I took my daughters in with me for a visit. They asked me why they had to come to a place full of old stuff.
Me: I want you to get to know me, what I like. I like old stuff.
LBNL: Is that because you are, like, really old?
Me: No. I am not old, actually.
LBNL: Really ??? (doubtful, looking to big sister for verification)
The Middle Child looks me up and down and declares, with authority: No. She's not too old. Not yet.
Inside is 4 floors of antique and restoration awesomeness. Stacks of old wooden doors. Moldings. Tin ceiling tiles. Glass door knobs. Furniture. Books.

And quilts. Check out this hand pieced and hand quilted hexie quilt, in my new favorite color combo- aqua and yellow! And only $60! I had a hard time leaving it behind...may have to go back for it.

Pyrex :)

And all sorts of quirky uses of these things all over the store. I love how they used this old door in the bathroom, replacing the window with a mirror and using the door knob to hang a basket for napkins. Adorable!

I totally hope to make use of this place when it comes time to rebuild/repair our flood-damaged cottage. I would love to replace all the doors with mismatched, painted old ones. And use some old corbels with chipped paint to hold up shelves or a kitchen island. Maybe some of these old tin ceiling tiles as a kitchen backsplash?

I showed superhuman restraint and only this one little piece of Pyrex made its way home with me. Love anything blue :) And I loved the delicate snowflake pattern with the scallops.

I am not the type to have collections (well, aside from fabric and yarn!), but I do think it would be fun to "accumulate" some vintage Pyrex. I can picture it lined up and looking cheerful on some open shelving in the cottage. I love that it is both beautiful and functional! I can justify that, right?
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
Im with Kelly . I couldnt have left without that quilt.
We have a place like your wonderful antique store here too. I can spend hours looking at old doors and knick knacks so I understand the love thing you have going on here.
I have friend who collects Pyrex. She is in serious danger of it taking over her house.
What a happy place! I'm impressed that you can take your kids there. Mine would've torn up the place like a banchee.
And, yes, go back for the quilt!
Get that quilt!
I love Pyrex too! I think the blue bowl is beautiful! Did that go home with you?
What an awesome store...would love to find one like that.
Pyrex! I'm a little bit obsessed with pyrex - it's hard to explain to people that it is useful yet pretty at the same time. I know, I'm weird.
Oh I love Pyrex, too! And I picked up the exact same dish at an antique flea market in PA.
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