Whoo hoo! We finished! This block wasn't for sissies :) Good job everyone! It has been so fun for Kate and I watching all the lovely quilt tops take shape over in the Flickr group.

The process had its moments, but once I saw my final quilt top, I was in love. I am pretty sure this will be my favorite quilt ever. And it is mine-all-mine!! I am treating myself to some long arm quilting on this one by Jenny :)

Now it is time to link up your finished quilt top (or quilt, for those of you who have finished!) to be eligible for one of our prizes! We have 2 amazing prizes:
- a $40 gift certificate from Randi at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics!
- a fat quarter bundle of Tula Pink's Prince Charming fabric from Fabric Shoppe!
Be sure to visit these great shops to show your appreciation :)

So go ahead and link up your quilt tops! Links will show up both here and on Kate's blog (how cool is that?). You can link up until December 5, 2011, at which time we will randomly select our 2 winners. Good luck, and congratulations on your finishes!
SO pretty, Kristie!!! I love how your top turned out, I really want to give your quilt-along a try sometime after the holidays, you and Kate have done a fabulous job making these curves seem way less scary :)
Oooooh. I like yours!
I LOVE your quilt Kristie- beautiful!! Thanks so much to you and Kate for hosting this QAL... you guys totally gave me the courage to try something I would have otherwise been too intimidated to try. :)
wow, i love your layout! awesome job.
Oh, wow! I love this quilt so much! I WILL make one very soon.
P.S. We might get an inch of snow here tonight...I need to knit myself up some seed stitch mittens!!
I love it...beautiful eye candy ;)
Thanks so much for hosting. I have had a blast stepping out of my sewing comfort zone with you and the rest of the group. Happy Monday! Smiles~Beth
That great!! I love that layout! I'm all ready thinking of quilting ideas!
That is an awesome layout!!!!! Very very nice!
It looks fantastic! I'm sitting here having quilt envy.
I have some of that fabric kicking around somewhere...I wonder if I can overcome my curve fear and give this one a bash?
So pretty. Can I send my next finish to you to photograph in the snow? What a beautiful setting!
Beautiful job Kristie! Love the Ruby :-)
Such a beautiful quilt!!! I cut out a drunkard's path quilt at a LQS on their accu-cut. I'm hoping to start it after the holidays :)
Beautiful. Nice job. Curves are something I steadily avoid all together but I do enjoy seeing what others do with them.
Just realized that I only wrote my comment about how awesome this was in my head, not for real (oops). Anyways, I LOVE how it turned out Kristie! So gorgeous :) That is awesome that you are keeping it for yourself too!
Wow! Your quilt turned out beautifully!! Love the layout you chose. Well done!
I'm hoping I can get my quilt top finished in time for the prizes. I need to sew faster (or ditch work... or both!). :)
Oh, so AWESOME, Kristie!! :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this top, it's wonderful! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!
Oh, it's awesome! Love it! I hope to take a stab at Drunkard's Path, maybe next year. You rocked it!
Hi, Kristie. Your DP is simply beautiful and the fabrics you chose are so lovely. I also loved your daughters quilts--bravo for a project that will create great memories.
best, nadia
this is beautiful! I love this arrangement. congrats on finishing the top! phew!
Your finished quilt top looks great Kristie! And I love it in the snow. Just posted mine that I finished a couple days ago. How are you going to quilt it? Decisions!
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