Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Karma giveaway :-)

{This giveaway is now closed}

Well, once again I have been spoiled :-) And when good things happen, I like to spread the word about the goodhearted people out there. AND I would like to pay it forward. How about a giveaway to share my luck?

But first, take a peek at some great things from some wonderful people- yup, I am talking about bloggers again!

Giveaways- The stars aligned and I won 2 great giveaways in 2 days last week! First, a $50 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop from Bec at Chasing Cottons. I am soooo buying some of the Children at Play fabrics by Sarah Jane when they are out. Love them! Naturally, I am certain I will spend much more than the $50 ;) Don't tell the hubby! These fabrics would make the perfect picnic blanket, me thinks. A big thanks to Bec and Fat Quarter Shop!

The very next day, I won an assortment of AWESOME Denyse Schmidt charms from Natalie at Greenleaf Goods! Some of my very favorites! So excited to get my hands on these. There is a funny story to go with that one, if you want to read on ;) Thanks so much, Natalie!!
Mail- I have received a couple wonderful and unexpected bits of mail this week. First off, I have to thank Amy from one of my favorite blogs, Diary of a Quilter. A while back I asked if she would mind picking some extra Denyse Schmidt fabric from JoAnn's that I could buy from her, and she very happily accommodated my request. And now this very thoughtful lady has sent me another "bonus" package of extra prints she had found later, as a present, including a piece of my FAVORITE yellow print. Thanks so much Amy! This is one line I can't wait to cut into.

I have made a friend in a new Canadian blogger, Sarah, from Coincidentally Quilting. She saw that I had won some Mendocino from (another Canuck) Felicity, and emailed me offering to send me some of her own Mendocino scraps from her own quilts made with this line. Along with those fabulous scraps, Sarah also included some other Heather Ross and Munki Munki (gnomes!!!! unicorns!!! ), some adorable Japanese prints, and some Halloween scraps.

In addition, she sent some sweet Spoonflower fabric she had designed herself, and a card with a print of an INCREDIBLE watercolor paining she had done. What a talented lady!! Thank you, Sarah :-)

As you can see, my cup runneth over with Good Things this week, and I think it is only fair to balance out the universe by paying it forward. So, I am thinking a little giveaway is in order.

So, what the heck am I giving away?

How about a Heather Ross grab bag of scraps? I will throw in a little of my own Munki Munki collection, some pieces of Far Far Away 2 and I will also share some of my Far Far Away 3 once it arrives. All shapes and sizes....will dig through my stash and put together a little package for you.

To enter, leave a comment. Anything will do. Anyone can enter. One entry per person, please. I will draw a winner next week sometime....May the force be with you ;)


Alexis said...

Aren't you a lucky lady! I'd love to win!

Little Island Quilting said...

Not entering - just stopping by to say lucky duck you!

Kati said...

Wow, you have had a good week!

Little Blue Mouse said...

How lucky are you?!
I hope some of it rubs off onto me for your great giveaway.

Tabatha said...

I had a bit of luck in May as well, unfortunately I don't have enough of a stash to share yet, I'm hoping I'll have lots of goodies to give away next May for the SWS sweeps!

Oh, and please include me in your giveaway, I heart Heather Ross' fabrics!


Gill said...

Wow! you have been lucky!
Count me in please!

And this would be . . . . said...

You are very lucky. Thank goodness the strike is over. I will look at the other Canadian bloggers. I love finding more in Canada.

Sandy said...

I'm always looking to add to my stash - thanks for the giveaway!

Kaylee said...

I've been eyeing a bunch of Heather Ross to make my neice a quilt! I would love to win!

Bree said...

Lucky, lucky you! Where can I get my hands on some of that good fortune?! :)

ellen said...

So you're the reason I'm not winning anything!! Just kidding. Congratulations! That's quite a bit of amazingness to work with! :)

Here's to hoping I win this one!

