This year I thought I would share the fun by GIVING a gift to one of my readers. I just rolled over the 300 follower mark- wow! Thanks, guys! Lots to celebrate. So, a little something for you.
Here's how to play- leave a comment and guess my age (be kind). That's it. One guess per person, though my lovely followers may have a second crack at it. If more than one of you gets it right, then I will call on Mr. Random to decide amongst the smarties.
If you poke around my blog, you will get a bit more info about me and see a few pictures to help you guess. I'll also give you a few hints:
1. I am older than 20, younger than 50.
2. I had an original Cabbage Patch Doll and liked to watch the Smurfs.
3. The first music I bought was on a record.
4. I learned to type on an actual typewriter.
5. I sported a perm and big bangs in high school.
What do you get if you win? Well, how about some fabric?
Randi at Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics is offering up a fabric gift certificate, the dollar amount matching my age! Don't you wish I was 100?? Not yet, my friends, but hopefully someday ;)

If you haven't yet been to Randi's shop your should really click on over and give it a look. Go ahead, I'll wait....I'm not getting any younger, though! Anyways, she carries basically anything your little heart desires. How about some Soul Blossoms?

Parisville, anyone?

Randi also has an awesome blog called i have to say. Pop by and say hello!
Now, it's time to eat cake! We'll meet back here Sunday after noon Central time to pick a winner! Good luck!
Happy birthday! I am guessing 37. I have a daughter who is thirty who liked the smurfs and had a cabbage patch doll but she wasn't old enough to buy a record (I don't think? I was trying to remember when we got rid of the stereo...). Have a happy day!
ok, I am a follower (you are on my google reader) and I will guess 38 for my second guess. Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!!! I'm going to guess that you're 36 this year. Just seems right. I hope you have an awesome day!!
I'm going to guess 35 as my first guess. I hope that you have a wonderful birthday!
~*~* Happy Birthday! *~*~ Based on your clues, you could have been my classmate! SO... my first guess is 37 )how old I will be in a few months.)
For my second guess I will say... 37....
And now that I'm thinking it over, I'm thinking maybe you're 39 this year, because your list has a lot in common with my sister, who turned 38 last August. And you happen to have the same name as her, so that's my second guess. :)
My second guess (as a follower) is 36.
hmmm I am guessing 38...I hope I am right! Happy Birthday!
I think 36! Happy birthday!
As a follower, my other guess would be 37 :)
I am going to say 39 because I am 35 and got my first CD when I was about 14. I also had a cabbage patch. Happy Birthday!!!
I'm guessing 35...
... and as a follower I'll guess 36, though I'm pretty terrible at age-guessing games generally :)
I think 34! That is the same as me and I share much of your same cultural history!!
Since I follow you I will also guess 35.
I am going to say 36 as you and your hubby were at university at the same time and also because your list basically describes me too!
I also sported the perm/bangs and learned on a typewriter, but I was a little old for the Cabbage Patch and Smurfs. So since you must be a bit younger than me I'm going with 38.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! It seems to me that you must be just about my age then...I will guess 37.
I too had all of those things, a record, a cabbage patch doll. I also learned to type on a typewritter. It was the year I graduated that we began typing on computers, although not every class had one. So with all of this in mind, my guess would be that you are 36.
May you have a wonderful birthday!
Oh, I'm a follower too. So maybe for a second guess I would say you are 37.
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to YOU!
I'm going to guess 32.
Ok, since I'm a follower, I get to guess again...And I'm going to change it to help my chances.... 31. :)
I'll say 35, same age as me. I had the cabbage patch when they 1st came out, did the perm, watched the smurfs and all that fun stuff!
Happy Birthday!
And since I'm a follower, I'll also go with 33.
happy birthday to you! i will not leave a guess for your age, since i know the answer. :)
have a wonderful day!
Happy birthday to you! I just had a look at your christmaspicture and think you look so young! So I would guess 33?
And as a follower I try my second chance and would say not more than 34!Love to read your posts!
