Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas quilt

It is that hectic time of year, where we crafters play elf and try to make things for all the people we love.

I am in that group, of course, but this year, I took a little time to make something just for me and my family.  It's been awhile coming!  Two years ago, I bought a kit for this quilt from Amy at Diary of a Quilter.  she recently made another herself, which you can see here.  Last year I started piecing it, and this year, I finally finished it.  And it was worth the wait.

A simple pattern, but so cheery.  It makes me smile.

I quilted it with swirls, my first time venturing out into this kind of FMQ, and after a wee issue (well, a third of the back was a mangled mess and had to be ripped out), I got my groove and I love the result.  Perfect match for this quilt, me thinks!

I look forward to pulling this one out for many Christmases to come for my family to enjoy.

And one last fun shot- my reflection in my house window as I was walking through the yard, "wearing" the quilt after finishing photographing in the snow :)

And this quilt is my Friday Felicity!  Have a great weekend, friends! And take time to give someone you love a hug...especially your kids, after the terrible tragedy this morning in Connecticut.  May our kids never experience such horrible violence.


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Beautiful quilt.
So sad, it has been top of the news over here too xxx

Elisabeth said...

This is charming. :)

Angie said...

It is oh so beautiful :d

felicity said...

Thanks for linking up with this beautiful finish. I'm going home to hug my kid now.

JustPam said...

Very pretty. I am working on a similar quilt. I still have to do the binding and hope to have it finished by Christmas!

rstogether said...

Your FMQ is spectacular. Great quilt.

Katie B said...

Lovely and cheerful. Just like you.

See what I did there?

Svetlana said...

what a fun, lovely Christmasy quilt. Love how cheery it is.

Lynne said...

Because i have been extrememy busy i had not jeard the news and threfore I knew nothing about the tragedy in Connecticut until I read your blog. How awful!

Your quilt is lovely -- may your family enjoy it and know that they are loved.

What Comes Next? said...

Beautiful quilt, and your quilting is perfect on it. The perfect quilt to wrap you and your family up for a warm hug.

Natalie said...

Yes, the swirls are perfect! This looks so cuddly, perfect for the holidays! I'm also glad to know it took more than one season to make-- my big plans for a Christmas quilt will likely not be realized until next year :)

ladybugquilting said...

Awesome job on the quilting!

Shay said...

Love that quilt Kristie. It's simple yet perfect for warm family snuggles on the couch .

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt! Those swirls add the most amazing texture, definitely a good decision on this quilt. I haven't ventured that far into FMQ but this is very inspiring! Thanks for the share