Kelly O. said...

wow! you are a lucky girl! hopefully a bit of your luck will rub off on me :)

Christie S. said...

Hoping some of your good luck will rub off on me. :o)

Anonymous said...

What great luck you have! Thanks for the give away!

Kelly Irene said... have been super lucky! I really like the new Sarah Jane prints and am looking forward to getting a few of those as well. Thanks for sharing the giveaway-love with the rest of us :)

Anita said...

With summer here and my nearly 7year old daughter home from school, I just haven't had much time to sew lately. I really miss my sewing time!

Alice said...

ooooo I would love to win :) x

Jo said...

Wow you sure had a run of luck, and some good friends thrown in. Count me in for the giveaway please.

Patti said...

Stash building is a new pursuit of mine and I am finding it to be very therapeutic! Congrats on the multiple wins, you lucky gal. Now that the strike is over,I hope the the orders I placed will start arriving soon. Love your blog and have added you to my Reader.

Jodi-JoJoMia's Place said...

You are lucky! Thanks for sharing the love. I have been wanting some Heather Ross but didn't discover it until recently so you know how expensive it is to get it from someone. I love the Denyse Schmidt fabrics you won too, I have gotten some of those. I am making a pillow out of the DS quilts fabrics right now.

Traci Turchin said...

You are so lucky! I am so jealous of your $$ to buy Children at Play--I've been on a buying ban for a month and a half to save up for when it comes out--I want it all!! I can't wait to see what you do with it--I know you will inspire me!

Wendy said...

Please include me in your wonderful giveaway. I am awaiting Children at Play also-so lovely.

The Polka Dot Apron said...

Perhaps some day I will have such luck with giveaways!!! Congrats on the awesome score and thanks for sharing the wealth :D

Melanie said...

You certainly are lady luck! Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket this week.:)

Thanks for sharing the wealth!

Annelies said... are one lucky girl. I hope I am TOO!!!!

Anne- Tesla's Mom said...

Wow! That's an amazing week! Thanks for the chance to win!

Crystal said...

That is so great that you are paying it forward after you were one lucky girls! Long live karma, lol!

Thanks for sharing!

Sasha said...

Oh my life, how jammy are you!
Thank you for paying it forward, hopefully some will rub off on me!

Annmarie said...

I've not seen Sarah Jane before - cute, cute, cute.Scraps are fun to win - so much to look at &feel - thanks for the chance to win some.

Tawny said...

So if I win, does that mean you don't have to pay for postage and therefore get an extra large bag of scraps? hehehe I'm kidding... what a terrific way to pay it forward. Love the idea!

Anonymous said...

You sure are lucky! I love scraps, I would love to win your scrap bag of fabric

Lindsay Conner said...

Lucky, lucky! Love that you are sharing some of your giveaway winnings. :)

Ashley said...

Congrats on your wins!!! I would love the Heather Ross scraps! I have been tucking some of those prints away for a quilt and it would be great to add the diversity of some scraps to my wee stash.

drmithome said...

What a wonderful thing to pass on your good fortune.

Fabraholic said...

Wow! How do you do that? I've never won anything; perhaps you could write a tutorial ? :-)

Esther said...

Good haul!! :) Looks like you got some great stuff there!

natalie christensen said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing your good fortune with us. I would love some Heather Ross scraps! Everytime I see her fabric it makes me happy.

Sandi P said...

So sweet of you to share your good fortune. I would love to win some new fabrics for this scrappy sampler I have decided to do (the one with the book that I tried really hard to resist - LOL)

Barb said...

Wow, congrats on all of your wins, and thanks for sharing! I love reading your blog.

Jacqueline said...

Paying it forward ROCKS! Thank you for sharing your loot and I hope whatever is going on clears. xoxo

Rosa said...

congrats on all your winnings,you`re a lucky woman!!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Caren said...

