Kids: Mom, can we invite some kids over for play dates?
Me: No, I don't feel like watching a bunch of kids today.
Kids: But Mom! You don't have to watch us! You can just look at your iPad and we'll get you if somebody bleeds!
The Middle Child and I were discussing the kids' favorite Christmas traditions as I was tucking her in at bedtime. Cutting down a tree, getting new Christmas pyjamas, etc. Then she adds to the list, "fighting with each other!" Hmmmm....I suppose that happens, too!
Last But Not Least comes into my bed for a snuggle in the wee morning hours and starts to chatter:
'Mommy! I love your big boobies, they are so fluffy I wanna DIE! It's like they are stuffed with feathers! Did you know boobies have no bones? When am I going to get boobies? By the way, did you know my bare butt smells like butter?"
And so the morning began......
Last But Not Least, who is five going on fifteen, has been talking about "marrying" a boy five years her senior for several years. He is the big brother of one of Big G's school friends, and the sweetest kid. Anyways, she recently proclaimed the at the "engagement" is off. When asked why, here was her response:
"Well, Mom, he is like in grade FIVE, and I am only in Kindergarten. By the time I am ready to get married, he will probably already be a grandpa. So, it's better if I marry someone from my own grade."
Tucking Big G into bed one night, distracted and eager to be off to my "to do" list while he of course tried to prolong the process as long as possible.
Me: "Big G, go to bed already, I have a hundred things to do!"
Big G: "I have a hundred things to do, too, Mom, and all one hundred are to hug you."
And then we shared a long, 100+ second hug :)
ha! ha! ha! thanks for a good laugh.
I love it! Sounds like Big G is a sweetheart!
If you ever get tired of all that, send them to me. I need a few laughs now that mine have all left the nest.
Too Funny!
hehe!! Oh my goodness. Too funny =D
Going to be a grandpa when she's ready to marry. Oh that cracks me up!
That last one is perfect. So so perfect.
I love children's reasoning skills. Little lawyers in the making!
The 100+ second hug is adorable. And it's nice to know your boobs are fluffy.
How can you walk away from a comment like that? Well done, Big G!
Good for a grandparent's sole. Thanks for sharing
Omg, 100 hugs! Big G is trouble!
Your kids are awesome. And isn't 99% of motherhood looking at the ipad until someone bleeds?
Hahaha! Kids are a crack up. The 100hugs warms my heart. The first anecdote reminds me of a time when my son who'd just turned three yelled at me: "mum, hurry up and get off placebook and come help me!"
Oh my...you made my night! Lawson has been talking about my boobs lately too...telling me, "hey mom, I like your BIG boobs!"...potty training has made him aware of privates, his and others...oh dear!
I love your kids to pieces...they crack me up!!!
Oh my...you made my night! Lawson has been talking about my boobs lately too...telling me, "hey mom, I like your BIG boobs!"...potty training has made him aware of privates, his and others...oh dear!
I love your kids to pieces...they crack me up!!!
OMG, you must be the best Mom in the world because you absolutely have the BEST kids in the world!! xoxo
- Tabatha at BendingPins.com -
They're all wonderful quotes! One hundred hugs - does it get any better?
Ha ha, and aaah!
Very funny and love the iPad comment - awesome!
Because my boobies do have bones (they're called ribs...and I'm very jealous of your feathers!!) I have to go for the play dates chat! Classic....!
Love 'em all!
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