Not HEAPS of sewing, but enough to wet my whistle. About 10 blocks (out of 30) for The Middle Child's Far Far Away 2+3 quilt, which will be twin sized for her bed. She is sure to point out REGULARLY how both her brother and sister have received a quilt by Mom, and not her....ah, life as the middle child! More for her to talk about with the therapist someday.

More importantly, I did some prep work. My time these days seems to come in little snippets, and I rarely feel it is enough to warrant hauling out all my sewing stuff for 30 minutes- easier to knit a few rows instead. But I miss quilting! So,what I did was go through all my scraps, iron them, and slice them into 2.5 inch pieces, and sort them into 2 bins- warm and cool colors. I also made some white squares. So, if I have a quick half hour I am all set to whip off a granny square block!

I also got everything prepped for the remaining 20 FFA2/3 blocks- same deal. I figure if I pick away at it bit by bit, eventually, it will be done, without needing an extended chunk of time. Problem, solution! Yippee!

Off to the sewing machine I go :)
That is going to be a wonderful quilt! I really like the far far and away fabrics, so pretty :)
I can only imagine what my middle child will tell his therapist...ha! The FFA blocks are just adorable, makes me wish I had bought some of that fabric. Although I don't think any of my boys would appreciate it ;) LOVE your solution with your scraps! I am going to join in that QAL too...yay! Smiles~Beth
Those far far away blocks are so fun! Each one like a little framed picture. Very sweet.
I'm right there with you! I must sew tonight... it's been too long!
That is going to be such an awesome quilt. Well worth the wait!
Jennifer :)
You've just described my strategy! A lot can be accomplished in 20-30 minute chunks. Glad you're back in the saddle.
Can't wait to see your granny squares!
You'll be a quilting machine after all that prep work. Stuff goes so fast when it's all ready to go!
My sewing machine talked to me about our non existent relationship last week...
I keep meaning to do a load of prep work so I can sneak in 30 minutes here and there but Im finding even that hard to do at the moment. Good on you!
Love your FFA blocks - they actually inspire me to actually cut into my stash of them! Did you have a tough time choosing a pattern, or did you just go for it? Enjoy your sewing time.
This quilt is lovely. My 2nd child (I have 4) points out regularily that he is the only child not to have a quilt made by me! Yikes must do something about that.
I'm glad your evil plan worked! The middle child's quilt is going to be awesome. I'm feeling the lure of the granny square too!
I did a similar thing this morning - I turned on my computer and the iron and set to cutting some strips for scrappy blocks which I then stitched while waiting for the computer to open the blog pages I wanted to read!
Hooray for sewing time! I love your FFA blocks. LOVE! And I am cutting 2 1/2" squares as well, when ever I can snatch a moment. ;)
LOVING your FFA3 blocks. I love that little frame around each print. How big is it? 1" finished?
Very smart! I've been working to organize myself in similar ways. I've been using lots of scraps, and it does help to have them in manageable pieces. I can't wait to make granny squares!
First of all, I LOVE your FFA blocks.. that is going to be one awesome quilt. Second, I totally know what you mean about it being easier to just knit a few rows than to get in sewing mode - great idea to get it all set up so you can just go! I will have to try this!
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