Thought I would take a moment to recommend a really good book I just read. I picked up
The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews. It is a story about a road trip by some (messed up) Canadians into the US, so I thought it a good read for our recent trip. Miriam is actually from Manitoba, and the characters from Winnipeg, like me, which was a nice little bonus. She has written
several other books that have won literary awards. Anyways, it was a really great read, her writing style is very quirky and keeps you interested, and despite the dismal topic (an aunt takes her teenage niece and nephew on a road trip to find their long lost father when their mother is admitted into the hospital with mental illness), it had me laughing all the way through and was, in the end, very uplifting.

While away, I also picked up a couple crafty books with which I am completely enamored. First up,
this little number:

I am not having another baby (touch wood) nor do I know many people still in baby production mode, but I may have to seek out some new fertile friends strictly for the excuse to knit stuff from this book. Some of the cutest patterns ever, like these:

I just couldn't resist buying this book, even at (gasp!) full price. Love it.
I also managed to score a 40% off coupon at Joann's and bought
this book:

This one got my embroidered hoop juices flowing again, people! You see, I was just faking it before, but now this book shows me the actual PROPER way to do hand stitching! Oh, I love it, and some cute little stencils to boot. Check out some of these projects:

Will be having some fun with this book, I am sure. Oh, if I only had more hours in a day!!
Heck, I'd have another baby if you'd knit for it. Those are so cute! And no, after the broken tail bone with the last delivery, I am not serious.
Love the projects you highlighted from the knit book...gonna have to look up that one!
';m sure my daughter is thinking she'll surprise me with another gift of a grandchild soon (Yeah I know -Im way too young to be a grandma ) so I'll let you know when you can start knitting.
Oh my, the lamb hat and the hedgehog blanket are adorable!!! And thanks for the book recommendation!
Both the knitting and stitching books look interesting. I love the two knitted hats.
Thanks for the book reviews; I particularly love the knitted baby "hoodie".
Are you kidding me with that lamb hat? So cute!
New book suggestion for you: The Woefield Poultry Collective by Susan Juby. She is Canadian. If you like Toews, I think you will like Juby. I just finished reading it. Hilarious!
I'm having a baby soon... I'm just saying!
I would swap something for you if a boy hat came this way...
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