-back bum'. Oh how I wish I would have thought of that when my children were small! It could have saved us loads of embarrassment in public places!
Thank you for your lovely blog and sharing the many joys in your life with your readers.
Kristie, I'm so sorry someone made you feel badly for posting that very innocent, funny exchange with LBNL. I appreciated the humor - we all know kids come out with zingers sometimes. She's five for goodness sake - I do believe Jesus would have had a chuckle too. Hugs!
Honestly, if people don't like it they can just press the off button and not tune in again. I thought it was funny. And even if I were religious I should be respectful of your opinions and beliefs. Sometimes overly religious people are so busy defending there own rights that they forget that non-religious people have rights and beliefs too.
that story was funny. you were telling about an conversation that took place. geez, if someone was offended by that i say good riddance. life is too short to take that seriously!
Hahaha! This made me laugh so much!!! I have a five year old daughter who also uses the term front bum...
I am more than a week behind and can really add nothing to this discussion except to say that I am a a follower of Christ and a follower of your blog -- and I will continue to follow because I love reading about your family, even more than looking at the quilts! I'm absolutely sure Jesus laughed - He has a great sense of humour!
Oh my if people got offended, they must stay away from my household then. Two boys makes for very interesting conversations! Lol. I am giggling at all of these comments. Kids are curious , what you see is what you get creatures...I adore the way they see the big wide keeps us adults grounded, and reminds us not to take things SO seriously..
That gave me a good laugh!!!
I've been a Sunday school teacher for over 20 years and just when I think I've heard everything, another child comes up with a new zinger, haha!! I love their honesty and lack of filters :D
I'm sooooo happy you finished the hockey rink pattern!!!
It's going on the to-do list.
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