These pillowcase dresses will fit children from age 2-6. If made with an old pillowcase from home or a thrift store one like mine, this dress will cost only about $2 to make. Lord knows I am not in this hobby to save money (as my designer fabric stash will attest), but I must confess that my Scottish/Ukrainian genes vibrate in joy when I can make something adorable, and for cheap. 

Want to make one? Here we go!
You will need:
- a pillowcase
- 2 pieces of 1/4" elastic, roughly 6" in length
- a package of coordinating bias tape, or make about 2.5 meters/yards of your own
- coordinating thread
- a safety pin
1. Measure your little girl from her armpit to about the knee (I usually go a bit longer because I try to make it to last 2 summers!).
2. Fold your pillowcase lengthwise, and cut a j-shaped section from the top (closed) end, with the bottom of the j starting at the distance you just measured from the bottom (open) end of the pillowcase. This will be the armhole. The j should extend about 3-4" into the fabric horizontally, then continue up to the top vertically (see first photo below).
3.Cut a horizontal strip off the top (closed) end about 4" from the bottom (horizontal) segment of the j (see second photo below). Discard, or save scrap for a future vintage sheet quilt!
2. Fold your pillowcase lengthwise, and cut a j-shaped section from the top (closed) end, with the bottom of the j starting at the distance you just measured from the bottom (open) end of the pillowcase. This will be the armhole. The j should extend about 3-4" into the fabric horizontally, then continue up to the top vertically (see first photo below).
3.Cut a horizontal strip off the top (closed) end about 4" from the bottom (horizontal) segment of the j (see second photo below). Discard, or save scrap for a future vintage sheet quilt!
4. Cut a diagonal line along the non-folded side, starting about 2" into j shape of armpit and extending towards hem (open end of pillowcase). This helps give the dress some taper along the sides, otherwise I found it to be too boxy.

5. Unfold pillowcase and turn inside out. Sew side seems of dress with a straight stitch. Reinforce with a zig zag for good measure.

7. Sew, staying close to edge, leaving ends open. This will be the channel for your elastic.

8.. Attach safety pin to elastic and use fingers to work it through the channel until it emerges on other end. 

9. Sew ends of channel shut, being sure to catch elastic in stitching to secure. Fabric will gather around elastic. 

10. Repeat with second elastic. Your dress should now look like this:

10. Tuck in ends of bias tape, and start stitching along strap portion, short fold side up, to close the tape and make your strap. Continue over the elastic into the armhole area. Since the longer folded side is in the back, if you follow the edge along the front, you sound "catch" the back as well. Continue all the way to the end of the strap.

Congratulations! You are done!

I hope you enjoyed the Classic Pillowcase Dress tutorial. Come back next week to see my second pillowcase dress style! I'd love to see a picture of yoru dress in my Flickr group ;-)
I want to make one of these for my granddaughter. I'll have to reread your instructions since I seem to have trouble with written instructions but you have good pictures. I am a good reader but when it comes to sewing instructions, I get so lost. I love your blog and have started one of my own. My craft of choice is quilting and for my blog I use quilting and storytelling to keep a legacy of the stories of my family.
Please drop by sometime. www.grandmamasstories.com
This would be a great dress to send to this organization, http://www.littledressesforafrica.org/blog/
which sends dresses to needy kids in Africa.
They encourage people to sew pillowcase dresses like yours because of how inexpensive and easy it is.
Came upon this via pinterest and this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for! *smiles*, I have already bought some vintage pillowcases and they are sitting waiting to be made into dresses for my girlies. I just needed the right tute,and this is it! Thanks! I can't wait to get started.
I have made these dresses as tops with ruffles and shorts with ruffles to match. My daughter had purchased a dress made from fabric with ribbon used as ties. I did not know that the original dress was made from a pillow case. They're cute and very easy to make. If you buy fabric, use the pillowcase as a pattern.
This is so ideal and impressive. We'll try this crafty dress at home. Big thanks.
I just made this dress for my granddaughter, and it turned out perfect! Thank you so much for this easy tutorial!!
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