39 same age as my BF who is younger than me
I'm going to guess 38. Happy Birthday!
I'm guessing 37... And I'm crossing my fingers.
My second guess is 41. Really, I have no idea :)
My first guess is 33. Hope you're enjoying your cake!
As a OCD Follower, my 2nd guess is 39. I'm usually way off in guessing people's ages.
Happy birthday! I'm guessing 36. :)
I'm a follower - my second guess is 37.
My first guess is going to be ...35.
Happy Birthday!
My back-up will be...38.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Happy Birthday! I'll guess 37
I follow you on my google reader! Thanks for the giveaway! If not 37, how about 39?
Happy Birthday!
I'm 38 and though I didn't have a Cabbage Patch Kid it wasn't for lack of desperate desire. And I didn't have a perm and big bangs, but the rest of my class did, so I'm going to go with 38.
And since you're on my reader, I'm also going to guess 39 because I'm going to be 39 in three weeks.
I'm guessing 34! Happy birthday. And thanks for the giveaway!
Guess #2...35.
I sure didn't have a cabbage patch doll before, but I am guessing you are around 37? Happy Birthday to you. :) Wish you good health for always! It sure would be awesome to have some cool fabrics!
Adin B
Hum. 36. That's what I'll go with. :)
Happy Birthday to you! I'm guessing 38! Hope you enjoy your day.
I am guessing 44 because that is my age and I had big bangs, a perm, loved the Smurfs and had lots of records. I did not look at any pictures so I hope I don't offend you by guessing too high? If we are the same age, that is like totally awesome! LOL
Since I am a follower of yours, my second guess is 43. I also typed on an actual typewriter. No "Keyboarding Class" for me.
Mark me down for 37! That's my guess...
And I'm a follower, so I'll also say 36. Trying to base my guesses off of my older cousin, who had cabbage patch dolls. (I got her hand-me-downs.)
My b-day is the 25th :) Happy Birthday my Aquarius friend! I'm a follower... I love your blog & my guess is 36.
Hmm well we know that you're old enough to have made it through dentistry school and have a few gorgeous kids... and I really loved the Smurfs too (I actually have one tattooed on me)... so I'm guessing somewhere close to my age...
The clues are SOOO deceiving!! I'm 31, and all of those things apply to me ... buuut, I did some digging, and I'm going to guess that you are 38. Happy bday!!!
Happy Birthday Kristie!
I'm guessing you'll be 33.
As a follower, I'll go with 34.
Happy birthday and thanks for sharing the fun with a generous giveaway! I'm guessing you're 38 today ... Hope you enjoy your cake and presents : )
I'm gonna guess 39 - cuz I too had a Cabbage Patch, loved Smurfette (and maybe Papa Smurf too, listed to records, and sported big bangs in HS and I TOO am turning 39 this year!! Happy Birthday! xoxo
I'm going to go with 39. Happy Birthday!!
I'm gonna guess 35 just cuz it sounds like a good number right?
Happy Birthday! I guess 37.
I' going to go with 37 because of the record, though seems a little high to me....
And Ill make my follower guess 39
Based on your hints, and the typewriter hint in particular, I am going to guess 38.
I'm going to guess 42
And my bonus follower guess is 36.
My second guess is going to be 37, since I'm a follower.
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! :-)
I'm guessing 38!
I'm a follower also so my other guess is 39 and holding!
Oh, I didn't realize followers get an extra guess. hmmm 37
Well I'm right in there with you with all of those things. . so my first guess is 34.. whoop whoop. (My age)
LOL! Nobody'd going to throw me a bone and guess I am in my 20s???? Maybe I should award the most FLATTERING guess! ;)
As I'm a follower.. and I adore google reader that I can visit each site and give you the well deserved hits you should be getting. My second guess would be 36. Typewriters are the hard one. I'm not sure if my high school was behind the times or what.
OK- This is fun!
You are a tad bit older than I am I think. I am 29 and had a cabbage patch doll and liked the smurfs. But my first music I bought myself was a CD.
