When I am not crafting, I have one of those pesky things, called a job. Lucky for me, I like it (most days). And I get to create there, too....kind of crafty, eh? For example:
From this:

To this:

Yes, I am a (dreaded) dentist. I hope that doesn't make you respect me any less... But it is a great career, it enables me to help people who are hurting, make things look pretty, and even requires the occasional hand stitching (ick- too much info??). Most importantly, I am able to work part-time, so I can remain a "full time" Mom.
Anyways, I had the pleasure of enduring the 4 torturous years of dental school with 25 of the best human beings I know. They even made microbiology, dental anatomy and, well, pus, seem like fun. That was 10 years ago....so it was time for a par-tay! We chose beautiful Banff, Alberta, Canada as our rendezvous point for a wonderful weekend of reminiscing...and some good old goofing off! Seems none of us have grown up much :-)
We enjoyed plenty of food and drink...
(that's me on the left, with my often-mentioned buddy Samantha on the right)...sported some stylish reunion t-shirts...

...enjoyed some hiking in the mountains...

...goofed off (as only we can do)....

....and explored our "rock star" side in a 2 a.m. photo session (yes, that is D, in MY bra!).

Mostly, we just reconnected, talked and laughed like we just saw each other yesterday, and had the BEST weekend ever! Can't wait to do it again. Love you, WATOs! We are still #1!
Ohh my it so reminded me of our reunion last year with my sisters from boarding school..there is a union that cannot be mistaken...You all have seen each other at your worst and best and you love everyone of them like family but more lol..
Loved your photos, stories, captions. The world is such a nicer place with dentists and ortho's too...braces just came off....wink...blessings msamm
This is way too funny!! I don't know if you remember me from the couple messages we exchanged a couple months ago about buying material online (and whether duty would be involved at all), I had found you through rebecca's blog (crafter meets stamper). Well we now have two aquaintances in common. Kevin Friesen's wife (Melissa) and I have known each other since we were babies and now live right across a field from each other! Small, small world. I don't know Kevin that well but I think it still counts:)
You are too funny! I wish you were around here. It would make a trip to the dentist so much more enjoyable! You could chat about fabrics and keep my mind off of things.
ha,ha! a dentist. I have both of my boys in braces. It's one of our favorite hang out spots. Or at least it feels that way as often as were there.
Seriously though it looks as if you had a wonderful time.
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