That's great! You've got some fun sewing in your future! Hey - I just tried my hand at making fabric flowers for the first time. I made mine out of sapphire blue jersey. I had to do quite a bit with buttons on the inside, though, because without some bling it looked like a blue ribbon (you know, the kind you win at the fair)!!!

Natalie said...

Gorgeous fabrics all around!! I love those heather ross prints, and have very few of them, so what are the odds I'd win your giveaway?? :) If you have any extras and are ever looking to swap, I'm game!

corina said...

You deserved something good to happen, after having to deal with the awful flooding. Thanks for sharing your good fortune!

Kristy said...

Wow! What fun!!! And I'm with you on LOVING that Sarah Jane line! It's great! Enjoy your treats!

Thanks for spreading the fabric love too! :)

Kate S. said...

Oo, lovely, this sounds like a great bunch of scraps! Thanks for the chance to enter :)

Sarah said...

HI Kristie,

So glad you liked the scraps I sent :) That chandelier fabric is actually a painting that my daughter painted when she was seven. She wasn't too happy when I got it done she said it was embarrassing, I love it and still trying to find the perfect project for it. Maybe we should do a swap of munki's we are missing ;)

Dana said...

I would adore the fabrics if I won them so please add me to the giveaway!

Rachel said...

wow - you are a lucky girl! what lovely goodies :)

Kathy said...

Sweet that you are paying it forward and sharing your stash! Thanks for the chance to win. Karma!

Amy said...

Your giveaway prize sounds like it would be a lovely thing to receive in the mail. Thanks for spreading the joy.

Ella said...

Heather Ross is one of my favorites!
*crosses fingers*

Elämäntapaidiootti said...

You're lucky! I never win, always entering, like now! :)

Liz said...

You have been quite the lucky lady lately! Congrats!

annabelle said...

I do love me some scarps, thanks for sharing some of yours :)

Lee said...

congrats on all the wins! how fun - and thanks for adding to the fun with your giveaway!

Emilie said...

I still have to win anything from a giveaway! Lucky you for winning all those great things!! Well I'm going to try my luck here! Thanks for the chance!

Holly said...

What an incredibly lucky week you've had! I love hearing how Sarah saw you won the Mendocino and offered you scraps! That's what this blogging community is all about, eh?

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Well congratulations on all of your wins! :)
I'd love a chance to win your giveaway! I've never won a fabric giveaway & would love to (of course) ! :)

Nicole said...

Lovely fabric! I am almost finished making your McKinley quilt pattern. Of course, the sweet little baby it will go to was born in February! Oh, well. I love your blog, thanks for the inspiration!

Kristen said...

here's hoping some of that karma rubs off!

Amber said...

I love the Sarah Jane prints too! Can't wait. Also can't wait to find out when I win your glorious Heather Ross scraps ;)

razberiswrl said...

Lucky lady!!! Thank you for paying it forward with the chance to win! :)

jednoiglec said...

WOW! You've got a lot of luck in giveaways! All of them are yummy (I'm waiting for Children at Play too:). And the gift from Sarah? Fabulous!

SewLindaAnn said...

I love the pinwheels in the set of fabric you're planning on. Congrats on all the wins, I've been blessed myself this year with quite a few and am beyond grateful. It's like the icing on the cake of blogland fun. I don't have any of what you mentioned, so I'd love a chance to win some. That watercolor she sent is wonderful!

Barbara said...

What fun and adorable fabrics, congratulations!

Melissa said...

You are so blessed. Thank you for paying it forward with a giveaway of your own!!!

Catskill Quilter said...

Kristi, thanks for having this generous giveaway! What kharma!

Jessica said...

I have almost no Heather Ross and would love, love love to win! Congrats on all of your recent wins! :)

Unknown said...

Hope my stars are aligned for your giveaway.

Jenelle said...

I do indeed hope the force is with me. :) Congrats on your giveaway wins!

Sew Much To Do (Erica) said...

Love the idea of giving back, if everyone felt more like that, this would would be better... thanks!

