Now I can't take credit for the idea or anything, but I am an awesome copy cat. I scored some cute plastic reusable cups from Superstore and filled them with packages of Tetley Infusions iced tea flavorings along with a Starbucks gift card. These adorable flag printables with the snappy messages were free and I found them here. Perfect for the tea/drink theme, they read:
Thank you for being such a wonderful TEAcher!
Thank you, I hope you have a TEA-rriffic summer!
Thank you for quenching my thirst for knowledge

While on Lisa's site, I also snatched the PDF to print off these cuties for the kids to hand out to classmates at the end of school.

I used a couple pieces of Hubba Bubba gum instead of the Hershey bars, and they fit perfectly. The little curves between the owl's horns were supposed to be cut out, but give me a break- I have 3 kids so I made more than 70 of these, and corners were cut as needed!

Feeling a bit like SuperMom. My work is done here. Off to iron my cape!
Haha, from now on I'm going to picture you going about your daily business in a cape!
Those are such great teacher gifts, and I love the little owl printables!
Well, shoot! I'll have to remember these ideas for next year. I love the owl cards for the friends!
There you go again raising the bar to amazing heights. I am praying my kid's teachers don't read this blog (or know about Pinterest).
I'd call you a girly swot, but it's just because I'm jealous.
Oh, wow!!! You so deserve your cape. Good for you, supermom! Love the idea.
Two fabulous projects and perfect for the end of the school year . I don't think I ever did a teacher gift for the end of the school year and now Im too old to have to worry about it.
Dont scorch that cape when you iron it.
I would love to receive the cup from a student...great gift idea!!
Too cute! Hope you didn't get your cape too wrinkled over the weekend ;) Smiles~Beth
you rock the teacher gifting. I think you may need to teach my kids a thing or two about giving this homeschooling mumma a gift. lol
Well done, Super Mum!
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