But look what followed me home. Big chunks of fabric, justified as quilt backings. They were on sale, after all! And the perfect grey dot....for only $5 per meter!! It would have been wrong not to gobble up that deal. Wrong, I say!
The gingham I bought thinking it would be the perfect back for my Children at Play pinwheels...but not working for me. I continue to dislike this quilt top! Maybe I should just pack it away for a couple years instead of trying to resurrect it! On the plus side, I can see the gingham pairing well in color and style with my granny squares!

Oh yah. And then there was this:

The lastest DS quilt line from JoAnn's, and probably my favorite yet. Greys and yellows?!? Yah, baby! Courtesy of my fabric mule, Kaelin :) She keeps me in supply!
One more big stack of Flea Market Fancy reprint on its way, then....well, the plan is to stop buying fabric for a bit. We'll see ;) I really have a hankering for some of that Vintage Modern.......
OMG! WHERE did you get that big pink gingham?! I must have some!!!
Ahem...where did they follow you home from?!
Those are some great stacks of fabric! Good luck not buying fabric for a while. I try but it never seems to work. Smiles~Beth
P.S. I adore your pinwheel quilt ;)
I think your pinwheels are great, but if you don't really like it, it is a shame to quilt it before you figure out the problem. Maybe the darker red border overwhelms the pretty center? I'd take the borders off, and then try it with a boarder that lets the center be the "star". I can't quite tell if they would go together, but some of the pale aqua fabric in the vintage modern line you mentioned might work. Maybe you could then re-use the red for binding? You are right-- the gingham is too pink for this quilt.
I say, finish the quilt and give it away!! Rip it off fast like a bandaid!!
I had 14 m of fabric follow me home the other day. $3 a meter! I agree, it would have been wrong oh so wrong to not give that fabric a home.
I did leave behind some lovely polka dot fabirc that was $5/m but I have some 40% off LouLouthi coming to my mailbox soon!
Lovely pinwheels!
I wouldn't have been able to leave the pinks and grey behind either. They look gorgeous.(Makes me want to run out and buy fabric -If I do Im blaming you )
Put that quilt away ...come back to it when you feel like it. Life is too short to work on things you don't love !
They are fabulous.Great buys!
Perfectly reasonable purchases!
I'm pretty sure I need some/all of the houndstooth prints from Vintage Modern...
Yeah right! A quilter not buy fabric? That doesn't last for long. Buying more is in our blood.
I needa git me a mule
Those are gorgeous! I love them all. I also couldn't resist the Aunt Edna-- I held off for a while, but then last week I was near a JoAnns and had to get some :) Have you seen how good it looks with hope valley?
I fear my stash will never stop growing!
Lovely haul(s)! I think the aqua print could work with your pinwheel quilt, but I agree; the pink gingham is not quite right for it.
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