Navy border- check!
But what about aqua? Check!
Add a bit of brown- check (a few pieces of patchwork)
Add a few squares of the hockey motif prints- check!
Here she is (drum rollllllll):
The outer border has some random pieced aqua in it as well. I have had this in my head since seeing this quilt. But I will confess this was a total accident. Apparently I am not too swift and can't operate a tape measure, and cut my sashing too short. Ga! And to avoid a FIFTH trip back to the fabric store, I added the aqua strips. In the end I love it.
As another side note- I rounded the corners of the rink to make it more authentic- it took me a couple hours to do that, it was hard! I also did some hand stitching detail on the rink circles...this little bit added about 3 hours to this crazy thing. What the heck am I doing??
I have to say, this is the most involved quilt BACK I have ever made, and that I ever INTEND to make! I think you can pretty much call this puppy reversible :-)
That looks absolutely WONDERFUL! You know what I like best? The way you curved the rink. It looks so real now, and not like just a panel.
Of course, the colors are devine. *S*
Hat Trick for you!
I LOVE that!!!! Kudos for you girl! So cute!
this is lovely. . grand job!
It turned out perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Great job! It looks great :)
Looks fantastic! What a great result!
It looks awesome! I love that you rounded the inside corners (even though it was hard) -- it really added something special. The aqua was a great idea too. It turned out perfect!
That looks so great. I love the design. I came out perfect.
Oh my gosh, it's wonderful! I give you major props, I would have slapped the navy border on there and been done with it!
I love the rounded corners (and I'm crazy impressed by them!), and the pieced borders are reallt great! Definitely a reversible quilt. :)
Well played! What a great decision. The extra details you put on this quilt just make it perfect - the curved edges are ace! I think the back of the quilt needs to be promoted to the front of the quilt! Seeing this awesome hockey quilt makes up for our stunning defeat to Russia last night!
Freakin' bellisima! Girl, you are good. See what a step back can do? A leap forward! Happy Birthday G, your Mom is a quilting rock star!
wow- that is awesome!
He should love that reversible quilt!
that looks like a lot of work. I'm not even sure that I know how to round corners.
you inspire me :)
LOVE it! You did an amazing job - very creative!
Worth the extra effort that you put in. I know it's tempting when you've finished the quilt top to think you've finished but sometimes it's good to go the extra mile on the backing too. Definitely a family heirloom!
I love how the aqua looks like the seating area around the rink with the exits heading out. And I thought the 2 coloured bits were where the 2 teams come running in from :)
Kristie, this is so thoroughly awesome!!! Your son is totally going to flip when he sees this quilt! And you're right, it very much is reversible. Generations from now, your family is still going to be loving this totally original quilt! Great job!
So creative! It looks fantastic.
I love how this turned out, you did great! Sometimes happy accidents totally make the project.
Wow, what a difference! I'm not a hockey fan, but this looks great.
Nice, nice job! I LOVE what you did with it! Your son is going to love this quilt!
Oh my gosh that's terrific! If you wouldn't have told us about the extra patchwork squares, I would have guessed that you planned out the whole thing. It turned out just perfect!
Absolutely gorgeous! And the border looks fantastic! Can't wait to see how you quilt this one. Thanks for the link to my blog :)
That just rocks! I will bet that your son decides that is the front of the quilt. If you hadn't already basted it, I would say to make this quilt into a separate one of its own!!!
Wow, just wow. I was so surprised to see an ice surface as a quilt - I honestly thought it was a top rather than the back. It's spectacular.
You are so creative! Your quilt is awesome!
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