Yes, I continue to BUY quilting fabrics such as these:

And I still see potential quilt designs in 90% of man and nature. My little idea book has pages and pages of inspiration.
BUT I just don't seem to have the energy to GET STARTED. Feeling kind of overwhelmed. I think that, because I am "maturing" as a Quilt Meister, I feel I should challenge myself. But then I get part way into a design and wonder why the heck (f#%*) I didn't just do something more simple.
I think I need a quickie, my friends. We'll see if I can get the mojo to make that happen ;)
ooo, pretty, I just bought myself some of the same and asked myself why and when am I ever going to get around to using it! isn't that nuts?! I agree with you, start with a quick and satisfying quilt and you'll be back in the game (not that you were ever really out). :)
When I think my mojo has gone, I make myself go sit at my machine and stitch something for 15 minutes or go cut fabric for a quilt, usually within the 15 minutes I have found the mojo I had once lost. I may only sew that 15 minutes that day, but then I will be back the next day with a vengeance to make up time and sew like a mad woman!!! Hang in there your mojo is just around the corner.
I actually gave up my sewing time last night so I could clean for this same reason. That was all I needed--one night of cleaning to get my butt back in gear! haha! I think the HR fabrics would be great for a not-so-complicated quilt because they are so darn cute on their own. They really don't need much help! Here's a little cheer for your mojo :)
Ooh! You got the new far far away! Can't wait to get my hands on some of that. I definitely go through stages of being completely inspired to sew (mostly clothes as quilts still scare me a bit), and then times when I really would rather just clean the kitchen or watch lame tv. It'll come back to you and when it does, I'm sure you will create something fabulous!
oh maybe you want to make a whole lot of intentionally orphan blocks to add together to make an awesome quilt? I'm about to start one and will be posting about it on my blog soon (tomorrow?) Join me? It's totally no commitment needed! :) I love it!
I hear that. I blame Canada Post. My "20 minutes a day" strategy is a great antidote to Loss of Mojo. It gets you working on something - anything - to take you over the hump. Go sew up some charms or something!
Don't you just hate the need to acquire more Fabric even though you will probably never use it all!
I just sit there so overwhelmed these days, Thats why I sign up for QAL's coz it kick's me up the butt to finish it...
Wow. I just realized the new HR was out, and you already have it! I like it, but I'm sort of in a purchasing rut. (Which I guess is the best kind of rut to be in!)
I bought the Prince Charming and 1001 Peeps recently, but I'm not fabric hungry right now. I have been sewing from my stash quite a bit, and that's a great feeling. Plus it makes room, so I can feel like I *need* more fabric. ;)
Those are so adorable, though. I do think they will find their way into my stash eventually!
So take a break. I personally hate it when my crafting mojo goes AWOL but I take it as sign I need to consoldate ideas, dream a little and fabric shop!
I did the "challenging myself "thing this year so we 're both insane. Some days I wish I'd just stuck with squares . Ive saved a really difficult quilt for later in the doubtless I'll be ripping my hair out come September.
A quickie for the quilt meister! I'm sure that's what you need to reclaim your mojo. Now, go sew something! :)
I lost mine for a few months {yikes!} and finally found it again this past weekend. Just do what feels right to you... for me, taking a break was good while making yourself sit down and sew may work best for others.
But where ever it went, I hope you find it soon!
Jennifer :)
Just keep buying'll be back!
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