True story. Woke up to this on Saturday:

Yikes. Though, the kids were excited as can be....

Had a quick snowball fight and some hot chocolate, and it was melted by afternoon. But our breath makes tiny ghosts in the air.....winter is coming.
Halloween falling on a weekend means 3 full days of fun! Class parties and parades, costumes worn to piano and dance classes, trick or is good!
Last But Not Least has been talking about being Princess Belle for-EV-er! Then, Friday morning for her preschool party, she announced, "Actually, Mom, I think I will be a bumble bee." So, out came the bee costume from the dress up box. As we were loading into the van for school, she says, "I have changed my mind again, I want to be Belle." Was not too happy when I said N-O to that....but, judging by the big smile and chocolate all over her face when I picked her up, she got over it!
The Middle Child was similarly fickle. Her costume of choice was "fairy princess," and she insisted I do her hair and makeup, which took a good half hour (precious time on a school morning with 3 kids!). Then, 5 minutes later...she pulled it all out. At least I got this picture first!

Speaking of fairies, the Tooth Fairy made a visit to our house this weekend.
The Middle Child actually lost her second tooth eating candy. "Mom, it MAY have a bit of orange chips on you think the Tooth Fairy will mind?" Check out the orange little fingers in this photo!

Also a picture with her pink sparkly spider- isn't it fun ?
Big G is into Star Wars at the moment (though he has never actually seen the movies), so he went as Darth Vader. No Light Saber, as I am wise to the fact that he would only use it to pummel his sisters...

We had fun doing the typical things like decorating the house, picking pumpkins to carve, and roasting pumpkin seeds. Halloween night was cool and clear. You can see how us Canadian Moms have to ensure we can fit a full snowsuit under our kids' costumes! Don't worry, they are hearty, and will be out for hours until those bags are full to the brim!

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!
Ha! Our Darth went without a light saber for the same reason :) I can't believe you had snow already!
wow, SNOW! I think we're scheduled to get some soon probably, it's supposed to be 30 for a high on Friday. I'm NOT ready! Cute little halloweeney's too!
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