My kids have gone to the best preschool in the world. Fantastic teachers with a can-do attitude who create an atmosphere of quality learning that is fun. Each year they put together an adorable Christmas concert, and this year they decided that the kids should be in costume.
Sixty-seven kids.
That's a lot of costumes, just to clarify. And we had 3 weeks to make it happen. And a budget cheap as humanly possible.
Did I mention I was the only volunteer able to sew?
Luckily, many of the costumes were a simple "brown shirt + brown pants + dollar store antlers = reindeer" or elf, etc. Some things could also be done by glue gun. That left me 7 costumes that needed sewing.
The first mission, should I choose to accept it, was to create 4 pint-sized Santa costumes from this:

a red felt sack for the dollar store.
With a few buttons, some additional white, black and gold felt, and a little Christmas magic, I came up with this:

Modelled here by The Middle Child (who has been wearing a Santa hat all week but today of course it could not be found):

I basically hacked that bag into bits and put it back together to make pants and a top. Even the bag's drawstring was reused for the pants, and the lining in the bottom of the bag happened to be gold felt, so I didn't have to buy any. Total cost per costume: approx $4! Hats and beards were available at the dollar store and will be added.
(I can't fold. I need training at The Gap.)
Now, off to try and make 3 nutcracker costumes....any ideas? I was given red short-sleeved polo t-shirts to work with and I am not feelin' it. I need them done by Thursday!!
You are amazing! These look fantastic!
You make my day! Grandpa E
You're clearly in the wrong job!
They look so professional, fantastic!
No help with the nutcracker costumes I'm afraid, except if you'd got more of the sacks you could have made toy soldier outfits very similar to your Santa ones.
Excellent job, you are obviously very talented.
Oh my gosh, you did an amazing job! I have no helpful tips for the nutcracker costumes, I think I've used up all of my creativity for the month on my Christmas gifts. ;)
ok my are seriously amazing!! What great costumes. Can't wait to see what you dream up for the nutcrackers ones :-)
How talented you are. Those Santa suits are adorable. How you made them for so little is truly amazing.
Wow, your good! I'm not good with nutcracker tips, but love to see the stuff you come up with!!
It's hard to believe how you were able to create these great santa suits from the large gift bags. They are adorable!
Martha Clause on the Simpsons this week,made nutcracker costumes out of Red Duct Tape and a bucket.
Love your blog!
Santa's sweatshop, you crack me up. Those suits are awesome! You would do a great job on one of those innovation challenges on Project Runway, for sure :)
Awesome Santas! I am laughing about this whole situation simply because non-sewers really have no idea how much work is involved in "whipping up" some costumes. You are sweet (a saint!) to make 7!
So cute! :) They are going to be some adorable little Santas. Awesome! you are so creative as well.
Adin B
My goodness, you are nice! Those are awesome! Thanks for linking up!
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