Tara said...

how nice!! keeping my fingers crossed.

robin said...

Now if only the Post Office can catch up with their packages, eh? I'm waiting on some prizes myself. :) Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Kate said...

Lucky girl - you have been spoiled!

Thanks for paying it forward!

JuneBug said...

Um... WOW You are one lucky lady! And it is so kind of you to spread the wealth. Heather Ross is one of my faves, and I would love to win this scrap pack!

Sandi Crafty Planner said...

What a special gift! I believe karma is about sharing with the world and not expecting anything back. Everytime I give, I give with an open heart and want nothing in return but love. Thank you for opening your heart.

liniecat said...

Im a great believer in paying things forward too, its a lovely sharing feeling passing another gift on.
So I pledge to the very same should i be lucky enough to have my name drawn out of the hat!
Many thanks for a great blog with heads up of wonderful fabrics.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I've been extremely lucky with giveaways here recently. No stash yet, so all the giveaways I win give me fabric to start thinking of a project. So count me in - I'd love to win some. Thanks for the generosity.

Michelle Z said...

Wow! you've won some really great giveaways. Unfortunately, Ihaven't won many giveaways lately :( Hope to win and thanks for the chance. Michelle Z (mzanfardino(at)nc.rr(dot)com

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

You've been so lucky, great prizes you won there! I'll just have to keep everything crossed that I might be lucky enough to win a 2nd of your giveaways!

Unknown said...

Awesome fabric Karma! Thanks for spreading the joy!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Kristie, That is so great that you have won some lovely giveaways and made more new blogging friends as well!! See, I think I told you that good things happen to nice people! Congratulations, enjoy your winnings! Hugs, Sandy. :)

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

Maybe luck will turn my way!!! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

They say good things happen to good people! I'm with you on the Sarah Jane Fabrics. They are just too cute.

Brylie Muhlestein said...

I would love to win this!! I just finished my first quilt today and I have to say I'm addicted.

Tanya said...

What a fun bunch of stuff you got! This is a fun giveaway:)
That gnome fabric is too cute. I have never seen it at JoAnns (my primary store), I will have to see what other shops might be hiding around here.

Kate R said...

That was a lucky couple of days :) Hope it continues for you!! Thanks for sharing the love!

Cathy said...

How totally exciting!!!!!! I am addicted to scraps!

Katie B said...

Hot dog! Keep that mail carrier busy!

Marcia W. said...

Congratulations upon your good fortune! Perhaps the force will be with me and will own my first HR fabric. Thanks for that chance.

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun. I'm in! Thanks for the give away chance.

hueisei said...

Wow.. you are so lucky... I am hoping my luck will be good as yours :D

Jenniffier said...

Oh my gosh lucky you! Thanks for doing a giveaway.

wishiwashy24 said...

*crossing my fingers*

Tanya said...

Sounds like a great little bundle -- count me in!

Stopping by from the plaid what you made for Kaelin and will be following your blog now.

Tanya (a former Winnipeg gal!)

felicity said...

Here's hoping that karma makes its way back around to me! :)

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Awe! Yes, please. I want me some fun fabrics. :) hehehe... Count me in! Those are lovely.

Adin B

Martina said...

Enjoy your fabrics! They look great!

Anonymous said...

Luck you, what beautiful fabric. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Wow ... thanks for sharing!

prsd4tim2 said...

Such an awesome giveaway! I'm in the midst of helping my daughter plan her wedding, which includes a major re-make of her dress, so not much quilting time, but I would love some Munki Munki and Heather Ross scraps. I have a bunch of projects I'd like to do after the wedding. Thanks for sharing!

Mary said...

Congrats on all your winnings! Thanks for the chance to win the great fabrics. I don't have any Heather Ross yet but I always love her illustrations!

Sincerely, Sara said...

Wow! Would love to win some scraps!

christy said...

