Well, I am here to assure you that I am completely at peace with the 3-way going on over here. And if you really care about me, you will accept me for who I am.
I can't deny it any longer.......I am BI-CRAFT-UAL, hear me roar!!
So all you knit-haters, shield your eyes because I am going to show off a new hat, henceforth known as The Bicraftual Hat. Now, if I had anticipated that its "coming out" post would have had this particular slant, I might have knit it in a rainbow yarn, but regardless, I am very happy with the Malabrigo Rasta in leguna negro that was used here.
I used the Chunky Slouch Cap pattern from Ravelry. Made it a bit bigger and longer to allow for more slouch. I had to restart this baby 3 times because I had initially started it too small, then messed up the pattern, etc. Typical of me!
Love the way this hat looks and feels. I see another in my near future.....
i love that you have named your orientation!
me? i am a wanna be bi-craft-er. i have a big basket of lovely yarn, a link to knittinghelp.com, but fingers that just won't cooperate. the needles just feel awkward in my hands. guess i am meant to be a hetero-sewer.
gosh, i sound so boring next to you, you bi-crafty girl!
What a great post! I am a sewer/quilter who very unsuccessfully tried to go to the other side, ie knitting. My guess is that the naysayers are just jealous of your bicraftuality. I know I am. Love the hat!
that is funny!!! i love this hat....looks gorgeous
I wonder if I have a bigger disease as I crochet too...hahah.ah.h.a.ah.a.a.
Of course I love that hat!! I still have two I need to make for granddaughters and I like that extra slouch going on!
i suspect there are a lot more "bi-crafters" out there. There are good places for us, Rachels "celebrate colour" at "stitched in colour". You should enter your hat!.
*I am an Aussie, and can't spell "colour" any other way!
I love that 'word'! I don't knit; but, I do a lot of other crafty stuff. You need to be yourself and this is you! Show it off. :-) Love that hat by the way. :-)
You are hilarious. I love your hat! I used to knit a lot, but haven't knit anything in at least 4 years! I ALMOST got out my knitting stuff to bring with me to Summit but I just didn't have time to find it and get it organized! Your making me think I need to make the time for it again soon.
Kristie, that hat is gorgeous!! Every time I see you knit something new, it makes me want to pull out my needles and yarn. I love it! And I think it's great (and hilarious) that you're embracing your bi-craftuality! If you start any new crafts, I'll have to call you Martha Stewart!
Love it! Good for you! I have noticed that knitters, crocheters, and quilters don't seem to want to "cross streams" if you will. I don't understand this train of thought. We all make beautiful stitches and should appreciate one another's art. For me, I've tried to learn to knit and to crochet, but my hands just don't know what to do. I like quilting -- it's flat! I will keep trying to learn the yarn arts, though!
how adorable is that hat!? and the yarn is gorgeous. i like knitting too :)
Oh Kristie. How I love thee. I think I must be tricraftual! :)
Also, isnt Rasta the BEST YARN EVER? I mean really. It is my absolutely favorite. I made a cowl last year out of the arco iris, and I have some solid black in the basement right now that is intended for a little capelet. Now I'm going to go get some more to make this hat!
Hahahahaha! It is always good to add a little spice in your life ;)
Hmmm mm mm mm mm mm mm...
It's perfectly healthy to explore your craftuality. I knit sometimes, but I haven't been able to break away from the sewing machine lately.
And that yarn....I'm in love. I seriously want to make a Snuggie out of it.
I think it's great! I really really want to learn how to knit...love it!!! And I thank you for making me giggle all the way through your post ;) Smiles~Beth
I'm an accepting soul- and if you're bi-craft-ual then so be it. You're craftual orientation is of no consequence to me aside from it denying me of the opportunity to constantly look at your quilt bits.
I do love that hat though. Do you think you're born bicraftual or is it something I could learn?
I have leanings towards bi-crafting but I`m not ready to come out of the closet yet. Lovely slouchy hat!
Love that! I think most crafters are bi-craft-ual in some form or another. I think its just the nature of the beast.
You are hilarious! I'm glad you're a knitter, too. I love knitting, and your new hat is so lovely!
LOL! I always thought I had "Crafting ADD", but now I know I am not alone. What do you call someone who knits/crochets, quilts, embroiders, and makes cards (aside from covered in fiber and glue!).
haha! :) Such a great hat and good to come out of the crafting closet -- very fitting, I hear Monday was national "come out of the closet day" or something like that. :)
hehehe... I love this post!! And I love love love your new hat!!! I was a knitter first and just started sewing about 7 month ago. I love being multicraftual =D and I love that there are lots of us out there!!!
No worries. I have friends of every possible orientation, a little knitting isn't going to scare me away. LOVE your rasta lid.
Just found your blog and have enjoyed browsing for too long. It's time to cook supper, but I'll be back again. Your hat is darling. oxo
I need that yarn!!! Your hat is adorable. I'm so happy that I got to met you last weekend.
Love your blog! I'm definitely following you and I've got you bookmarked so I can find you again. LOL
I have a Creative blog hop on the weekends on my Holiday Traditions blog (Fri-Sun) and would love to have you join us and show off some of your FALL Specialities! You can also use the giveaway linky below if you have a giveaway going.
Love your play on words! As a multi-crafter I completely understand.
I'm a sucker for colour and texture and yarn fits the bill, but so does quilting (just returning to this one - big changes) fabric, and paper and beads and so on ... addicted and enabling others!
Hahaha love it Kristie! Your hat is super cute too :)
You are hilarious! I love your hat...and I think it is totally okay to love several different kinds of crafting. Sometimes you just need to mix it up a bit! ;)
The hat looks gorgeous on you and I fully support your bi-craft-y-ness. If you read my blog header, you will see that I am a knitter who has become obsessed with quilt making! LOL
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