First up, I love me some nice accessories. And I found the perfect pair of ankle boots that tie up with these cute wraps. I admit they cost a pretty penny, but, when I strut myself around town in these puppies, I feel like Hot Mom. Bonus: most comfortable shoes EVER! No regrets. All 3 kids don't have to go to university, really.
This box arrived for me...come to mama. I am going to love you up into a sweater, oh yes I am! How awesome is this color?
I admit I am a Fabric Pig. Pig, I say!! In a moment of weakness, these lovely fabrics found their way into my cart....The Echo line is divine, and who can resist Denyse Schmidt and Joel Dewberry? I had no choice, truth be told.
Jewelry. Pinterest is going to cost me a lot of dough. I see cute stuff, I follow the link, only $15 on etsy? Okay! Invite a few sparkly friends! Yikes! Here are a couple awesome finds I found here and here (in case you want to come and join The Dark Side).

the jewelry is lovely! and so is the fabric. sometimes it's fun to spend a bit of cash on yourself!
Everything is AWESOME!!!! I should not have opened I wanna SHOP!
Love your finds. I will just have to shop vicariously through you for now. I am also addicted to pinterest, what is your handle? Good luck finding good hiding places
Your post title cracks me up! I do the same thing... I call them temporary shopping sprees. Steve does not agree because apparently there is nothing temporary about the bill or the things a.k.a fabric that pile up.
Oh, and those boots! If I could justify wearing them in Texas, I SO would!
Jennifer :)
You come by this from your genes. Only my weakness is golf stuff.
You're a gal after my own heart. Love me some nice jewellery and other accessories. Throw in some fabric and I'm as happy as a pig in a puddle :-)
LOL! We all must do our part to help in this troubled economy! (wink, wink) Love it!
You go girl!! :)
PS. I like Grandpa E's comment. hehe. :)
I spy...some fabric that would fit very well into the vision I have for my master bedroom!! Must go check out :)
Anything that makes you feel like a HOT MAMA is worth every penny in my book!
I've been your partner in crime on the other side of the world. I'm spending money like a crazy lady at the moment. (40 yards of fabric in two weeks - what the?. It's got to the stage where Im hiding parcels as they arrive)
Some beautiful goodies there Missy.
You missed the 'u' out in'color.'.......;-)
Yep, I think you have been assisting the economy! Lovely purchases all round!
Well you`re doing your bit for the world economy! Love your buys and I`m resisting that far.
I can't tell you what a relief it is to know that I am not the only fabric pig. :)
I think it's in the air. I always feel the urge to buy myself stuff when I start Christmas shopping (it's an advanced assault on the bank account so there'll be less money to spend on the kids, who let's face it, squeeze the pennies all year long anyway!).
I love the peachy roses. Very pretty.
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