Great giveaway.
yanuzo at hotmail dot com

Lynette said...

:) Munki Munki scraps! :D Thanks for the chance

Karen said...

What lovely friends to send you such fabulous fabrics! you are very lucky :o) Thanks for your giveaway, I'd love a chance...

Anonymous said...

Munki Munki!!! I love it! :0)

Annaliese said...

Just stumbled upon your blog from Little Island Quilting, and so glad I did! I love hearing good quilt karma stories! Thanks for sharing (and the chance to win)!

Downtown Muncie Indiana said...

Thanks for sharing the love! :)

Brandie said...

Hopefully your luck will be catching. All your goodies are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.

hanoola said...

I love the different pieces... And I'm in need of some!! Awesome... Thanks!

Unknown said...

Oh, the Children at Play line is sooooo cute! I just signed up to be alerted when it arrives at my fav online shop. :)

And you know I love me some HR!

kittie98 said...

Congrats on the awesome winnings. I would love to win something myself :)

Chelsea said...

Hi! I just read Kaelin's post over at the plaid Scottie about your bag swap and thought, fellow Canuck? Quilter? Better check her out! And now a giveaway? Awesome!

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

Wow, you HAVE been having some good luck! Hopefully some of it will come my way, thanks for this great giveaway!

P's Qs said...

Looks like you were a lucky lady! Thanks for sharing!

Heaven said...

Oooh! I love Heather Ross!

Poppyprint said...

Count me in! I am so totally heather ross-deprived. My one and only print (gnomes) is so lonely!

Jill said...

Wow! What an incredible giveaway! Thanks for being so generous!

Melissa said...

How very generous and awesome of you! I love anything Heather Ross and would love to add to my stash.
Isn't it funny how luck works? I had been entering blog contests for years and then all of a sudden I won 3 within a month. That was in the beginning of the year so I'm going to cross my fingers now and try my luck again :-)

Montseta said...

Ooohhh you are so lucky! Terrific giveaway!

Dana Gaffney said...

Isn't it wonderful when that happens? Lots of things to make you smile. Thanks for sharing.

Donna Baker said...

sweet! you deserve all that loot! thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca Waddell said...

It is great when nice things happen to nice people!

craftytammie said...

i would love to win these! i'd use them in a quilt - i love her prints!

Charlotte said...

Wow what a great week for you, and what a fab giveaway. I love Heather Riss fabric but have never owned any! My own fault I should just order some on the Internet! Oh well hopefully I will win and can start a Heather Ross collection

Joy said...

Congratulations on your wonderful luck! And thanks for sharing it!!

Debbie said...

May the force be with you.... and also with you :)

thanks for having a giveaway! its great to pass on your good fortune!

Anonymous said...

It's so important to listen to your heart! Your cup and no doubt, heart, is overflowing with lovely blessings is so nice to share the good things, there is so much love involved in the process. grace at amnet dot net dot au

Amy said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway! Amy @

needle and nest said...

You really are quite spoiled - lucky you!!! :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway. If I win, you can bet I'll swoon when I open up my mailbox to a package of pretty Heather Ross scraps! sleepachu at hotmail dot com

ElfRenee said...

Oooh, lucky! That gnome fabric looks adorable!!

Unknown said...

Such cute fabrics, I'm in definite need of a Joanns trip now! As for scraps, they make the world go round.

Stephanie Granite said...

I'm totally a scrap hoarder, so way to go with the giveaway. I think that if I won I'd definitely have to keep up the good karma and pass along some of my scraps as well...

Kelsey said...

Assuming I'm not too late, I'd love a chance to win. :)

Mitchgreen said...

You are one lucky lady! Thanks for the chance to win, need a little luck my way.


Mama Said Sew said...

Pass some of your good luck this way! I'd love to have some Heather Ross scraps. :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy said...

How lucky you are to receive so much goodness and so short amount of time! Thanks for sharing some Heather Ross with us.