I started to type on some big computers back in grade 7. And I had curly bangs.
I think you are probably 35
my second guess as a follower is 36
Based on your clues, I'd guess 37. I remember most of those things, but you may be just a couple years older than me.
My "follower" bonus guess is 38.
Happy birthday! I'm going to guess 32.
I'm a follower too, so my extra guess is 37.
My guess is 33. : )
I'm a follower so second guess is 35 ^_^
you sound like you're my age, but it would be rude to say 40, right? So I'll guess 38!
And my bonus guess is 39! Happy Birthday!
Your little bio sounds a lot like me, and I just turned 36 last week, so that's going to be my guess! :D
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway and I hope you have a fantastic birthday!
I'm a follower, so my second guess is 38, because even numbers seem more fun than odd. I have no idea why!
Happy birthday! All of the things you said above apply to me (I had smurf wallpaper and the mini-pops was my first record!). I'm turning 36 next month so that's my guess.
I'm a follower so my second guess is 37
Based on the smurfs and cabbage patch kids I think I have about 5 years on you, So I'm guessing 38.
Sheesh! Way to put us on the spot (*wink). I'm going to guess 37. Happy birthday! I hope you have a good one.
Everything you said as a hint is true for me. So my guess is that you are turning 39 because that's how old I'll be this year. Happy, Happy Birthday!
40 is my first guess because no one else has guessed that. I can't spot any lines on your forehead but I am sure Botox is as readily available in Winnipeg as it is elsewhere in the world so.
And 41 is my second guess on the basis that you turning 40 last year was a seminal moment for you, you re-evaluated what was important to you in your life and decided that the only way forward was to start a blog about the finer points of quilting and that since that point your life has been enriched immeasurably and looking back on the last 12 months you realise that turning 40 was actually nothing to be scared of because of all the quilting loons you have come into contact with.
That was a long sentence wasn't it?
P.S. Is Randi open to bribery?
I'm going to guess 34!!
And since I'm a follower my second guess is 35!!
Such a BRAVE woman to let the world guess your age! Here's hoping we are the same age...34 :)
I think you might be 36. I had all those things as well, except the vinyl records. I was more into cassettes. I'm guessing you have a couple years on me.
As my second guess, I'll choose 37. Happy Birthday!
...and because I'm a follower, Happy Birthday wishes to you as you turn...36?
I'm going to guess 33! I'm 33 and all of your hints apply to me, too. Happy Birthday!!
I'm also a follower...second guess is 34.
Now is this the age you THINK you are or you ACTUALLY are! 29 & holding is my guess & I'm sticking to it!!
Happy happy bday to you. Wishing you beautiful adventures in the year ahead
Let's see. I'm going to go with my first instinct. You sound like my niece who had all that you mentioned and more... So, my guess is 33.
You must be 38!! Your list describes me perfectly by the way!
And I'll guess 37 as a follower.
I am guessing 42, you sound exactly like me, smurfs,cabbage patch kids, typewriter, etc.
39? Happy Birthday :)
Well, Happy Birthday and congrats on the big 3-0-0 followers too!
My guess will have to be 38? Smurfs are awesome btw! And I could really do some damage with more fabric!!
I also happily follow along.. second guess... 36?
Happy birthday mate! You don't look a day over 21 to me! :)
Happy Birthday! I'm guessing you around 37!
For my other (follower) guess I'm going to guess 36...
My guess is 36!
Happy Birthday - I totally agree about making birthdays a big thing!! All the more excuse for presents and cake and celebration :) I think I'll go with 36...
And as a follower, I'll make my second guess 37. Whatever your age, have a great day!!!!
Very nice giveaway and fun!! Based on your clues you are a little bit younger than I am but not by much.... so my guess is 40!!
Lucky for me I am a follower so I get another guess and I am going to say 39 because you didn't really make it sound like it was a "big" deal yet.
I'm going to guess 34 -- I could have the same list, and that's how old I am. Happy Birthday!
