Emotional motherhood moments aside, Last But Not Least had a wonderful birthday. Started off the festivity with a party of friends and family out at Bird's Hill Park Ranch.

Despite threats of cold and rain (my mind went STRAIGHT to kids jumping in puddles of water and manure...shudder), the Weather Gods were on our side and delivered some beautiful sunshine and pleasant temperatures.

I had lots of fun putting together the details for this party. As the kids arrived, LBNL had them sign a stuffed horse as her little "guest book." She was cute as a button waiting on the edge of her seat for each friend to arrive.

Next, they were each given a cowboy/girl hat and a bandana- yeehaw! Then it was time to make some horse-themed crafts.

Of course it isn't a party without food, cupcakes in particular. I cranked out about 100 of these last weekend to divide between the party and class. Just call me Betty Crocker ;)

Next it was time for our little cowpokes to do some pony riding! The kids loved taking turns on the Shetland ponies, in between visiting the animal farm area with geese, hens, roosters, sheep, and a 1 week old pony and its mother!

I love a theme party and am a sucker for coordinated invitations, crafts, tableware and loot bags. The great thing about this party is that it came together stress free. It looked impressive but really, it was easy. First off, I ordered a pdf for my invitations, loot bag tags, cupcake toppers and thank you cards on etsy here. Loved them! Next, I got my plates, napkins, cowboy hats and all the loot bag goodies at Oriental Trading Company. Do you know them? They have tons of inexpensive items in pretty much every theme! So, basically, just had to do some printing and open a box, and we were ready to party! (I have no affiliation with either of these places, I just like their stuff).

On LBNL's ACTUAL birthday, we cut school and work and had a special mother-daughter date. It was fantastic! I took her to have her cute little toes and fingers painted. She loved it!

After a bite of lunch, we finished the day off with some clothes shopping (she did a full-strut fashion show for all the employees at Gap), and of course, more cupcakes!

Happy birthday, LBNL. You will always be my baby :)

So cute! HAppy Birthday to your little one!!
She is a beauty, and the party looks like a blast!
And I can relate--Luke turns five this summer, and I'm supposed to register him for kindergarten next week. How is that possible??
oh so cute! happy birthday to your girl!
That looks fun! Happy 5th, LBNL!
Happy Birthday to your little girl! They grow up o quickly.
so precious!
and you're such a good momma - what a fun day you spent getting pampered with LBNL. i'm sure it'll be one of her favorite memories when she's grown...wish my mom had done things like that with me!
Beautiful girlie! Great job on the party Mama! :)
(And I haven't had a pedicure since the year your baby was born... I think it's time!)
Beautiful girlie! Great job on the party Mama! :)
(And I haven't had a pedicure since the year your baby was born... I think it's time!)
It looks like a great birthday!
Aww, such a cutie. Happy late birthday to LBNL!
What fun! Yeehaw! Cutting school on your birthday for mani-pedi's? You rock, mom!
A very belated happy birthday to Miss LBNL.
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