It has been a crazy week or two over here. First order of business: looks like I am finally hacker free. What a pain in the arse! They basically used a virus to disable my antivirus program (but make it look like it was still working), then went into my computer and changed all of my passwords and security questions on my email, etc. They then sent an email out to my contacts saying I was stranded in Scotland and needing money. I was able to get back into my email eventually, having Yahoo revert to older security questions, but all of my inbox emails and contacts had been deleted. So the past week has been spent taking in the computer for a thorough virus cleaning, then trying to set up some new emails and transfer over whatever I could.
The week prior to that, my credit card number had been stolen, so I had to cancel that and call a million places to know that song and dance. I was a bit worried that the two might be related, but it seems like things are all stable now. Throw a wicked ear infection into the mix that lasted 2 weeks and made me deaf and caused the whole right side of my face to go numb so that I thought I was having a stroke, and add a few "extra" work days on top of THAT....well, can you see the kind of crazy I have been experiencing? If I wasn't on so many antibiotics I would have downed a whole lotta wine, let me tell you! But all seems on the mend now, yippee! Let's hope that is the last of the sh*t for awhile!
So, my new email has been updated on the contact page, but just so y'all know, you can now reach me at:
That said, I can't get my Blogger account to associate with my gmail address, so any time I comment on people's blogs the replies are sent to my old yahoo account. Anyone know how to fix that? If not, I may have to change my email address yet again to a non-Google product. Grrr!!!
Anyways. On to the crafty stuff!
Well, as you can imagine, not a whole lot of crafting done these past few weeks. I am picking my way through some long term larger projects, so here is my progress.
Far far away twin quilt top for The Middle Child. For those who asked, I am using the Fussycut Fairytales pattern by Kate, modified to twin sized. I am done 22 of the 30 blocks I need for the top:

Granny squares. Now up to 14 blocks, these being my newest ones. I am entertaining the idea of a double bed size quilt here.....if I don't lose interest along the way.

The epic sweater. Started this puppy in November, restarted it in January after a big oops, and now have the body done and am working away on sleeves. It actually appears to fit and may even end up being wearable! Stay tuned. On a related note, we are getting an early spring here and all of the snow is melting, so by the time I finish this it will be time to pack it up for summer!

Lastly, just wanted to share what gobbled up much of my last weekend....The Hunger Games trilogy. Have you read these books? I loved them. Devoured them all in 3 days, bi-passed sleep and fully neglected my family to do so. They don't call me OCD for nothing! Can't wait to see the movie later this month!

Well, that should have you all caught up on me. How are you doing?
glad you got rid of that hacker.
Hi sorry about your hack! To change the email address for your blog you have to add your new email address as a contributor/author (I think that is the right word) and make the new one an administrator. It will look like there are 2 of you. Then you could remove the old address, but I think that makes some things delete. I hope that helps! Love your granny squares, btw!
glad you got rid of the hacker! I also had my debit card # stolen - they had 3 charges on it before I realized what had happened and called PayPal - they were VERY helpful though, and so far only one transaction has ''completed'' (which PayPal immediately refunded). Now I'll have to change all kinds of stuff though. Sure makes me wonder HOW they got my debit number though - hopefully my yahoo account hasn't been compromised!
Wow! You get bonus points for not throwing yourself in front of a bus. I'm glad all of that is behind you!
I've read the first two HG books, but I can't bring myself to read the third. If started it a few times. I guess I don't want it to end...
What a crappy 2 weeks! I just don't understand why people have to hack...what jerks!! So happy your ear is better...ouch! Love all your WIP's! You are doing better than me with the Granny Squares, I only have 3 done. I am just beginning the Hunger Games myself. My son has convinced me to read them & we will be going to the movie together when it comes out :) Hope you are able to have some calm for awhile, you deserve it! Smiles~Beth
I'm almost done with book 2! i've got 8 granny squares done.. love all your progress :)
Granny squares look great!
Welcome back! Your post exhausted me just reading it. But YES to Hunger Games! Now you need to read Divergent by Veronica Roth.
Just stumbled upon your blog recently. I love all of your posts and have went back and read a ton of them. I am starting to quilt and craft quite a bit. Kudos to you for sacrificing sleep to enjoy some good reads. My sleep has been all jacked up lately and my husband thinks that I am crazy for staying up doing hand embroidery and reading blogs all night and then hitting the pool for a swim at 6AM. Trying to get back into real life and live like a normal person again. Your posts are so encouraging and really make me want to craft 24-7.
So glad you got everything sorted out! I love the projects, especially those fairytale squares. I'm still itching to copy those! I also got through the hunger games books in record time. Now I'm really excited for the movie! It's great to see what you've been up to.
I am glad you are back. I was getting worried I had o one to talk to ;-)
Your blocks look amazing! I don't have the patience to do that much piecing.
I read the first book in a day. I haven't bought the other two yet, I know I'll blow through them and then wish I'd taken my time.
Hi Kristie! Glad you've got that hacking trouble all sorted out. What a pain!
I'm with you on the Hunger Games! I just read the first book start to finish yesterday and can't wait to read the next two!
So sorry you've had a rough go of it this week!! In better news, your projects are looking awesome! Love those granny squares :-)
Glad to hear everything is all straightened out now. I did the same thing with the Hunger Games books last summer. I started them the day before we left on vacation, and hid from my husband while I was supposed to be packing so I could finish the first book before we left.
Ugh...can we hunt the hacker down?
I love the first Hunger games book. My oldest made me read it. I finished it in one sitting late at night. I am making sure I have time set aside to read the others!!!
So sorry about your being hacked and your other bad fortune :o( Hopefully you will be about to shake it off and get back to doing what you do best without that sort of interruption!!!!! BOOOOOOO to bad people!
I’m so glad you got all that hacking kerfuffle sorted. What a pain in the patootie for you though. Now you're back and I can get my daily dose of Kristie madness so it’s all good.
Loved the progress update. The fabrics for the Middle Child’s quilt are so pretty and those granny squares still thrill me every time I see them.
oh my word...that's just awful!!! Glad things are getting better, though! Love your granny squares by the way :o)
Oh that sounds like just all sorts of stress!! Glad it is all cleared up and that you are feeling better.
I read The Hunger Games a few months ago and I am pretty sure I am the only person in the entire world who does not like those books.
Ugh! Sorry to her about your crazy few weeks-hopefully that's all behind you now! Love the granny squares...
Glad to hear you're back to normal on all fronts.
Loving the Granny Squares.
Wow that is a ton of junk to have to sort out, and germies on top of fun! So sorry for all of it. The granny squares are great. I have yet to get started on mine at all. The hand has been very painful so I'm getting nothing done.
I'm just loving all these Granny Square posts popping up everywhere! Thanks for sharing. :)
Geez, it sounds like you had a crazy couple of weeks! I'm glad things are back to normal. Your Candlewick sweater looks lovely so far!
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