And for my second guess, 35.
Hmm, I think you must be right around the same age as me, based on the Cabbage Patch Kid, Smurfs, and the perm in high school. : ) I'll go with 37.
Happy birthday and happy 300 followers! I guess you're officially a "big" blog now, if the Liebster award is any indication. : )
And my second guess is 38.
OK well I know from previous posts your mum turned 60 last year. I watched smurfs, had a cabbage patch doll, and a perm in high school, but my first music purchase was on cassette not record. Wikipedia says records were around until 1991 though. Smurfs aired from 1981 to 1989. The original cabbage patch kids were made from 1982 - 1989. So I am guessing you would be about the same age as me, 35.
I am a follower so my second guess would be 36 :)
I'm going to guess you're turning my sister's age, 35.
And my second guess is 36, since the same sister turns 36 come March =)
My guess is... 36! Btw, I've been looking for sites with cute fabrics. Thanks for the link! I'm a new follower :-)
My guess is 36. I remember perms, big bangs.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy 37th Birthday!!! Am I right? ;)
My second guess is 36.
I'm 32 and the list mostly applies to me except maybe the records so my first guess was gonna be 33.
and as a google reader for my second guess I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 38 - even tho you don't look a day over 29!!! Seriously, you look really young!! I'm crossing my fingers and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! eNJOY;)
I'm going to guess 36
Well I loved all those things and I turn 35 soon... so am going to guess the same (although I'm pleased to say I missed the perm craze!)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Oh, it's really hard for me to guess, because I'm from other country than you...
Following your hints I guess you are only a bit older than me, so I bet for 35:)
I'm your follower so my second guest is 37:)
38! You sound like you may be the same age as my sister in law =) Happy Birthday!
My best guess is 39 years young.
Hi! I am a follower. My second guess is 40.
I'm going to say 36 because I am 36 and I meet all the listed criteria!
Happy Birthday!
I too had a 1st edition CP doll, remember the big bang era(although my limp locks would never cooperate so no school photos to remind me of the horrors)..I'm going to guess 34.
and for my second guess...hmm...36
Hmmmm I am going to guess 36.
And for a follower about a curve ball.....24 :) Happy Birthday! You are only as old as you act! :)
Happy birthday. I'm guessing 33.
Happy Birthday my crafty soul mate! Cannot wait to celebrate mine in Utah at the sewing summit!! Can I still enter without actually stating how old you are (afterall I do know the answer and that you will always be older than me)?!? Love you!
All of those comments apply to me since I'm 36, I'm going to guess you're the same. :)
Either way, Happy Birthday!
I'm going to guess 35!
Happy birthday!
hmmm, I'm going to say 38
since I'm a follower, I'm gonna take a second guess and say 41
I'm going to guess 41.
39! all those things you mentioned, I've gone through, and I'm 39. ;-) Happy Birthday whatever your age...
I am going to guess 40, only because you could have been describing ME and I just turned 40 LOL! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday! I'm going to guess 42.
I guess 43, just like me.
Happy birthday from Holland!
I identified with every one of your clues, so I'm going to guess that you're my age--33! Whatever the number, hope it's a happy one!
I'm going to guess 38. Your clues sound like you grew up around the same time as me and my sisters! Happy Bday!
Happy Birthday to you! I'm guessing 38 - that was the year I graduated from high school! Oh, my - that makes me feel quite old. Winning such a lovely giveaway would make me feel much, much better :) Thanks for sharing!
Nothing like a fabric giveaway to generate tons of comments!
I'm going to guess 35.. right there in the middle.. also I am 35 and did/had all those lovely memories you talked about...
Have a great birthday! Thanks for the giveaway!
My guess is 34 years old. The memories you shared reminded me immediately of a darling little redhead named Autumn who must be right around your age. When I did the math in my head I was shocked to realize that she is 34-going-on 35 now. Yikes. Where do the years go? I hope this is the beginning of a good one for you. Thanks for the giveaway.
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