Signal received- time for a break.
I made the decision a few weeks ago, during a particularly stressful week at home and work, that I was just going to STOP. Could I really do that? Give STORE BOUGHT Christmas gifts?!? BUY a platter of dainties for Christmas? The concept was so liberating. For the last couple weekends I have spent my energy going out and reconnecting with friends, spending quality time with my kids, enjoying an extra glass of wine, making snowmen instead of making supper, watching some t.v. (while not simultaneously stitching). I have enjoyed some good belly laughs, and it made me realize how long it has been since I have felt REALLY GOOD. I miss that Me, and I am hoping to spend more time with Her in the coming weeks. I am on the right track!

I also want to be sure to really soak in the holidays this year with my kids and husband (aren't they cute? These pictures were taken by the talented May Arason-Li). My kids are at that perfect age, where everything is so magical, and I don't want to miss a second because I was holed away in my craft room sewing.

So, I am shutting things down for a bit! Only craft when the fever strikes, and not because of any feeling of obligation. I plan to limit my computer time as well, but I promise to pop in from time to time to say hello and to check in on all my crafty muses :)
Happy holidays, everyone! Hope you live it up! See you in the New Year!

And if you have a minute, this video by a talented local Winnipeg high school student is sure to get you in the Christmas spirit :) Shot all around my beautiful city!
A friend posted that video the other day on facebook. I have shared it as well. Amazing video...more so when people realize that he did EVERYTHING himself.
Enjoy the holidays.
Good for you! I'm right there with you but have not even had time for a blog post! I hope you and your family truly have a beautiful Christmas together!
Wonderful! Have a delightful time soaking it all in! Good stuff indeed! That you will never regret! (absolutely adorable family too! great pics!) :)
good for you! sometimes it's best just to shut it down and come back later when you WANT to! have a lovely time preparing for christmas!
Enjoy your break Kristie and happy holidays to you!
Good for you!! Life is too short to spend it covered in thread for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy your Christmas with your beautiful family!
Jennifer :)
We will all miss you dearly, but I TOTALLY understand the sentiment! Enjoy the holidays with your sweet kiddos!
Have a wonderful holiday season and hopefully some time to decompress
i totally get ya girl! enjoy your holiday!!!
Love the pics, your family is so sweet. :) Enjoy the holidays!
Should give you time a plenty then to sort out that butt naked Mountie for me.
Enjoy your break
Ah, that last photo of you and your family is amazing, Kristie! Enjoy your break and enjoy the season.
Enjoy your break Ms. Kristie. You'll be missed but sometimes we have to put ourselves and family first. My blogging mojo is sorely lacking lately too so I get what you;re saying.
We'll all still be here when you mosey on back. Have a wonderful holiday season.
See you on the flip side, sister! Happy holidays to you and your gorgeous crew.
Happy Holidays! We love your blog, but time for yourself and family is much more important!
You're making a good choice - if your hobbies, whatever they are, stress you out, it's time to give them a rest!
I second that! I haven't made a blog post in over a week because life is just busy. I wish I had made the decision to not make things for Christmas this year. I buy stuff too but my "make" list is really starting to stress me out. Maybe next year. I hope you enjoy spending time with HER and create lots of memories with your family this Holiday Season (those little blondies are adorable!). Smiles~Beth
Good for yoU! I'm proud of you for making that decison for you and your family! (cute family by the way)
Make some wonderful memories and we will be here when you get back.
I'm planning something similar. See you in the new year and happy Chritmas, friend! xoxo
Sounds like an excellent plan. Once I've posted my recent gift makes, I'm pretty much done, plus my sister and family are coming all the way from PEI to spend the holiday with us. There'll be way to much laughing, skiing, cooking, staying up late and general merry-making to blog. You are so right to enjoy your kids and their holiday wonder now! So, enjoy.
Enjoy this time with your family!
I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.
LOVE LOVE THIS!!!!!! A while back I felt the same way. I started wondering why I felt SO obligated to blog. Initially I was really sad about taking a step back because I lost a lot of readers.....but them I realized that I was "entertainment" for other people and that was work. A LOT of work, LOL!!! So I've cut back and it DOES feel good. It feels good to be excited to blog about a project rather than making projects to blog about.....if that makes sense? ENJOY the season!!!
Hey Kristie! I totally relate! Between work and Christmas crafting, there is no time for anything else! I haven't posted a blog in a month! Enjoy your kids and have a wonderful holiday!
Hope you have a fabulous holiday season Kristie!
I;m sure we all totally understand. Sewing and blogging is no fun if it is required. Have fun and I'll still be here when you get back.
Have a great Holiday Season with your beautiful family! Enjoy every moment!
Thank you for sharing that wonderful video, beautiful talented children! I applaud you for taking a break, too. Christmastime can be so overwhelming. I'm loving this time between Christmas and New Years to relax :) Your tutorials rock too!
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