Quilts of 2011:

1. Hockey quilt 1, 2. me and my designing daughters!, 3. Sherbet Pips quilt 1, 4. Fundraiser tree quilt front, 5. Nicey Jane New Wave 3, 6. Postage stamp quilt front 1, 7. Postage stamp quilt back 1, 8. kids and quilts!, 9. HST quilt 2, 10. Rainy Days front completed!, 11. "Quickie Quilt" full frontal :-), 12. Friendship quilts
Ten full quilts and 2 minis completed in 2011 :) A few yet-unfinished quilt tops too, that I haven't included here. By far I get the most attention and requests about Big G's hockey quilt. It is one of my favorites, too. I have long said I plan to make a pattern, and I hope to actually do that in 2012 (but no promises as to when!).
Sewing of 2011:

1. 276, 2. Grab-n-go wristlet by Kaelin, 3. coin purse for Moda Bakeshop, 4. Framed purse tutorial for Moda Bakeshop, 5. SSSS bee blocks, 6. Roll-up bag tutorial, 7. market bags in their natural habitat, 8. cheater cathedral windows tutorial, 9. pillow tutorial, 10. Union Jack coin purse for Amy, 11. Bloom clutch, 12. linen and lace clutch in hand, 13. ballerina bag, take 2, 14. wallet interior, 15. handbags and coordinating wallets, 16. Japanese handbag, 17. Bobbles!, 18. Japanese coin purses, 19. Denyse Schmidt Clutches , 20. tea cozy, 21. felted wool mittens tutorial, 22. felted wool mittens at work!, 23. cell cover 2, 24. vintage sheet quilt top 1
Definitely been the year of the framed purses! This is a great go-to for a gift. If you want to see how it's done, you can check out my tutorial on Moda Bakeshop.
Knitting of 2011:

1. coordinating baby hats for cousins, 2. hats!, 3. mittens!, 4. another Autumn hat in hummingbird, 5. slouch profile, 6. orange sweater joy 4, 7. slouch hat profile, 8. mittens :), 9. Autumn toque in purple side, 10. Baby cardigan 2, 11. My sweet girl in her cardi, 12. Eddie the Elephant, 13. knit hats for me and my youngest, 14. A stripe-ity knit kitty for my girl, 15. This little pig, 16. me and my girl in our hats
Knitting has become my new obsession. I am pretty pleased with how far I have come in just one year! My favorites? LBNL's sweater and a certain x-rated item I knit for my mother for Mother's Day.....
....if you want to see the "full disclosure," you can click here ;)
On a personal level, 2011 had its ups and downs. I am grateful for another year with my family, all of us healthy and growing (I "grew" a few pounds I could do without!), and enjoyed my kids' constant antics, even though they drive me mental much of the time. Funny how people you love so fiercely can make you so batty, eh? I wouldn't trade them for the world. They are growing into fine young people that I admire and adore, I love how they are so polar opposite and each bring something special to the fabric of our family.
We enjoyed some travel this year- Wisconsin Dells and Minneapolis road trip with the family, and my husband and I got an anniversary weekend away in Toronto. I also was very lucky to get to attend Sewing Summit in Salt Lake City- I can't tell you how wonderful it was to meet some of my blogging friends, and to spend an entire weekend immersed in a hobby we all love! I definitely see some quilting retreats in my future, an hope to return to Sewing Summit one day.
Our day to day life has evolved quite a bit this year- the kids are getting older, so my late night sewing time has been getting less and less. I have loved picking up knitting in its place- I can bring it along with me to dance class or hockey practice, so I can still enjoy some creative time without shooting myself in the foot by giving up all of my sleep. I am hoping to find a way to squeak in a bit more time with my sewing machine, though...will work on strategies in the new year. I also need to get in all the other things that make up life- sleep, exercise, work, cooking, cleaning, kids activities, reading and homework, and just some family time. I am working at adjusting and resetting my balance as my "happy" meter has been a bit low this year and I want to keep that in check. It's no fun feeling overwhelmed and anxious all the time, and I want to be sure my new balance includes some down time.
I am looking forward to seeing what 2012 has in store :) And I want to say thanks to all of you for your continued support and friendship....this blog and my blogging friends has been a real source of joy for me. Hugs to all of you and wishing you all the best of everything in 2012!!
I know what you mean about constantly re-calibrating sewing time vs. family time vs. that pesky need for sleep, not to mention time to read blogs. :) Life is full, isn't it?
You had a productive year and I'm so glad I got to be the recipient of one of other adorable purses! I love mine so much. I'm also SO glad I got to meet you in person this year! Best wishes for 2012!!
Oh my goodness! You have had a very productive year! I love looking at all your projects and remembering the posts...I really enjoy reading your blog:)
I pray that in this New Year you can find the balance that you are craving along with abundant joy my bloggy friend!
Beautiful work! I am suddenly feeling a little lazy though ;) I relate to alot of what you wrote about...trying to make time for everything sure can be tricky.
Many blessing to you and your family this new year! Smiles~Beth
I am so glad you did a year review. Just delightful to see all those bit and wonders together! And I also enjoyed your thoughts about finding balance between all those things. And the bit about you love them, they drive you crazy thing struck home with me... glad I'm not the only one, ha!! Happy New Year!
You accomplished so much! That balancing act is so tough between family...sewing... sleep...
Here's to a productive and balanced 2012!
Jennifer :)
Love your collection of makes for last year :o) Good luck with fine tuning your balancing act and happy meter for this year!
Who'd have thought little old me could have been a constant source of joy. Off to polish my halo.
I started reading your blog when you were making that hockey quilt - just loved it! Since then it has been so fun to watch your creativity at work. I want to make a purse but need the hardware! Here's to balance - and happiness* in 2012!
Sounds like you have struck the right balance for now - that's great!
You amaze me Kristie. Look at all the things you made in 2011!
Ive been reassessing my time and loves lately too so I understand you doing the same thing. Life is all about balance.
I'm so glad I "met"you in 2011..it's been a thrill reading your blog and trading emails. You never fail to make me laugh out loud !
What a lot of loveliness you made last year!
I hope 2012 is just as productive.
Excited to hear there may be a hockey quilt pattern in the works! My Wpg. Jets fan has been eyeing it for months begging me to make it!
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