First buy- went for a cheesy hockey motif print that I know HE would love...can't bring myself to put it on. Even my husband thought it was a bit much, so that has been put away to make loot bags or pajamas or something.
Still thought I should find a pattern...bought this checkered flannelet. Brought it home, it is just way too busy. Agreed?? (sorry these pictures are crap).
My hubby says the navy is more "manly." The binding is red. What do I do? Help me, I need to get back to the quilt shop in the a.m. and put this sucker to rest so I can baste/quilt/bind for next week!
I liked the aqua best at first, but I think the navy would be best. I'm not a fan of the flannel.
Indigo/navy, I think. Though I really love the aqua, I think it is more girly...
The navy looks more like the boards on a hockey rink - I would go with that.
I have not done a quilt yet (hope to soon!) so I am not sure what sashing is, but the navy I think looks the best.
Maybe I'm too girly, but I like the aqua! The navy is nice, too, though. Good luck!!!
I like the aqua best, it makes the colours in the rink 'pop' without taking away attention. Aqua and red are also a great combination! Good luck deciding!
I guess I like the aqua best but if it were my son and I was worried about the manliness of it (and him liking it for a longer time), I'd use the navy.
Another vote for the indigo/navy. It looks more hockey to me than the aqua!
I like the aqua too but if I thot my boy might think it was too girly I'd just do the navy:)
Definitely the navy, the aqua is to girly!
I like the aqua! I agree with Rosalie that it makes the colors in the rink pop!
I agree that the navy looks like the boards (even though my heart says aqua because it blends so nicely with the "rink").
I vote for aqua! It keeps it all bright
Would a dark brown work? I like brown with aqua and it goes with orange (thing fall tree).... ? Just some thoughts. Good luck with whatever you choose!
I would use the aqua with a couple of splashes of the cheesy hockey motif (maybe squares?) Or mainly aqua and the last half foot or so is the hockey fabric as a sort of back border...if that makes sense!
I would definetely go for the navy!
Looks great! Indigo/navy is my vote, I actually think the dark makes the rink pop out more, really makes it look like a diagram play board for Coach G, as well as a nice finish to a beautifully crafted quilt!
I like the navy, too. It frames the "rink" nicely. And I kind of like that it would echo the sashing on the quilt front ... Something tells me that your little hockey fan may decide that the back of this quilt is actually the front! : )
I think the aqua, Big G is man enough to handle it, (you know you love the aqua too-it is a signature colour) and it will make the quilt flow, rather than have your eye drawn to the binding with a dark colour. Just my two cents!
I asked my husband and he says the dark one.
You guys are awesome! I slept on it, ran to the fabric store (again) today, and will be working like a busy bee today while Big G is at school....hope to have something to show you later!
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