Quilt 1: laid my granny to rest

Finally finished off my granny square quilt, and I must say, as many have before me who have made this, I love it. It was made entirely by stash and scrap fabrics, including the backing and batting, so it was fun to resurrect some favorites from quilts gone by. I have never really made a block quilt before, believe it or not, and it went quickly....a block here or there when I had a spare moment, and suddenly there was a big enough stack for the top with what felt like no effort.

At first I wasn't keen on the backing fabric (from the Bell Bottom line by Jennifer Paganelli for Free Spirit), but in the end I think it is the perfect cheery match for the top. The orange binding, just from my local Fabricland and in my stash since my first quilt, was the perfect frame.

This quilt has travelled a distance! Twenty years ago, I did an exchange trip to Japan with a girl named Wakako (embarrassing photo was shown here). We have kept in touch over the years, and she visited and stayed with us for a week in early July, along with her husband and 2 children! We shared a frantic week that surely included every landmark in and around Winnipeg, and I think my favorite part was watching our children bond, despite not speaking more than a word or two of eachother's languages. Wakako's birthday was on the last day of her visit, so I gave her this quilt as a birthday/good bye gift. I got the response any quilter would dream of- happy tears and an exclamation that this was the best birthday gift she had ever received! Can't ask for more than that :)

Quilt 2: Children at Play quilt

I started this quilt way back, intending it to be a double sized quilt for on our guest bed. But, even though I loved each and every fabric and the pattern, I wasn't feeling it all together. Then I added borders and loved it even less. I decided to put it away for a bit until I determined where to go from there.
I found it again when cleaning out the guest/craft room in preparation for Wakako's visit. Then a lightning bolt struck- Last But Not Least is finishing up with our wonderful babysitter this summer before heading off to Kindergarten in the fall, and what could be more perfect as a thank you gift than a quilt containing Children at Play fabrics?? Upon inspecting it, I was clear that the borders had to go, so I picked them off, then recut the cute red floral fabric to use as a binding- much better.

I backed it with my favourite grey dot fabric, and quilted it in a soft stipple, my favourite, to get a nice crinkled effect. Voila! And now I love it. The End.

Quilt 3: a wonky baby quilt

Baby quilts are always a favourite for me as they come together so quickly and they celebrate something so special! I decided Esther Mae needed a quilt to go along with her Sunshine hoop.

Her mother is not a fan of pink, so I opted for some pretty blues, yellows and greys, made in a random wonky pattern using Kate's stack and slice tutorial. I opted to flip one block horizontally just to add some interest. I quilted it in a wonky, random, organic grid to match the style of the quilt and I love it.

On the back, I framed a strip of the wonky blocks on either side with my favourite grey dot once again. I applied some black fabric paint to stamps to personalize the quilt with her name on the back. I love the back as much as the front.

Then I did some hand stitched binding in one of my favourite fabrics of all time, from Hunky Dory...have to use it up sometime!

So that is a tale of three quilts. Now, I am off to enjoy summer skies before the snow flies (hey, that rhymes!). I will pop in again with some more projects eventually, in the mean time, take care :)
That truly is the greatest compliment a quilter can receive. I have the "granny square" blocks on my 'someday' list!
Three great quilts! Removing the red borders was absolutely the right decision. The finished quilt is gorgeous. It's funny how sometimes, smaller is actually bigger.
they all look gorgeous!
Children at Play came out when I was pregnant but didn't know Scarlet was a girl... I think her whole life would have been children at play had I known. ;) How I want a FQ bundle of that...
and hi! :)
Beautiful quilts! I especially like that last one. The perfect baby quilt!
You done good girl! She looked really pleased with her quilt. So nice you have kept in touch all these years. Far too often friends loose touch in the same city, never mind friends in different countries!
I love all three! But I especially love that you gave them away to meaningful recipients. SO awesome - esp that response from Wakako, Priceless.
Happy summer. ;)
Yeah for productivity!
Wow, 3 quilts? I am jealous! I really love your granny square quilt. It turned out fantastic! It's one I have on my quilting wish list, but haven't gotten around to yet.
All three quilts are awesome! And the stories behind them are even better. Looks like you and your new Juki are getting along quite well!
Jennifer :)
What stamps, what stamps??! I need some! Love the personalization on the baby quilt! And I also love how your granny turned out. I have about 15 blocks, need 30-35 more to make a queen size. Little by little, like you said :)
Fabulous! LOve the quits, love the stories, love that you are enjoying your summer. Smiles~Beth
Happy July! Three lovely quilts. And laying granny to rest? You're killing me!
Love them all, quilt 3 is my favourite, as I could probably manage that one (my cutting is always wonky!) . Such an inspiration, I'm still struggling to finish my first baby quilt.( baby is 2 and a half now! Lol). Fantastic work,
Hello! I haven't been reading many blogs recently either... but I stopped in today! Reading about you gifting your Granny quilt made me tear up a bit. I love when people really "get" the gift of a quilt! :)
Wow, they are all so lovely! I especially love quilt #3, and the hoop, but you already know that! And I agree; you made the right decision on quilt #2. Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer, K!
I am so glad I found your blog OCD indeed, what a great interpretation aren't we all?!!! I really enjoy your "wonky" expressions.. Be back again.
So fun seeing a bunch of your finishes (thinking I may need to do a big roundup post to get caught up on my blog too). I especially love the wonky one!
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