Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm on the granny bandwagon.

I couldn't help myself. Those cute little granny squares were tempting me, all over blog land.

So I have been slowly making them here and there.

I am getting a bit of a collection. Not sure where this is going, but I am enjoying the process!


Marian-Lady Face said...

Kristie they look wonderful!

Heather D. said...

They look great! I'd be jumping on too except that my selection of enough solid background fabric at the moment is pretty meager. I have plenty of colourful scraps, just not the solid! Maybe it's for the best. hehe

Erin @ MakeitSew said...

I LOVE Granny Squares! I may have to copy you soon and make some for myself!

leigh said...

I'm on it too! They are so cute!

Heidi said...

Very cute. Reminds me of doll quilts my great grandmother made.

Annabella said...

So beautiful - I love your granny squares!

Amy Friend said...

I love them too. I have yet to cave but feel it coming!

Lynne said...

They're very cute.

Katie B said...

Ack! Love them!

Shay said...

Very very cute. That's going to be a gorgeous quilt when they're all sewn together.

Hmnnnnn Im thinking now ...I have scraps ...I could do this..

randi--i have to say said...

lovin' the grannies! such a happy block to make!

Michele T said...

Awesome!! I am just about hooked on this too! Thanks for sharing. I pinned this post for future reference... seriously, I will do this... one day... soon!

Gary said...

Love the new look.

Gary said...

Love the new look.

bethanndodd said...

So cute! I am making some too :)
Loving the new look...sweet and simple. Smiles~Beth

Michele said...

Very nice. I'm on that bandwagon too but I am way behind. I'm sure you will figure out what to do with them at some point.

amy smart said...

Lovin' the Grannies! I've been cutting 2.5" squares, but have yet to sew any together. I think I need to get going!

Also, lovin' the new blog look. Very sharp!

amy smart said...

Lovin' the Grannies! I've been cutting 2.5" squares, but have yet to sew any together. I think I need to get going!

Also, lovin' the new blog look. Very sharp!

Riel Nason said...

So super cute. Love the colour variety and scrappy goodness. Like the new clean blog look too. Riel

Jessica Kelly said...

they look awesome Kristie! I think I may need to jump on this bandwagon also...

Lily said...

These are pretty! Now you've got me doing these! What are the rules? Should the inner cross always be a different color scheme than the outer color?? I need boundaries!! ;)

Marsha Cooper said...

When I seen granny, I assumed crochet! I never knew a quilt block would also be called a granny.
I'm doing a crochet granny a day challenge this year along with my sewing and it's a lot of fun.