Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wanna win fabric?

{This giveaway is now closed}

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thought I would do a little giveaway for some fun.

I have a layer cake of Oliver & S Cape Ann. Super cute, but, in reality, I have no time to put it to good use, with so many other projects patiently waiting in line! Would you like it?

Okay people, I'm going to make you work for this one ;) Here's how to enter. And yes, it is a Disney-themed question :)

In Epcot, the world Pavilions include the following countries (in order of appearance):

United Kingdom

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment correctly naming a country I have visited. Canada and USA are kind of OBVIOUS so they don't count ;)

HINT: there is more than one correct answer. If you were a follower about a year back (or want to do some snooping in my archives), one answer is there ;)

BONUS ENTRY: As it is the Day of Love...leave a second comment correctly guessing in which of these countries the hubs and I spent our honeymoon (again, not the US or Canada).

I may even reveal some embarrassing photos from my past....

Winner to be drawn on Saturday, February 18! Entries from the above countries or all over the globe are welcome :)

{This giveaway is now closed}


www.randomthoughtsdoordi.com said...

my guess is Germany

Tiara said...


Heather D. said...

Italy!! (I'll admit that I snooped around your blog...) :)

Heather D. said...

Hmmm, honeymoon....I'll guess Mexico!

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

Italy!! Beautiful fabric.

Katie B said...

Well aren't you sweet! You, my friend, have been to Italy.

Katie B said...

For your honeymoon...I'm guessing...


Kate R said...

I will guess Japan :) Love this fabric, so cute!

Kate R said...

And for the honeymoon, I'll guess the same place we went: Mexico! Looking forward to the photos :)

Rachel said...

I remember you went to Italy!

Ella said...

You went to Italy!

Ella said...

I'm going to guess honeymoon in France.

Nicole said...

I remember your pics from Italy since they really made me want to take a trip there myself!

Nicole said...

I will guess Mexico for your honeymoon.

Gwen said...

I believe that you've been to Italy! Thank you for the giveaway! :-)

Gwen said...

The honeymoon would be a guess- but Mexico does have some beautiful beaches-- very romantic-- so I'll guess Mexico! :-)

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I know you guys went to Italy on vacation about a year ago!!!

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said...

I am going to guess at the honeymoon. I am thinking that since you live in Canada, you might have wanted to go somewhere warm....Mexico?

Allison C said...


Allison C said...

I guess Mexico for ur honeymoon...that's where I would go.

hueisei said...

My guess -
United Kingdom

hueisei said...

For first honeymoon is in Europe and second honeymoon is Italy... :)

hafza said...

You have been to Italy for vacation...

hafza said...

and for honeymoon you guys went to Mexico:-) thanks for the great giveaway!!

Ana e os Viraventos said...

A year ago you went to Italy

Ana e os Viraventos said...

and for the honeymoon... Mexico!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I'm guessing Italy for a visit...

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

...and Mexico for Honeymoon xxx

WandaFish said...

What a fun giveaway - thank you!
I think you've been to Italy.

WandaFish said...

I'll guess Mexico for your honeymoon - I'd love to visit there!

Susanne said...

I would guess Italy :)

Susanne said...

Mh, ... honeymoon in Mexico?

Anonymous said...

I am married to an Italian, so I guess Italy!!


Anonymous said...

Thankfully there are search boxes on the side of blogs...so I typed travelling. =)

I see someone has gone to Italy! Lovely lovely!

Thanks for sharing your layer cake.

Anonymous said...

Italy! I remember your lovely photos from there! Thanks for the giveaway!


Sandy said...

Italy for sure!

Sandy said...

I will guess Mexico for your honeymoon.

Ginette said...

I snooped around and discovered you went to Italy in 2010!! Lucky you!

Ginette said...

I am guessing Mexico and as a second guess (can I do that?) somewhere in Europe. Love this fabric, thanks for the opportunity!!

Norma's Bag Boutique said...

Honeymooned in Mexico.

robin said...

You were in Italy. :/ (yes, I'm jealous. grumble, grumble, grumble...)

robin said...

And perhaps you honeymooned in the Bahamas?

Unknown said...


Gill said...

I'm going to guess Mexico for your honeymoon!

Amy said...

I'll go with Italy!

Amy said...

Italy is actually my guess for your honeymoon (posted that first). So my other guess is that you've visited is France.

Robin said...

Italy! Thanks for a chance Kristie :)

Debbie said...

mexico for a honeymoon perhaps?

Debbie said...

italy would be a wonderful place to visit- did you go there?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, oooh, I know where your honeymoon was (and may have come across one of the photos recently ;) I'm not going to spill the beans though since it looks like it's a toughie. Di

JustPam said...

I read you blog-Italy. What a great trip you had!

SassyCathy said...

Italy! It is SO beautiful. We visited Rome many, many years ago. The photo i found in your posts with the pastel homes on the hill - is so beautiful!
And you spent your honeymoon at PEI- haven't been there - but would love to go some day.
Thanks for the chance to win a yummy layer cake!

SassyCathy said...

AND - Your honey moon was in / at PEI.
10th anniversary in Italy.
Ooops... I think I got that correct.
You have a lovely family.

JustPam said...

My grandson and I think you may have gone to France for your honeymoon.

Michele T said...

I am going to guess Italy for the first one.

Michele T said...

For your honeymoon I am guessing you went to Morroco (supposed to be a romantic place - nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!)

Jo said...

I read your blog-Italy!

Barb said...

Italy?!? Love the fabric...thanks for the chance to win.

Marilee said...

Italy...since someone else did the digging.

Little Island Quilting said...

If the United Kingdom doesn't figure in at least one of the answers then I am sulking big time.

Melisa Jane said...

Italy !

Tawny said...

I think I remember reading something about Italy. But then again... I read a ton of blogs and get confused in my old age hehehe.

Yeah... I'm still going with Italy.

Julie said...

Vacation in Italy!

Julie said...

My guess is Mexico for the honeymoon.

Rebecca Waddell said...


Michele said...

My guess is Italy

Michele said...

You honeymooned in Mexico is my guess!

Amy said...


Amy said...


Laurel09 said...

Trip to Italy - what fun!

Laurel09 said...

I'm guessing your honeymoon was in the UK. Thanks for the chance to win!

Judi said...


Judi said...

I'm guessing the honeymoon was in Japan

Stephanie said...

You bought your hubs tickets to Italy last year and made me very jealous with the pictures when you got back!

Stephanie said...

I've spent half an hour trying to find reference to your honeymoon and the only thing I can find is that you went to Europe!! Since there are at least four countries listed that are in Europe I suppose I have a 25% chance of being right so I guess....France.

Lynne said...

How fun that you surprised your husband with a trip to Italy!

Lynne said...

I've enjoyed searching through your blog. You do beautiful work and I was so glad to find your "dumbbell spray basting tutorial" Thanks for sharing.
I'm guessing you spent your honeymoon in Morocco and even got to ride a camel.