It's about minus bazillion degrees outside, and all I want to do is curl up under a quilt, knitting or making another quilt, with a big cup of tea and the fireplace on! Here is the dreadful forecast for "Winterpeg" this week:
For those unfamiliar with the Celsius system, -30 C is about -22F, i.e., colder than your deep freezer. There are only really a few choice words to describe it, and most of those have four letters.
But, on the "plus" side, I have managed to finish my wonky "plus/cross" quilt top, which is especially fitting as I am "crossing" my fingers that the temperatures will return to the "plus" side of the scale one of these days! I sliced up a bunch of scraps and fabrics, no measuring, and made blocks of all sizes, which I then spliced together using neutrals. I absolutely love how it turned out, and it was pure joy to make. And I know just who to gift it to when it is all done.
It seems to be popular with the furry people, too. It took all of 20 seconds on the floor before Bailey the Wonderdog claimed it as his own. Smart pooch!
Happy Monday. Keep warm! ;)
I love your wonky cross quilt, that looks wonderful. Sounds like you could use a trip Los Angeles, it's supposed to be 75 degrees and sunny here all week :)
What?! Minus 30?! I'm going to stop moaning about it being minus 1 here in the UK lol xx
What?! Minus 30?! I'm going to stop moaning about it being minus 1 here in the UK lol xx
Brrrr! (Love the crosses!)
It's 7C here and we're cold. I cannot imagine your temps.
Blimey that IS cold and I thought -10 was cold last week! Your quilt is gonna be gorgeous!
OK you trumped us with your chilly temps!
Love the quilt xxx
and we think we are badly off in Uk with it 0 degrees c lol
Stay warm!!
so cold. Can't go on... without that blanket... ;)
I bet the four letter word which you have in mind is not "love"! ;-)
My advice: Keep calm and drink, quilt, sing on!
I love the quilt and yes, it is the perfect weather to be making quilts. We aren't much warmer in my little area of Ontario. At least I'm not as far north as Sudbury...-45C with the wind chill...not thank you!
that's just crazycold! brr, pile on the hats, scarves, mittens, mufflers, parkas,... [shaking my head] I just got the shivers thinking about it. (we were just complaining about lows around 11 degrees fahrenheit here in Pennsylvania-- I think I will shut up now.)
on a positive note (see what I did there?), *love* your wonky crosses! colors, fabrics, composition... it's all workin'. (I especially like the little ones (kind of) lined up in a row.)
I'm all bundled up in your honor! And I shall try not to complain when it is *only* 46F here tomorrow.
Oh God Kristie, it was so cold today. I stayed in and didn't leave the house at all. Sadly though I will venture out for work tomorrow. You had the right idea sewing. I spent my *free* time catching up on laundry *argh*
Ooo, I can't imagine living where it's that cold! It was 35*C here!
brrr. seriously.
You Manitobans or Saskatchewanians are tough peeps.
and I'm not usually a huge fan of the wonky crosses, but I love this one! The size interplay and multi-dimensionalness are my favorite parts. (and yes I took liberty to make up words for this comment).:)
blimey, that's nippy! (to say the least) England falls apart at anything below freezing ;-)
OMG I cannot begin to imagine. I have never been anywhere that cold before. How does a place that cold function? I mean do people still go outside to go to work, school etc? Nowhere in Australia is that cold! So I have no idea, which is why I ask coz I'm interested in these sorts of geography climate things. We're having a it dry summer here. It got to 43*C the other day. Have you ever experienced that hot?
Love it! I've actually had this type of quilt in mind recently. I'm loving the neutrals you added. You should come visit me for some warmer temps!
I love how this turned out Kristie! Hope it warms up for you soon... can't even imagine wishing for positive temps, I am getting spoiled by the mild Portland winters so now I feel chilled whenever it is below freezing out.
I love this quilt. Can't wait to see it finished
Ooh that quilt just radiates positivity, I love it. Hope that it puts the fluence on your insanely cold temperatures too!
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